38 research outputs found
HgCdTe 256x256 NWIR FPA
Researchers developed a HgCdTe 256x256 focal plane array (FPA) which operates in the 1 to 5 micron band. This is presently the largest demonstrated HgCdTe FPA. The detector material is HgCdTe on sapphire (PACE-1 technology) which has a low thermal expansion mismatch with silicon. The multiplexer is a CMOS FET-switch device processed through a commercial silicon foundry. The multiplexer input is direct injection and the charge capacity is about 2 times 10 to the 7th power electrons. The kTC limited read noise is 400 electrons. Researchers demonstrated high background imaging using the device. The broadband quantum efficiency is measured to be 59 percent. Dark currents less than 0.1 pA were measured at 77 K for detectors processed on PACE-1 material with 4.9 microns cutoff. The dark currents decrease as the temperature is lowered, and researchers are presently studying the T less than 77 K characteristics. The interconnect yield is greater than 95 percent. The devices are available for astronomical applications
Low noise HgCdTe 128 x 128 SWIR FPA for Hubble space telescope
Large area focal plane arrays of unprecedented performance were developed for use in Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS), a proposed Hubble Space Telescope refurbishment instrument. These FPAs are 128x128-element, HgCdTe hybrid arrays with a cutoff wavelength of 2.5 microns. The multiplexer consists of a CMOS field effect transistor switch array with a typical mean readout noise of less than 30 electrons. The detectors typically have a mean dark current of less than 10 electrons/s at 77 K, with currents below 2 electrons measured at 60 K (both at 0.5 V reverse bias). The mean quantum efficiency is 40 to 60 percent at 77 K for 1.0 to 2.4 microns. Functional pixel yield is typically greater than 99 percent, and the power consumption is approximately 0.2 mW (during readout only)
Laboratory and telescope use of the NICMOS2 128 x 128 HgCdTe array
The second generation of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) instruments will include a near-infrared instrument. This choice has driven the development of near-infrared arrays to larger sizes and lower read noises. Rockwell International has delivered an array for use in the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) instrument; this array has been dubbed NICMOS2. NICMOS2 is a 128x128 array of HgCdTe diodes In-bonded to a switched MOSFET readout. The readout was specifically designed for astronomical use with the HST requirement of low read noise a prime goal. These arrays use detector material which is similar to that used by Rockwell in previous arrays (e.g., HgCdTe produced on a sapphire substrate), but the NICMOS2 devices differ substantially from other 128x128 arrays produced by Rockwell in having a read noise of only 30 electrons when read out using appropriate correlated sampling. NICMOS2 has now been characterized in the laboratory, and it has been used on groundbased telescopes
Ediacaran life close to land: coastal and shoreface habitats of the Ediacaran macrobiota in the central and southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia
The Rawnsley Quartzite of South Australia hosts some of the world's most diverse Ediacaran macrofossil assemblages, with many of the constituent taxa interpreted as early representatives of metazoan clades. Globally, a link has been recognized between the taxonomic composition of individual Ediacaran bedding-plane assemblages and specific sedimentary facies. Thorough characterization of fossil-bearing facies is thus of fundamental importance for reconstructing the precise environments and ecosystems in which early animals thrived and radiated, and distinguishing between environmental and evolutionary controls on taxon distribution. This study refines the paleoenvironmental interpretations of the Rawnsley Quartzite (Ediacara Member and upper Rawnsley Quartzite). Our analysis suggests that previously inferred water depths for fossil bearing facies are overestimations. In the central regions of the outcrop belt, rather than shelf and submarine canyon environments below maximum (storm-weather) wave base, and offshore environments between effective (fair-weather) and maximum wave base, the succession is interpreted to reflect the vertical superposition and lateral juxtaposition of unfossiliferous non-marine environments with fossil-bearing coastal and shoreface settings. Facies comprise: 1 and 2) Amalgamated channelized and cross-bedded sandstone (major and minor tidally influenced river and estuarine channels, respectively); 3) Ripple cross-laminated heterolithic sandstone (intertidal mixed-flat); 4) Silty-sandstone (possible lagoon); 5) Planar-stratified sandstone (lower shoreface); 6) Oscillation-ripple facies (middle shoreface); 7) Multi-directed trough- and planar-cross-stratified sandstone (upper shoreface); 8) Ripple cross-laminated, planar-stratified rippled sandstone (foreshore); 9) Adhered sandstone (backshore); and 10) Planar-stratified and cross-stratified sandstone with ripple cross-lamination (distributary channels). Surface trace fossils in the foreshore facies represent the earliest known evidence of mobile organisms in intermittently emergent environments. All facies containing fossils of the Ediacaran macrobiota remain definitively marine. Our revised shoreface and coastal framework creates greater overlap between this classic "White Sea" biotic assemblage and those of younger, relatively depauperate "Nama"-type biotic assemblages located in Namibia. Such overlap lends support to the possibility that the apparent biotic turnover between these assemblages may reflect a genuine evolutionary signal, rather than the environmental exclusion of particular taxa
Paleozoic vegetation increased fine sediment in fluvial and tidal channels: Evidence from secular changes to the mudrock content of ancient point bars
The amount of mudrock preserved globally in alluvium increased in stratigraphic synchrony with the Paleozoic evolution of land plants. This observation has been explained by vegetation promoting both the retention of mud through baffling, stabilization, and flocculation, and the production of mud through chemical weathering. However, the latter explanation has been challenged on the basis that it is perceived to require imbalance in the long-term global carbon cycle. We present a compendium of empirical evidence that is supportive of increased global fine sediment supply, and thus the contention that land plants did, in fact, promote the production of mud on the continents. We refine previous broad-brush analyses of Paleozoic mudrock content by specifically tracking shifts in the mudrock content of regions of alluvial and tidal landscapes that remained locally unvegetated even after the greening of the continents, namely inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) that records submerged in-channel bars. We show that the Paleozoic mudrock increase was pronounced even within these areas, away from any biomechanical binding and baffling effects of plants. Precambrian and Cambrian IHS are composed almost exclusively of sandstone, whereas Silurian through to Carboniferous examples show a steady increase in total mudrock content. This progressive rise in the mudrock component of channel bars cannot alone be explained by physical retention of mud by vegetation and requires heightened fine sediment concentrations from the hinterland, which suggests that plants increased the volume of mud available at source. The muddying of Earth’s preserved IHS serves as a proxy that suggests evolving Paleozoic land plants triggered a global increase in the production and supply of fine-grained sediment
Localized precipitation and runoff on Mars
We use the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS) to simulate lake
storms on Mars, finding that intense localized precipitation will occur for
lake size >=10^3 km^2. Mars has a low-density atmosphere, so deep convection
can be triggered by small amounts of latent heat release. In our reference
simulation, the buoyant plume lifts vapor above condensation level, forming a
20km-high optically-thick cloud. Ice grains grow to 200 microns radius and fall
near (or in) the lake at mean rates up to 1.5 mm/hr water equivalent (maximum
rates up to 6 mm/hr water equivalent). Because atmospheric temperatures outside
the surface layer are always well below 273K, supersaturation and condensation
begin at low altitudes above lakes on Mars. In contrast to Earth lake-effect
storms, lake storms on Mars involve continuous precipitation, and their
vertical velocities and plume heights exceed those of tropical thunderstorms on
Earth. Convection does not reach above the planetary boundary layer for lakes
O(10^2) mbar. Instead, vapor is
advected downwind with little cloud formation. Precipitation occurs as snow,
and the daytime radiative forcing at the land surface due to plume vapor and
storm clouds is too small to melt snow directly (<+10 W/m^2). However, if
orbital conditions are favorable, then the snow may be seasonally unstable to
melting and produce runoff to form channels. We calculate the probability of
melting by running thermal models over all possible orbital conditions and
weighting their outcomes by probabilities given by Laskar et al., 2004. We
determine that for an equatorial vapor source, sunlight 15% fainter than at
present, and snowpack with albedo 0.28 (0.35), melting may occur with 4%(0.1%)
probability. This rises to 56%(12%) if the ancient greenhouse effect was
modestly (6K) greater than today.Comment: Submitted to JGR Planet