833 research outputs found
L'analyse statistique de données appliquée à la surveillance multi-paramètres de versants instables
La difficulté à modéliser les mécanismes de rupture de mouvements de versants de grande ampleur limite fortement les capacités d'anticipation et d'alerte des dispositifs basés sur des critères de détection déterministes simples. De par la multiplicité et la complexité des phénomènes en jeu ces dispositifs sont de plus propices aux situations de fausses alarmes ou d'occurrence de l'aléa sans alarme. Pour s'affranchir de ces limites et faire face à la diversité et la complexité des situations d'aléas gravitaires rencontrées, des approches multi-paramètres d'observation et de surveillance sont mises en oeuvre. L'évolution technologique des capteurs, des systèmes d'alerte et de leurs protocoles d'acquisition permet aujourd'hui de collecter de manière synchronisée de nombreux types de données de mesure : mécaniques, hydrologiques, géodésiques, météorologiques, sismiques et micro-sismiques. L'enjeu des travaux actuels concerne l'exploitation automatique en routine des séries chronologiques ainsi collectées et notamment : (1) l'analyse de l'évolution dans le temps des différentes variables, (2) la détection des singularités dans ces séries, et (3) l'identification des interactions entre variables et des temps de transfert entre elles. In fine, ces travaux doivent permettre l'utilisation d'outils et méthodes d'analyse statistique éprouvés permettant d'établir des lois probabilistes d'occurrence de l'aléa redouté ou tout au moins une détection fiable des situations à risque. Dans cet article, il est proposé d'illustrer ce propos à l'aide des chroniques de données multi-paramètres collectées par l'INERIS sur le versant des Ruines de Séchilienne entre 2009 et 2013. Nous verrons que les processus d'analyse et d'exploitation ne sont pas immédiats et qu'ils requièrent des choix méthodologiques, ainsi qu'un recul sur les données de mesure, les incertitudes associées, la résolution des techniques instrumentales déployées qui peuvent combiner des variables quantitatives, qualitatives, ponctuelles, volumétriques, les scénarios attendus, ou encore sur la prise en compte des informations redondantes ou contradictoires
Ecoute microsismique appliquée aux versants instables, exemple des ruines de Séchilienne (Isère, 38)
International audienceField observations and movements measured since 1985 by the Lyon CETE (Public works regional engineering office) monitoring system at the Ruines de Séchilienne show that the slope deformation and fault mechanisms are complex. To provide a deeper understanding of these mechanisms, INERIS has been investigating the site through the instrumentation of deep drillholes since 2009. An experimental multi-parameter monitoring system was installed on the western edge of the large active zone. It uses an integrated technology platform which combines microseismic, geotechnical, hydrogeological, meteorological and 3D displacements. The article outlines the objectives and the methodology applied by INERIS to meet the requirements of early warning multi-parameter systems applied to unstable rock slopes. The studied site and the main characteristics of the system are presented. Items dealing with the system calibration and characterization data are described and preliminary data are givenLes observations et les mouvements mesurés, depuis 1985, par le système de surveillance du CETE de Lyon sur le mouvement des Ruines de Séchilienne, montrent que les mécanismes de déformation et rupture du versant sont complexes. Pour progresser dans la compréhension de ces mécanismes, l'INERIS contribue depuis 2009 aux investigations menées sur le site par forages profonds. Un système d'observation multi-paramètres a ainsi été installé en bordure Ouest de la zone active. Il fait appel à une plateforme technologique intégrée qui combine des mesures microsismiques, géotechniques, hydrologiques, météorologiques et des mesures de déplacement tridimensionnel. L'article décrit les objectifs de la démarche et la méthodologie mise en oeuvre par l'INERIS pour répondre aux exigences des systèmes d'alerte précoce multi-paramètres, appliqués aux mouvements de versants instables. Le site d'étude et les principales caractéristiques du dispositif sont présentés. Des considérations sur le calibrage du système et la qualification des données sont décrites et les premières données sont présentées
Surveillance acoustique des cavités à risque de fontis et d'effondrements localisés
National audienceIt is very difficult to monitor sinkholes and local collapses from underground using the classical geotechnical instrumentation since the location of such pre-existing phenomena cannot be easily approached or forecast in time in wide and complex underground cavities. INERIS developed and tested an acoustic method to detect, localize and characterize rock falls with the help of a few sensors.Les cavités souterraines de faible profondeur, naturelles ou anthropiques, peuvent être à l'origine de risques de mouvements de terrains par fontis ou par effondrement localisé. Ce phénomène touche l'ensemble du territoire national. Dans l'attente d'un traitement, une surveillance peut permettre de gérer le risque. Jusqu'à présent, cette surveillance était essentiellement réalisée par inspection visuelle et par instrumentation géotechnique conventionnelle. Cette démarche présentant plusieurs limites dans le suivi des phénomènes dans la continuité et d'exposition des équipes intervenantes, il était important d'examiner de nouvelles solutions instrumentales
A new setup for giant soap films characterization
Artists, using an empirical knowledge, manage to generate and play with giant
soap films and bubbles. Until now, scientific studies of soap films generated
at a controlled velocity and without any feeding from the top, studied films of
a few square centimeters. The present work aims to present a new setup to
generate and characterize giant soap films (2~m 0.7~m). Our setup is
enclosed in a humidity-controlled box of 2.2~m high, 1~m long and 0.75~m large.
Soap films are entrained by a fishing line withdrawn out of a bubbling solution
at various velocities. We measure the maximum height of the generated soap
films, as well as their lifetime, thanks to an automatic detection. This is
allowed by light-sensitive resistors collecting the light reflected on the soap
films and ensures robust statistical measurements. In the meantime, thickness
measurements are performed with a UV-VIS-spectrometer, allowing us to map the
soap films thickness over time
Management of post-mining large-scale ground failures : blast swarms field experiment for calibration of permanent microseismic early-warning systems
International audienceIn France, decades of coal and iron-ore mining have left extensive underground cavities beneath or in the vicinity of urban areas. This poses an environmental challenge for society. To ensure post-mining risk management and public safety, wherever remediation is not possible, numerous real-time microseismic monitoring systems are being installed. The objective is to detect remote rock mass fracturing processes, precursory events and acceleration phases for appropriate and timely action. Although no consistent collapse has occurred in any of the monitored areas yet, single 3-D probes record many microseismic events of very low amplitude which create difficulties in the quantitative data analysis. The development of specific quantitative processing has therefore become a major issue in our research work. For that purpose, a field experiment was carried out on six of the instrumented sites. It consisted of sequences of small blasts in mine pillars which were accurately controlled in terms of the location, orientation and energy of the explosive source. The data analysis was used to calibrate parameters (velocity model, 3-D sensor orientation, etc.) for reliable 3-D localization and to develop an empirical law to estimate the source energy from the sensor energy. This work now enables us to analyze real microseismic events with a considerably better level of accuracy and to obtain enough information and confidence to discuss these data in terms of site stability
Activation of an ATP-dependent K+ conductance in Xenopus oocytes by expression of adenylate kinase cloned from renal proximal tubules
AbstractIn rabbit proximal convoluted tubules, an ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel has been shown to be involved in membrane cross-talk, i.e. the coupling (most likely mediated through intracellular ATP) between transepithelial Na+ transport and basolateral K+ conductance. This K+ conductance is inhibited by taurine. We sought to isolate this K+ channel by expression cloning in Xenopus oocytes. Injection of renal cortex mRNA into oocytes induced a K+ conductance, largely inhibited by extracellular Ba2+ and intracellular taurine. Using this functional test, we isolated from our proximal tubule cDNA library a unique clone, which induced a large K+ current which was Ba2+-, taurine- and glibenclamide-sensitive. Surprisingly, this clone is not a K+ channel but an adenylate kinase protein (AK3), known to convert NTP+AMP into NDP+ADP (N could be G, I or A). AK3 expression resulted in a large ATP decrease and activation of the whole-cell currents including a previously unknown, endogenous K+ current. To verify whether ATP decrease was responsible for the current activation, we demonstrated that inhibition of glycolysis greatly reduces oocyte ATP levels and increases an inwardly rectifying K+ current. The possible involvement of AK in the KATP channel’s regulation provides a means of explaining their observed activity in cytosolic environments characterized by high ATP concentrations
Evolution monitoring of a solution-mining cavern in salt : identifying and analysing early-warning signals prior to collapse
International audienceRisk management of underground cavities requires a good working knowledge of accidental phenomena like subsidence or large-scale collapse. This was the context when the opportunity was taken to instrument a large size in use saline cavern, so as to test various auscultation techniques available under controlled conditions. A microseismic monitoring network coupled to a surface measurement system was installed to improve our knowledge of the mechanisms that initiate and govern the evolution of the cavern up to its collapse. After a stationary period combined with partial depressurization tests conducted in 2005 and 2007, the cavern appears to have entered into its final evolution phase, and this probably since early 2008. This results in continuous and highly sustained microseismic activity as well as the occurrence of a number of microseismic episodes localized around the cavern roof. The localization of the microseismic events, for some of these episodes, is closely correlated to the quasi-dynamic brine pressure variations and to the evolutions of the roof depth measured at observation boreholes. The microseismic activity turns out to be more precise when it comes to the evolution affecting the mine cavern than the movement measurements taken on the surface or sub-surface
Multi-parameter monitoring of a solution mining cavity collapse : first insight of precursors
International audienceIn order to improve our understanding of the large-scale ground failure phenomena caused by old underground mining works, a solution mine was instrumented in 2004 prior to its collapse as part of the mining scheme. A permanent monitoring system was set up, including a high-resolution microseismic network linked to a surface field-displacement measurement system. The large amount of data transmitted for on-line processing provided daily insight into the evolution of the geological system. First, microseismic activity showed upward progressive failure migration throughout 2008 without any significant surface movement. Second, after two days of intensive brine extraction, a high microseismicity and energy release rate marked the failure of a thin and very rigid bed at a depth of 120 m. This failure occurred 24 hours before the final collapse; it was followed by transient brine pressure signals, and by acceleration of the surface subsidence rate, reaching 1 milt in the final phas
Venir de (+ infinitive):an immediate anteriority marker in French
This paper deals with the grammaticalization of venir into aspectual auxiliary of immediate anteriority, against the traditional approach (Gougenheim 1929/1971) according to which venir de + inf., would express recent past and so would be a temporal auxiliary. On the basis of the (revised) Reichenbachian model, it shows that venir de + inf. bears upon the relationship between R and E (aspect) and not on the relationship between R and S (time). This analysis allows explain why venir, in this periphrasis, is defective (i.e. why venir cannot be conjugated in the passé simple or in any compound tense)
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