96 research outputs found
Some Properties of String Field Algebra
We examine string field algebra which is generated by star product in
Witten's string field theory including ghost part. We perform calculations
using oscillator representation consistently. We construct wedge like states in
ghost part and investigate algebras among them. As a by-product we have
obtained some solutions of vacuum string field theory. We also discuss some
problems about identity state. We hope these calculations will be useful for
further investigation of Witten type string field theory.Comment: 26 pages, typos corrected, v3:Eq.(92) corrected, v4:to be published
in JHE
Comments on Gauge Equivalence in Noncommutative Geometry
We investigate the transformation from ordinary gauge field to noncommutative
one which was introduced by N.Seiberg and E.Witten (hep-th/9908142). It is
shown that the general transformation which is determined only by gauge
equivalence has a path dependence in `\theta-space'. This ambiguity is
negligible when we compare the ordinary Dirac-Born-Infeld action with the
noncommutative one in the U(1) case, because of the U(1) nature and slowly
varying field approximation. However, in general, in the higher derivative
approximation or in the U(N) case, the ambiguity cannot be neglected due to its
noncommutative structure. This ambiguity corresponds to the degrees of freedom
of field redefinition.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX2e, note adde
Comments on Solutions for Nonsingular Currents in Open String Field Theories
We investigate analytic solutions to Witten's bosonic string field theory and
Berkovits' WZW-type superstring field theory. We construct solutions with
parameters out of simpler ones, using a commutative monoid that includes the
family of wedge states. Our solutions are generalizations of solutions for
marginal deformations by nonsingular currents, and can also reproduce Schnabl's
tachyon vacuum solution in bosonic string field theory. This implies that such
known solutions are generated from simple solutions which are based on the
identity state. We also discuss gauge transformations and induced field
redefinitions for our solutions in both bosonic and super string field theory.Comment: 23 pages; v2: PTPTeX, typos correcte
Comments on Observables for Identity-Based Marginal Solutions in Berkovits' Superstring Field Theory
We construct an analytic solution for tachyon condensation around
identity-based marginal solutions in Berkovits' WZW-like open superstring field
theory. Using this, which is a kind of wedge-based solution, the gauge
invariant overlaps for the identity-based marginal solutions can be calculated
analytically. This is a straightforward extension of a method in bosonic string
field theory, which has been elaborated by the authors, to superstring. We also
comment on a gauge equivalence relation between the tachyon vacuum solution and
its marginally deformed one. From this viewpoint, we can find the vacuum energy
of the identity-based marginal solutions to be zero, which agrees with the
previous result as a consequence of zero mode counting.Comment: 16 page
A universal nonlinear relation among boundary states in closed string field theory
We show that the boundary states satisfy a nonlinear relation (the
idempotency equation) with respect to the star product of closed string field
theory. This relation is universal in the sense that various D-branes,
including the infinitesimally deformed ones, satisfy the same equation,
including the coefficient. This paper generalizes our analysis (hep-th/0306189)
in the following senses. (1) We present a background-independent formulation
based on conformal field theory. It illuminates the geometric nature of the
relation and allows us to more systematically analyze the variations around the
D-brane background. (2) We show that the Witten-type star product satisfies a
similar relation but with a more divergent coefficient. (3) We determine the
coefficient of the relation analytically. The result shows that the alpha
parameter can be formally factored out, and the relation becomes universal. We
present a conjecture on vacuum theory based on this computation.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, references added, v3:PTPTeX, typos correcte
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