26 research outputs found
Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Melalui Metode Penerjemahan Arab-Indonesia Dalam Syair Syaikh Ahmad Bin Yahya An-Najmiy
This study aims to describe and describe the techniques and methods of translating Arabic into Indonesian in Syaikh Ahmad Bin Yahya An-Najmiy's poetry. This research uses descriptive analysis method and qualitative approach. The source of the data in this study was a YouTube video with a duration of 1 minute 48 seconds from the "sharing information" channel with the title "Poems of Shaykh Ahmad Bin Yahya An Najmi Rahimahulloh about spending time with good deeds" and data in the form of Arabic poetry and translated sentences. by Al Ustadz Abu Amr Ridwan Al Ambooniy hafidzohulloh ta'ala. Based on the results of the analysis, 10 techniques were found out of a total of 50 techniques used by translators in 112 data, namely; literal (23), omission (8), inversion (4), natural borrowing (1), amplification (5), addition (3), adaptation (2), discursive creation (1), generalization (1), and conventional equivalence (2). The dominant technique applied is the addition technique, this is done to help convey the message or make it easier for the reader to understand. The translation method that tends to be applied by translators from the results of an analysis of the use of translation techniques and the type of text in the form of vocative is the communicative method
Pendampingan dan Pembinaan Akhlak pada Anak Oppositional Deffiant Disorder pada Madrasah Diniyah Hidayatush Shibyan
This study aims to describe the in children oppositional deffaint disorder in Gundik,Slahung.This research uses the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) which prioritizes moral development in children who experienceoppositional defiant disorder.The research informants are owners or those who teach at madrasah diniyah,the results of this study are who experience disturbances such as irritability,opposition,likes to be ignorant of their friends.Their behaviour patterns show resistance to the authority of both parents and teachers at school,the solution for handling children who experience this disorder is to provide training to parents,parents make rules that are applied consistently,parents give rewards,and involve all family members with the same perspective.The application of the uswah method (exemplary),practice or habituation,telling stories or fairy tales can reduce symptoms in children oppositional defiant disorder
Proses Pengolahan dan Pemasaran Keripik Tempe di Desa Gundik
A Tempe-making businesses in Village are mostly carried out in home industries or home industries. this research, the aim is to find out the Marketing Improvement of Tempe Chips in Gundik Secaa Village Online & Offline. This community service uses the ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development) approach, which is an approach in community service by seeing and knowing the strengths and assets that exist to create an empowered community. The marketing of tempe chips Mr. Miswanto & Mrs. Suyatmi underwent a slight change, starting to promote this product by entrusting it to shops so that now consumers can directly buy at home (Offline) or order via online. Based on Mandiri's asset identification, this tempe chip product still requires innovation both in terms of product and marketing to maintain product quality
Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Tahu Diolah Kembali Menjadi Bahan Pangan (Tempe Gembus)
Artikel ini akan membahas tentang industri tempe gembus yang dikelola oleh masyarakat di daerah pedesaan Gundik, Kec Slahung, Kab. Ponorogo. Jenis produk utama yang diambil adalah limbah ampas tahu yang kemudian diolah menjadi tempe gembus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan limbah ampas tahu yang dikelola menjadi bahan pangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode ABCD ( Asset Based Community-driven Development ) yaitu sebuah metode yang mengutamakan manfaat aset serta potensi yang ada di desa dan dimiliki oleh masyarakat. Sumber data yang diperoleh adalah hasil dari wawancara dan dokumentasi kepada narasumber yaitu produsen tempe gembus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah ampas tahu bukan hanya sekedar limbah masyarakat yang dibuang namun dapat diolah kembali menjadi bahan pangan
Pendampingan Proses Pengelolaan Sayuran Hortikultura di Desa Gundik Kecamatan Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo
Horticulture is a science that studies the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. Horticulture is one of the sub-sectors in the agricultural sector that has the potential to be developed because it has a fairly high economic value. Vegetables play an important role in human life, the need for vegetables for the community continues to increase along with population growth while land area is decreasing due to rapid development. Vegetables have various types, besides that vegetables are edible parts of plants. Vegetables are the main food ingredient in our daily lives, apart from being a source of protein and carbohydrates. This study aims to determine the process of managing horticultural vegetables from land preparation, nursery and planting, maintenance, fertilization, irrigation, pests and diseases, harvesting, marketing and income. From this business, respondents can improve the welfare of their families, with daily income of IDR 50,000-IDR 100,000
Menejemen Pendapatan Dan Saluran Pemasaran Usaha Tani Bayam di Desa Gundik, Kecamatan Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo
Vegetables are food commodities that play an important role, especially as a source of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables have a very large diversity of both types of plants and products consumed. The potential of agricultural land resources that spread from the lowlands to the highlands and the many types of vegetables that exist in Indonesia and one of them is spinach. The aim of the research was to find out the process of planting spinach properly, the harvesting process and the marketing process. The results of this study were to pick spinach every day, after the picking process it was then tied with a rope and washed
Pengembangan Pembelajaran di TPQ An-Nur Desa Bekiring Pulung Ponorogo
This research aims to develop learning at TPQ An-Nur. The method used in this study is ABCD (Asset Based Community Driven-Development) in the form of providing education in the form of methods and strategies for accompanying children in learning and creating a more attractive learning atmosphere for children. There are 4 stages in implementing it, namely Discovery / finding out and exploring the assets owned that have been achieved on a journey. In this Dream Stage, we and our friends analyze and look for input and a way out, provide an activity or offer a program that we can implement, what changes we can make in realizing this dream. In this Design Stage we are going on a journey, namely designing and designing what we think is appropriate to make the program we have designed and start from start to finish. In this Desteny stage, it is the stage of our mentoring activity wheel journey through an evaluation of previous activities. The result of this training is to create a learning atmosphere that is fun and much-loved by children to attract children's desire to study religion at TPQ An Nur, the higher the interest of students in studying
Mekanisme Proses Pembuatan “Tahu Sari” Gundik Dengan Mesin Uap (Boiler)
This study aims to describe the business management of the "tofu sari" factory in Gundik, Slahung, Ponorogo. This research uses the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method, which prioritizes the benefits of assets and the potential that exists in the village and is owned by the community. The research informants are administrators, as well as tofu sari factory workers. The results of this study are the mechanism of the process of making tofu with a steam engine (boiler), human resource management that has been through trials (training) of workers and machine technicians who were brought in from Klaten, Central Java, and excellence taboo factory uses modern machines that will maintain the taste of tofu, and the weakness is that there are tofu products that fail when there is damage to the machine during the cooking process
Pendampingan Proses Pengelolaan Sayuran Hortikultura di Desa Gundik Kecamatan Slahung Kabupaten Ponorogo
Horticulture is a science that studies the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. Horticulture is one of the sub-sectors in the agricultural sector that has the potential to be developed because it has a fairly high economic value. Vegetables play an important role in human life, the need for vegetables for the community continues to increase along with population growth while land area is decreasing due to rapid development. Vegetables have various types, besides that vegetables are edible parts of plants. Vegetables are the main food ingredient in our daily lives, apart from being a source of protein and carbohydrates. This study aims to determine the process of managing horticultural vegetables from land preparation, nursery and planting, maintenance, fertilization, irrigation, pests and diseases, harvesting, marketing and income. From this business, respondents can improve the welfare of their families, with daily income of IDR 50,000-IDR 100,000
Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Kandungan Gizi Tempe Di Dusun Gentong Gundik Slahung Ponorogo
In Indonesia itself, tempeh is a traditional food made from soybeans and is very much liked by all people, both upper and lower middle class. Industrial processes in Indonesia are mostly done at home or home industry, one of which is the tempe craft home industry in Gundik Village, Kec. Slahung, Kab. Ponorogo. This research is to improve the quality of the nutritional content of tempeh for health based on an example in Gundik Village, Slahung which maintains the sterility of tempeh from the start of manufacture. This article is also devoted to fulfilling a research assignment within the framework of KPM (Public Service Lecture) Sharia students at the Sunan Giri Ponorogo Islamic Institute of Religion. This study uses Asset Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) method, is the technique of conducting appreciative interviews. The results of this study are to show the naturalness of the process of making tempeh and its cleanliness so that it maintains the nutritional content in tempeh