6,619 research outputs found
Evaluation of dry lubricants and bearings for spacecraft applications
Performance of dry film lubricated ball bearings in high vacuum environmen
The development and test of a long-life, high reliability solar array drive actuator
To meet the life and reliability requirements of five to ten year space missions, a new solar array drive mechanism for 3-axis stabilized vehicles has been developed and is undergoing life testing. The drive employs a redundant lubrication system to increase its reliability. An overrunning clutch mechanism is used to permit block redundant application of two or more drives to a common array drive shaft. Two prototype actuator and clutch assemblies, in continuous vacuum life test under load at 10 to the minus 8th power torr for more than sixteen months, have each accumulated more than 34,000 output revolutions without anomaly, the equivalent of more than seven years of operation in a 1000 km orbit or nearly ninety-five years at synchronous altitude
Anomalous Pinning Fields in Helical Magnets: Screening of the Quasiparticle Interaction
The spin-orbit interaction strength g_so in helical magnets determines both
the pitch wave number q and the critical field H_c1 where the helix aligns with
an external magnetic field. Within a standard Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson (LGW)
theory, a determination of g_so in MnSi and FeGe from these two observables
yields values that differ by a factor of 20. This discrepancy is remedied by
considering the fermionic theory underlying the LGW theory, and in particular
the effects of screening on the effective electron-electron interaction that
results from an exchange of helical fluctuations.Comment: 4pp, 2 fig
Columnar Fluctuations as a Source of Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in Weak Metallic Magnets
It is shown that columnar fluctuations, in conjunction with weak quenched
disorder, lead to a T^{3/2} temperature dependence of the electrical
resistivity. This is proposed as an explanation of the observed
non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the helimagnet MnSi, with one possible realization
of the columnar fluctuations provided by skyrmion lines that have independently
been proposed to be present in this material.Comment: 4pp, 4 figure
Quantum critical behavior in disordered itinerant ferromagnets: Logarithmic corrections to scaling
The quantum critical behavior of disordered itinerant ferromagnets is
determined exactly by solving a recently developed effective field theory. It
is shown that there are logarithmic corrections to a previous calculation of
the critical behavior, and that the exact critical behavior coincides with that
found earlier for a phase transition of undetermined nature in disordered
interacting electron systems. This confirms a previous suggestion that the
unspecified transition should be identified with the ferromagnetic transition.
The behavior of the conductivity, the tunneling density of states, and the
phase and quasiparticle relaxation rates across the ferromagnetic transition is
also calculated.Comment: 15pp., REVTeX, 8 eps figs, final version as publishe
Split transition in ferromagnetic superconductors
The split superconducting transition of up-spin and down-spin electrons on
the background of ferromagnetism is studied within the framework of a recent
model that describes the coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity
induced by magnetic fluctuations. It is shown that one generically expects the
two transitions to be close to one another. This conclusion is discussed in
relation to experimental results on URhGe. It is also shown that the magnetic
Goldstone modes acquire an interesting structure in the superconducting phase,
which can be used as an experimental tool to probe the origin of the
superconductivity.Comment: REVTeX4, 15 pp, 7 eps fig
Adiabatic times for Markov chains and applications
We state and prove a generalized adiabatic theorem for Markov chains and
provide examples and applications related to Glauber dynamics of Ising model
over Z^d/nZ^d. The theorems derived in this paper describe a type of adiabatic
dynamics for l^1(R_+^n) norm preserving, time inhomogeneous Markov
transformations, while quantum adiabatic theorems deal with l^2(C^n) norm
preserving ones, i.e. gradually changing unitary dynamics in C^n
Transport Anomalies and Marginal Fermi-Liquid Effects at a Quantum Critical Point
The behavior of the conductivity and the density of states, as well as the
phase relaxation time, of disordered itinerant electrons across a quantum
ferromagnetic transition is discussed. It is shown that critical fluctuations
lead to anomalies in the temperature and energy dependence of the conductivity
and the tunneling density of states, respectively, that are stronger than the
usual weak-localization anomalies in a disordered Fermi liquid. This can be
used as an experimental probe of the quantum critical behavior. The energy
dependence of the phase relaxation time at criticality is shown to be that of a
marginal Fermi liquid.Comment: 4 pp., LaTeX, no figs., requires World Scientific style files
(included), Contribution to MB1
Local field theory for disordered itinerant quantum ferromagnets
An effective field theory is derived that describes the quantum critical
behavior of itinerant ferromagnets in the presence of quenched disorder. In
contrast to previous approaches, all soft modes are kept explicitly. The
resulting effective theory is local and allows for an explicit perturbative
treatment. It is shown that previous suggestions for the critical fixed point
and the critical behavior are recovered under certain assumptions. The validity
of these assumptions is discussed in the light of the existence of two
different time scales. It is shown that, in contrast to previous suggestions,
the correct fixed point action is not Gaussian, and that the previously
proposed critical behavior was correct only up to logarithmic corrections. The
connection with other theories of disordered interacting electrons, and in
particular with the resolution of the runaway flow problem encountered in these
theories, is also discussed.Comment: 17pp., REVTeX, 5 eps figs, final version as publishe
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