261 research outputs found
On novel string theories from 4d gauge theories
We investigate strings theories as defined from four dimensional gauge
theories. It is argued that novel (super)string theories exist up to 26
dimensions. Some of them may support weakly curved geometries.Comment: LateX, 17 pages. (v2) Removed showkeys command and added references
(v3) Added new references and updated the discussion on space-time dependent
couplings (v4) Added reference
Dissecting the string theory dual of QCD
Input from QCD and string theory is used in order to elucidate basic features
of the string theory dual of QCD, It is argued that the relevant string theory
is a five-dimensional version of the type-0 superstring. The vacuum solution is
asymptotically AdS, and the geometry near the boundary is stringy. The
structure of YM perturbation theory however emerges near the boundary. In the
IR, the theory is argued to be well-approximated by a two-derivative truncation
that takes into account strong coupling effects. This explains the success of
previously proposed five-dimensional Eistein-dilaton gravity with an
appropriate potential to describe salient features of the strong YM dynamics.Comment: LateX 33 pages, no figures. Based on presentations at various
meertings. To appear in the proceedings of the 4th RTN-EU conference, Varna,
Bulgaria (v2) Various misprints corrected. Added discussion on the definition
of the 't Hooft coupling and issues of scheme dependenc
Gravity and axions from a random UV QFT
It is postulated that the UV QFT is enormous and random. The coupling of the
Standard Model to such QFT is analyzed. It is argued that massless 4d gravity
and axions are general avatars of the postulate. The equivalence principle
emerges naturally as well as a concrete set of sources for its breaking. The
axion scale is related to the 4d Planck scale as , where is the
"number of colors" of the (almost) hidden UV CFT.Comment: Latex, 39 page
Introduction to Non-perturbative String Theory
These are a set of lectures presented at the CERN-La Plata-Santiago de
Compostella School of Physics, La Plata, May 1997. A brief introduction to the
non-perturbative structure of string theory is presented. Various
non-perturbative dualities in ten and six dimensions as well as D-branes are
discussed.Comment: 60 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figures include
Holographic RG flows and nearly-marginal operators
The holographic renormalization group flows associated with marginally
relevant operators are analyzed. The associated perturbative and
non-perturbative beta-functions are calculated and the consistent scalar
potentials are identified. The presence of a Zamolodchikov metric in the
multiscalar case is shown to affect beta-functions starting at two loops.Comment: Latex, 23 pages. Minor corrections. Version to be published in
Classical and Quantum Gravit
Large-N limits of 2d CFTs, Quivers and AdS_3 duals
We explore the large-N limits of 2d CFTs, focusing mostly on WZW models and
their cosets. The theory is parametrized in this limit by a 't
Hooft-like coupling. We show a duality between strong coupling, where the
theory is described by almost free fermions, and weak coupling where the theory
is described by bosonic fields by an analysis of spectra and correlators. The
AdS dual is described, and several quantitative checks are performed.
Besides the more standard states that should correspond to bulk black holes we
find ground states with large degeneracy that can dominate the standard Cardy
entropy at weak coupling and are expected to correspond to regular horizonless
semiclassical bulk solutions.Comment: latex, 54pages; v2 minor changes, addition of a new appendix on YM-CS
theories on AdS3, version published in JHEP; v3 several misprints have been
corrected in the formulae of section
On Holographic Insulators and Supersolids
We obtain holographic realizations for systems that have strong similarities
to Mott insulators and supersolids, after examining the ground states of
Einstein-Maxwell-scalar systems. The real part of the AC conductivity has a
hard gap and a discrete spectrum only. We add momentum dissipation to resolve
the delta function in the conductivity due to translational invariance. We
develop tools to directly calculate the Drude weight for a large class of
solutions and to support our claims. Numerical RG flows are also constructed to
verify that such saddle points are IR fixed points of asymptotically AdS_4
geometries.Comment: 52 pages, jheppub, 15 figures; v2: minor corrections, references
Mini-Black-Hole production at RHIC and LHC
We argue that heavy-ion collisions provide the best testing ground for
mini-black hole physics as for the gravity dual of YM and
give concrete evidence for a new extra dimension, that is visible only to the
strong interactions. We analyse the process of production evolution and decay
of the mini-black-holes by using recent results on gravity duals of YM. There
are several novelties compared with the traditional story of black hole
evaporation, including Bjorken scaling instead of sphericity, evaporation via
bubble nucleation instead of the Hawking mechanism and lepton-poor final
states. Multiplicities are estimated using shock-wave scattering techniques. It
is argued that high-multiplicity/high energy pp collisions will also show
similar characteristics of mini-black-hole production and decay.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 2 figure
(Multi)Matrix Models and Interacting Clones of Liouville Gravity
Large-N matrix models coupled via multitrace operators are used to define,
via appropriate double-scaling limits, solvable models of interacting
multi-string theories. It is shown that although such theories are non-local at
the world-sheet level they have a simple description of the spacetime physics.
Such theories share the main characteristics of similarly coupled
higher-dimensional CFTs. An interpretation has been given in the past of
similar continuum limits in terms of Liouville interactions that violate the
Seiberg bound. We provide a novel interpretation of this relation which agrees
with the current understanding of Liouville theory and analogous observations
in the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures; v2 references added, version to appear in JHE
Instabilities in Strong Magnetic Fields in String Theory
We construct groundstates of the string with non-zero mass gap and
non-trivial chromo-magnetic fields as well as curvature. The exact spectrum as
function of the chromo-magnetic fields and curvature is derived. We examine the
behavior of the spectrum, and find that there is a maximal value for the
magnetic field . At this value all states that
couple to the magnetic field become infinitely massive and decouple. We also
find tachyonic instabilities for strong background fields of the order where is the mass gap of the theory. Unlike the
field theory case, we find that such ground states become stable again for
magnetic fields of the order . The implications of
these results are discussed.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Conference on Gauge Theories,
Applied Supersymmetry and Quantum Gravity, Leuven, July 199
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