21,686 research outputs found
Low-energy features of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with light gluinos
We report on the latest results of the low-lying spectrum of bound states in
SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with light gluinos. The behavior of the disconnected
contributions in the critical region is analyzed. A first investigation of a
three-gluino state is also discussed.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE99(Higgs, Yukawa, SUSY), Pisa (Italy),3
pages; to be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.
Algorithms on Ideal over Complex Multiplication order
We show in this paper that the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm for cyclotomic orders,
previously revisited by Lenstra-Silverberg, can be extended to
complex-multiplication (CM) orders, and even to a more general structure. This
algorithm allows to test equality over the polarized ideal class group, and
finds a generator of the polarized ideal in polynomial time. Also, the
algorithm allows to solve the norm equation over CM orders and the recent
reduction of principal ideals to the real suborder can also be performed in
polynomial time. Furthermore, we can also compute in polynomial time a unit of
an order of any number field given a (not very precise) approximation of it.
Our description of the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm is different from the original
and Lenstra- Silverberg's variant and we hope the simplifications made will
allow a deeper understanding. Finally, we show that the well-known speed-up for
enumeration and sieve algorithms for ideal lattices over power of two
cyclotomics can be generalized to any number field with many roots of unity.Comment: Full version of a paper submitted to ANT
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