2,319 research outputs found

    Weak type estimates on certain Hardy spaces for smooth cone type multipliers

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    Let ϱC(Rd{0})\varrho\in C^{\infty} ({\Bbb R}^d\setminus\{0\}) be a non-radial homogeneous distance function satisfying ϱ(tξ)=tϱ(ξ)\varrho(t\xi)=t\varrho(\xi). For fS(Rd+1)f\in\frak S ({\Bbb R}^{d+1}) and δ>0\delta>0, we consider convolution operator {\Cal T}^{\delta} associated with the smooth cone type multipliers defined by \hat {{\Cal T}^{\delta} f}(\xi,\tau)= (1-\frac{\varrho(\xi)}{|\tau|} )^{\delta}_+\hat f (\xi,\tau), (\xi,\tau)\in {\Bbb R}^d \times \Bbb R. If the unit sphere Σϱ{ξRd:ϱ(ξ)=1}\Sigma_{\varrho}\fallingdotseq\{\xi\in {\Bbb R}^d : \varrho(\xi)=1\} is a convex hypersurface of finite type and ϱ\varrho is not radial, then we prove that {\Cal T}^{\delta(p)} maps from Hp(Rd+1)H^p({\Bbb R}^{d+1}), 0<p<10<p<1, into weak-Lp(Γγ)L^p(\Gamma_{\gamma}) for the critical index δ(p)=d(1/p1/2)1/2\delta(p)=d(1/p -1/2)-1/2, where Γγ={(x,t)Rd×R:tγx}\Gamma_{\gamma}=\{(x,t)\in {\Bbb R}^d\times\Bbb R : |t|\geq\gamma |x|\} for γ=max{supϱ(ξ)1ξ,1}\gamma=\max\{\sup_{\varrho(\xi)\leq 1}|\xi|,1\}. Moreover, we furnish a function fS(Rd+1)f\in\frak S({\Bbb R}^{d+1}) such that \sup_{\lambda>0} \lambda^p|\{(x,t)\in \bar{{\Bbb R}^{d+1}\setminus\Gamma_{\gamma}} : |{\Cal T}_{\varrho}^{\delta(p)}f(x,t)|>\lambda\}|=\infty.Comment: 13 page

    The OPAL Equation of State and Low Metallicity Isochrones

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    The Yale stellar evolution code has been modified to use the OPAL equation of state tables (Rogers 1994). Stellar models and isochrones were constructed for low metallicity systems (2.8[Fe/H]0.6-2.8 \le [Fe/H] \le -0.6). Above M\sim 0.7\,\msun, the isochrones are very similar to those which are constructed using an equation of state which includes the analytical Debye-Huckel correction at high temperatures. The absolute magnitude of the main sequence turn-off (\mvto) with the OPAL or Debye-Huckel isochrones is about 0.06 magnitudes fainter, at a given age, than \mvto derived from isochrones which do not include the Debye-Huckel correction. As a consequence, globular clusters ages derived using \mvto are reduced by 6 -- 7\% as compared to the ages determined from the standard isochrones. Below M\sim 0.7\,\msun, the OPAL isochrones are systematically hotter (by approximately 0.04 in B-V) at a given magnitude as compared to the standard, or Debye-Huckel isochrones. However, the lower mass models fall out of the OPAL table range, and this could be the cause of the differences in the location of the lower main-sequences.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 8 pages LaTeX, uses aaspptwo.sty. Complete uuencoded postscript file (including figures) available from: ftp://ftp.cita.utoronto.ca/cita/chaboyer/papers/opal.u