2,445 research outputs found

    Entropy of Reissner-Nordstrom Black Holes with Minimal Length Revisited

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    Based on the generalized uncertainty principle, we study the entropy of a four-dimensional black hole by counting degrees of freedom near the horizon and obtain the (finite) entropy proportional to the surface area at the horizon without a cutoff introduced in the conventional brick-wall method.Comment: 5 page

    ¿Qué hace que los inmigrantes coreanos de Argentina se concentren en la industria de la indumentaria?

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    Spanish abstract: Entre los aproximadamente 20.000 coreanos étnicos en la Argentina de hoy, más del 80% se dedica a la industria de la indumentaria, tanto en los sectores de producción como de la distribución. Desde el comienzo de la migración coreana a la Argentina, hacia 1965, la industria de la confección y de la indumentaria argentina han servido como puerta de entrada característica en la sociedad anfitrión para la mayoría de los coreanos étnicos, debido a una combinación única de características socioculturales de los inmigrantes y de particularidades de los entornos económicos y sociales en el país anfitrión. Con base en el análisis de 20 entrevistas en profundidad con los empresarios inmigrantes coreanos en la industria de la confección argentina realizada en 2014, esta investigación muestra que varios factores han participado en la decisión de la primera generación de coreanos en Argentina para iniciar un negocio de la indumentaria. A diferencia de los puntos de vista tradicionales de los sociólogos, que tienden a centrarse en los factores de atracción-repulsión y el papel del capital social (los lazos familiares y las redes étnicas), los resultados de este estudio ponen de relieve la importancia de los contextos estructurales, sociales y económicos en la determinación de la decisión de entrada de un inmigrante empresarial. English abstract: Of the approximately 20,000 ethnic Koreans in Argentina today, more than 80% are engaged in the garment industry, in both the production and the distribution sectors. Since the beginning of Korean migration to Argentina in 1965, the Argentine garment industry has served as a distinctive gateway into the host society for most ethnic Koreans because of a combination of unique socio-cultural characteristics and values these immigrants bring to business and the particularities of the economic and social environments in the host country. Based on the analysis of 20 in depth interviews with Korean immigrant entrepreneurs in the Argentine garment industry conducted in 2014, this research demonstrates that various factors were involved in the decision of first-generation Koreans in Argentina to start a garment business. Unlike the traditional views of sociologists, who tend to focus on the pull and push factors and the roleof social capital, such as family ties and ethnic networks, the results of this study highlight the importance of the wider structural, social andeconomic contexts in which ethnic businesses operate in determining animmigrant’s entrepreneurial entry decision

    Ethnicity, opportunity, and upward mobility: Korean entrepreneurship in the Argentine garment industry 1965–2015

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    Currently, among the approximately 20,000 ethnic Koreans living in Argentina, an estimated 80% are engaged in the garment industry. Within the theoretical frameworks of immigrant entrepreneurship, this research examines why and how Korean Argentines have been continuously concentrated in the clothing industry from the beginning of Korean immigration in the 1960s to the present. Based on ethnographic research conducted in Argentina and on archival and documentary research, this study illustrates how Korean immigrant community in Argentina has settled and achieved upward mobility in the face of complex and fluctuating social and economic circumstances, combining opportunities with strategies and resources to create comparative advantages and benefits. By combining historical contextualisation with theories on immigrant entrepreneurs that had previously only been tested on short-term study periods, findings further suggest that scholars should pay closer attention to historical shifts and accounts in analysing longer-term periods of ethnic business

    Controlling Type 1 Error Rate in Evaluating Differential Item Functioning for Four DIF Methods: Use of Three Procedures for Adjustment of Multiple Item Testing

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    In DIF studies, a Type I error refers to the mistake of identifying non-DIF items as DIF items, and a Type I error rate refers to the proportion of Type I errors in a simulation study. The possibility of making a Type I error in DIF studies is always present and high possibility of making such an error can weaken the validity of the assessment. Therefore, the quality of a test assessment is related to a Type I error rate and to how to control such a rate. Current DIF studies regarding a Type I error rate have found that the latter rate can be affected by several factors, such as test length, sample size, test group size, group mean difference, group standard deviation difference, and an underlying model. This study focused on another undiscovered factor that may affect a Type I error rate; the effect of multiple testing. DIF analysis conducts multiple significance testing of items in a test, and such multiple testing may increase the possibility of making a Type I error at least once. The main goal of this dissertation was to investigate how to control a Type I error rate using adjustment procedures for multiple testing which have been widely used in applied statistics but rarely used in DIF studies. In the simulation study, four DIF methods were performed under a total of 36 testing conditions; the methods were the Mantel-Haenszel method, the logistic regression procedure, the Differential Functioning Item and Test framework, and the Lord’s chi-square test. Then the Bonferroni correction, the Holm’s procedure, and the BH method were applied as an adjustment of multiple significance testing. The results of this study showed the effectiveness of three adjustment procedures in controlling a Type I error rate

    Changing Attitudes Toward Life : Using Viktor E. Frankl\u27s Logotherapy in Ministry with Christian Women in Church of the Lord, Anyang, Kyounggi-do, South Korea

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    Changing Attitudes Toward Life: Using Viktor E. Frankl’s Logotherapy in Ministry with Christian Women in Church of the Lord, Anyang, Kyounggi-do, South Korea is a project designed to help the target group increase the degree of meaning and purpose in life and motivate a desire to live lives more meaningfully and responsibly with hopeful attitudes by exploring the biblical messages with integration exercises utilizing the key concepts of Dr. Frankl’s Logotherapy. Through a five-week sermon series, six weeks of group sessions including the final group reflection session, and writing reflection and autobiographies, the participants are provided opportunities to evaluate and even revise their values, meaning, and life-styles. Using quantitative and qualitative instruments, results show that educative pastoral counseling along with reflection in a small group setting can effect significant positive changes in their attitudes and behavior

    Looking at the Other through the Eye of a Needle: Korean Garment Businesses and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Argentina

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    The Argentinean garment industry has evolved into a dynamic and complex inter-ethnic environment wherein ethnic Koreans, while conducting their businesses, have established a particular set of inter-ethnic relations with other minority groups. This research aims to explore the types of relations that Korean immigrants have established with Jews and Bolivians, through the analysis of the perceptions and stereotypes which Koreans explicitly hold vis-à-vis Jews and Bolivians. The research shows that a number of factors, such as hierarchical labour relations, economic inequalities, business competition and conflict, and other cultural practices, have been involved in the processes of shaping and reshaping the Korean relations with other minority groups. This study further argues that discourses emphasising “racial” differentiation as well as generalised images and stereotypes of “others” have unfortunately helped generate and harden prejudices and discrimination

    The Displaced Residents\u27 Right to Relocation Assistance: Toward an Equitable Urban Redevelopment in South Korea

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    Major urban redevelopment projects are currently on-going to beautify the urban landscape in Seoul, which is the most densely populated metropolitan area of South Korea. In this process, massive acquisition of homes has taken place, displacing many residents who are now demanding relocation assistance. South Korean law imposes obligations upon developers to provide relocation assistance for displaced residents. However, vagueness in the statutory language causes not only confusion in the implementation of the law, but has also led to a Supreme Court decision denying displaced residents’ legal right to relocation assistance. This interpretation further expanded developer’s discretion in carrying out their statutory duty to provide relocation assistance. As a result, the current law fails to protect displaced residents from the exploitations of developers, who are often private, for-profit corporations. This Comment argues that South Korea should amend the Relocation Assistance Statute in order to ensure displaced residents’ right to housing, which derives from the Korean Constitution and international law, so that they can secure adequate and fair relocation assistance