1,406 research outputs found
Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from SUSY Breaking with Bosonic See-Saw Mechanism
We introduce the idea of bosonic see-saw mechanism in analogy with the
see-saw mechanism. Bosonic see-saw is a new symmetry breaking mechanism and we
apply it to explain electroweak symmetry breaking as an inevitable consequence
of supersymmetry breaking. The breaking of electroweak symmetry occurs at tree
level once supersymmetry is broken. Absence of color/charge breaking in this
model is related to doublet-triplet splitting in grand unified theory. An
extension of MSSM with a weak triplet shows very interesting results especially
when mu =0. It provides the most natural understanding of why we have only
electroweak symmetry breaking rather than having color/charge breaking. In the
limit mu=0, the model predicts very light chargino mass, 104 GeV while Higgs is
heavy, 130 GeV.Comment: 4 page
New SUSY Thought
New SUSY thought is presented. Maximal stop mixing needed for 125 GeV Higgs
is linked to the tachyonic stop at the UV boundary. Large does not mean
the severe fine tuning if Higgs comes out as a pseudo-Goldstone boson. The
small mass of the pseudo-Goldstone Higgs is overcome with extra vector-like
fermions needed to explain the Higgs to di-photon rates.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Plenary Talk given at BSM of Particle Physics
2012, Qui Nhon, Vietnam, 15-21 July 201
A simple proof of Zeeman's theorem
It is discussed that Zeeman's theorem can be directly obtained from
Liouville's theorem if we assume sufficient differentiability
A characterization of causal automorphisms on two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime
It is shown that causal automorphisms on two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime
can be characterized by the invariance of the wave equations
A note on conformal equivalences
A new characterization of conformal transformations is given. By use of this,
the general form of conformal transformation on two-dimensional Minkowski space
is given and its conformal structure is analyzed
BSM Landscape
BSM landscape of motivated and unmotivated theories is overviewed with an
emphasis on new developments guided by naturalness principle.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of The Fifth Annual Conference on
Large Hadron Collider Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
China, May 15-20, 201
Brane World in Generalized Gravity
We consider Randall-Sundrum(RS) model in generalized gravities and see that
the localization of gravity happens in generic situations though its
effectiveness depends on the details of the configuration. It is shown that RS
picture is robust against quantum gravity corrections () as long as
the correction is reasonably small. We extend our consideration to the model of
scalar(dilaton) coupled gravity which leads us to the specific comparison
between RS model and inflation models. The exponential and power law hierarchy
in RS model are shown to correspond to the exponential and power law inflation
respectively.Comment: 10 pages, contribution to proceedings of COSMO2000, Cheju, Kore
Causal and conformal structures of globally hyperbolic spacetimes
The group of conformal diffeomorphisms and the group of causal automorphisms
on two-dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetimes are clarified. It is shown
that if spacetimes have non-compact Cauchy surfaces, then the groups are
subgroups of that of two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime, and if spacetimes
have compact Cauchy surfaces, then the groups are subgroups of that of
two-dimensional Einstein's static universe
To be (finite) or not to be, that is the question "Kaluza-Klein contribution to the Higgs mass"
Recently five dimensional supersymmetric models with a Scherk-Schwarz
supersymmetry breaking and a localized superpotential on a fixed-point have
been constructed to yield a definite prediction for the Higgs mass. We examine
this issue in detail and show that the finite one loop correction and the
definite prediction for the Higgs mass are just a consequence of a special
"Kaluza-Klein regularization" scheme.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 4 figure
Gauge Messenger Models
We consider gauge messenger models in which X and Y gauge bosons and gauginos
are messengers of supersymmetry breaking. In simple gauge messenger models, all
the soft parameters except mu and Bmu are calculated in terms of a single scale
parameter M_SUSY which is proportional to F/M_GUT. Unique prediction on dark
matter in gauge messenger models is discussed. (Based on hep-ph/0601036 and
hep-ph/0607169)Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Talk given at the workshop "The Dark Side of the
Universe" (DSU 2006), Madrid, June 200
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