252 research outputs found

    Photoionization of tungsten ions: experiment and theory for W4+^{4+}

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    Experimental and theoretical results are reported for single-photon single ionization of the tungsten ion W4+^{4+}. Absolute cross sections have been measured employing the photon-ion merged-beams setup at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley. Detailed photon-energy scans were performed at 200~meV bandwidth in the 40 -- 105~eV range. Theoretical results have been obtained from a Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approach employing basis sets of 730 levels for the photoionization of W4+^{4+}. Calculations were carried out for the 4f145s25p65d2  3FJ4f^{14}5s^2 5p^6 5d^2 \; {^3}{\rm F}_{J}, JJ=2, ground level and the associated fine-structure levels with JJ=3 and 4 for the W4+^{4+} ions. In addition, cross sections have been calculated for the metastable levels 4f145s25p65d2  3P0,1,2,1D2,1G4,1S04f^{14}5s^2 5p^6 5d^2 \; {^3}{\rm P}_{0,1,2},{^1}{\rm D}_{2},{^1}{\rm G}_{4},{^1}{\rm S}_{0}. Very satisfying agreement of theory and experiment is found for the photoionization cross section of W4+^{4+} which is remarkable given the complexity of the electronic structure of tungsten ions in low charge states.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physic

    Single-photon single ionization of W+^{+} ions: experiment and theory

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    Experimental and theoretical results are reported for photoionization of Ta-like (W+^{+}) tungsten ions. Absolute cross sections were measured in the energy range 16 to 245 eV employing the photon-ion merged-beam setup at the Advanced Light Source in Berkeley. Detailed photon-energy scans at 100 meV bandwidth were performed in the 16 to 108 eV range. In addition, the cross section was scanned at 50 meV resolution in regions where fine resonance structures could be observed. Theoretical results were obtained from a Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approach. Photoionization cross section calculations were performed for singly ionized atomic tungsten ions in their 5s25p65d4(5D)6s  6DJ5s^2 5p^6 5d^4({^5}D)6s \; {^6}{\rm D}_{J}, JJ=1/2, ground level and the associated excited metastable levels with JJ=3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Since the ion beams used in the experiments must be expected to contain long-lived excited states also from excited configurations, additional cross-section calculations were performed for the second-lowest term, 5d^5 \; ^6{\rm S}_{J}, JJ=5/2, and for the 4^4F term, 5d^3 6s^2 \; ^4{\rm F}_{J}, with JJ = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Given the complexity of the electronic structure of W+^+ the calculations reproduce the main features of the experimental cross section quite well.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 table: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. & Opt. Phy

    Significant Redistribution of Ce 4\u3ci\u3ed\u3c/i\u3e Oscillator Strength Observed in Photoionization of Endohedral Ce@C+82 Ions

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    Mass-selected beams of atomic Ceq+ ions (q = 2, 3, 4), of C+82 and of endohedral Ce@C+82 ions were employed to study photoionization of free and encaged cerium atoms. The Ce 4d inner-shell contributions to single and double ionization of the endohedral Ce@C+82 fullerene have been extracted from the data and compared with expectations based on theory and the experiments with atomic Ce ions. Dramatic reduction and redistribution of the ionization contributions to 4d photoabsorption is observed. More than half of the Ce 4d oscillator strength appears to be diverted to the additional decay channels opened by the fullerene cage surrounding the Ce atom

    Diversity in C-Xanes Spectra Obtained from Carbonaceous Solid Inclusions from Monahans Halite

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    Monahans meteorite (H5) contains fluid inclusion- bearing halite (NaCl) crystals [1]. Microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy showed that the fluid in the inclusions is an aqueous brine and they were trapped near 25degC [1]. Their continued presence in the halite grains requires that their incorporation into the H chondrite asteroid was post metamorphism [2]. Abundant solid inclusions are also present in the halites. The solid inclusions include abundant and widely variable organics [2]. Analyses by Raman microprobe, SEM/EDX, synchrotron X-ray diffraction and TEM reveal that these grains include macromolecular carbon similar in structure to CV3 chondrite matrix carbon, aliphatic carbon compounds, olivine (Fo9959), high- and low-Ca pyroxene, feldspars, magnetite, sulfides, lepidocrocite, carbonates, diamond, apatite and possibly the zeolite phillipsite [3]. Here we report organic analyses of these carbonaceous residues in Monahans halite using C-, N-, and O- X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). Samples and Methods: Approximately 100 nm-thick sections were extracted with a focused ion beam (FIB) at JSC from solid inclusions from Monahans halite. The sections were analyzed using the scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) on beamline at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for XANES spectroscopy. Results and Discussion: C-XANES spectra of the solid inclusions show micrometer-scale heterogeneity, indicating that the macromolecular carbon in the inclusions have complex chemical variations. C-XANES features include 284.7 eV assigned to aromatic C=C, 288.4-288.8 eV assigned to carboxyl, and 290.6 eV assigned to carbonate. The carbonyl features obtained by CXANES might have been caused by the FIB used in sample preparation. No specific N-XANES features are observed. The CXANES spectra obtained from several areas in the FIB sections include type 1&2 chondritic IOM like, type 3 chondritic IOM like, and none of the above. The natures of the macromolecular carbon in the solid inclusions observed by C-XANES are consistent with the previous studies showing that the carbonaceous solid inclusions have not originated from Monahans parent body [1-3], and have various origins, including various chondritic meteorite parent bodies as well as other unknown source(s)

    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the core levels of N_2O

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    We have measured photoionization cross sections and photoelectron asymmetry parameters for each of the core levels of N_2O. We have also carried out frozen‐ and relaxed‐core Hartree–Fock studies of these cross sections so as to better understand the underlying shape resonant structure and the role of electronic relaxation in these processes. A broad shape resonance is observed in each of the core‐hole cross sections at 10‐20 eV kinetic energy and there is some evidence of a second shape resonance near the thresholds, an energy region which is not accessible experimentally. The cross sections also exhibit site‐specific behavior with maxima at widely separated photoelectron kinetic energies. These differences probably arise from the fact that photoelectron matrix elements for different core orbitals probe different regions of the shape resonant orbital which extends over the entire molecule. Although the higher energy shape resonances appear quite similar, Hartree–Fock studies show that the central nitrogen resonance is more sensitive to effects of electronic relaxation than the terminal nitrogen or oxygen resonances. Large differences are also seen between the photoelectron asymmetry parameters for the central and terminal atoms