212 research outputs found

    A Theory Explains Deep Learning

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    This is our journal for developing Deduction Theory and studying Deep Learning and Artificial intelligence. Deduction Theory is a Theory of Deducing World’s Relativity by Information Coupling and Asymmetry. We focus on information processing, see intelligence as an information structure that relatively close object-oriented, probability-oriented, unsupervised learning, relativity information processing and massive automated information processing. We see deep learning and machine learning as an attempt to make all types of information processing relatively close to probability information processing. We will discuss about how to understand Deep Learning and Artificial intelligence and why Deep Learning is shown better performance than the other methods by metaphysical logic

    Universal quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces with hot trapped-ions

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    We consider interactions that generate a universal set of quantum gates on logical qubits encoded in a collective-dephasing-free subspace, and discuss their implementations with trapped ions. This allows for the removal of the by-far largest source of decoherence in current trapped-ion experiments, collective dephasing. In addition, an explicit parametrization of all two-body Hamiltonians able to generate such gates without the system's state ever exiting the protected subspace is provided.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Testing nonclassicality and non-Gaussianity in phase space

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    We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a nonclassicality test of single-mode field in phase space, which has an analogy with the nonlocality test proposed by Banaszek and Wodkiewicz [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2009 (1999)]. Our approach to deriving the classical bound draws on the fact that the Wigner function of a coherent state is a product of two independent distributions as if the orthogonal quadratures (position and momentum) in phase space behave as local realistic variables. Our method detects every pure nonclassical Gaussian state, which can also be extended to mixed states. Furthermore, it sets a bound for all Gaussian states and their mixtures, thereby providing a criterion to detect a genuine quantum non-Gaussian state. Remarkably, our phase-space approach with invariance under Gaussian unitary operations leads to an optimized test for a given non-Gaussian state. We experimentally show how this enhanced method can manifest quantum non-Gaussianity of a state by simply choosing phase-space points appropriately, which is essentially equivalent to implementing a squeezing operation on a given state.Comment: 5 pages and 3 figures with Supplemental Material, published versio

    Revealing nonclassicality beyond Gaussian states via a single marginal distribution

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    A standard method to obtain information on a quantum state is to measure marginal distributions along many different axes in phase space, which forms a basis of quantum state tomography. We theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate a general framework to manifest nonclassicality by observing a single marginal distribution only, which provides a novel insight into nonclassicality and a practical applicability to various quantum systems. Our approach maps the 1-dim marginal distribution into a factorized 2-dim distribution by multiplying the measured distribution or the vacuum-state distribution along an orthogonal axis. The resulting fictitious Wigner function becomes unphysical only for a nonclassical state, thus the negativity of the corresponding density operator provides an evidence of nonclassicality. Furthermore, the negativity measured this way yields a lower bound for entanglement potential---a measure of entanglement generated using a nonclassical state with a beam splitter setting that is a prototypical model to produce continuous-variable (CV) entangled states. Our approach detects both Gaussian and non-Gaussian nonclassical states in a reliable and efficient manner. Remarkably, it works regardless of measurement axis for all non-Gaussian states in finite-dimensional Fock space of any size, also extending to infinite-dimensional states of experimental relevance for CV quantum informatics. We experimentally illustrate the power of our criterion for motional states of a trapped ion confirming their nonclassicality in a measurement-axis independent manner. We also address an extension of our approach combined with phase-shift operations, which leads to a stronger test of nonclassicality, i.e. detection of genuine non-Gaussianity under a CV measurement.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures with Supplemental Informatio

    Spontaneous emission enhancement in strain-induced WSe2 monolayer based quantum light sources on metallic surfaces

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    Atomic monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides represent an emerging material platform for the implementation of ultra compact quantum light emitters via strain engineering. In this framework, we discuss experimental results on creation of strain induced single photon sources using a WSe2 monolayer on a silver substrate, coated with a very thin dielectric layer. We identify quantum emitters which are formed at various locations in the sample. The emission is highly linearly polarized, stable in linewidth and decay times down to 300 ps are observed. We provide numerical calculations of our monolayer-metal device platform to assess the strength of the radiative decay rate enhancement by the presence of the plasmonic structure. We believe, that our results represent a crucial step towards the ultra-compact integration of high performance single photon sources in nanoplasmonic devices and circuits

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Population between Two Dynamic Attractors in a Driven Atomic Trap: Ising-class Phase Transition

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    We have observed spontaneous symmetry breaking of atomic populations in the dynamic phase-space double-potential system, which is produced in the parametrically driven magneto-optical trap of atoms. We find that the system exhibits similar characteristics of the Ising-class phase transition and the critical value of the control parameter, which is the total atomic number, can be calculated. In particular, the collective effect of the laser shadow becomes dominant at large atomic number, which is responsible for the population asymmetry of the dynamic two-state system. This study may be useful for investigation of dynamic phase transition and temporal behaviour of critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Design and Fabrication of Remote Welding Equipment in a Hot-Cell

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    The remote welding equipment for nuclear fuel bundle fabrication in a hot-cell was designed and developed. To achieve this, a preliminary investigation of hands-on fuel fabrication outside a hot-cell was conducted with a consideration of the constraints caused by the welding in a hot-cell. Some basic experiments were also carried out to improve the end-plate welding process for nuclear fuel bundle fabrication. The resistance welding equipment using end-plate welding was also improved. It was found that the remote resistance welding was more suitable for joining an end-plate to end caps in a hot-cell. This paper presents an outline of the developed welding equipment for nuclear fuel bundle fabrication and reviews a conceptual design of remote welding equipment using a master-slave manipulator. Furthermore, the mechanical considerations and a mock-up simulation test were described. Finally, its performance test results were presented for a mock-up of the remote resistance welding equipment for nuclear fuel bundle fabrication

    A Spherical Hybrid Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Enhanced Water Wave Energy Harvesting

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    Water waves are a continuously generated renewable source of energy. However, their random motion and low frequency pose significant challenges for harvesting their energy. Herein, we propose a spherical hybrid triboelectric nanogenerator (SH-TENG) that efficiently harvests the energy of low frequency, random water waves. The SH-TENG converts the kinetic energy of the water wave into solid-solid and solid-liquid triboelectric energy simultaneously using a single electrode. The electrical output of the SH-TENG for six degrees of freedom of motion in water was investigated. Further, in order to demonstrate hybrid energy harvesting from multiple energy sources using a single electrode on the SH-TENG, the charging performance of a capacitor was evaluated. The experimental results indicate that SH-TENGs have great potential for use in self-powered environmental monitoring systems that monitor factors such as water temperature, water wave height, and pollution levels in oceans.11Ysciescopu

    An Empirical Analysis of the Prominent Roles of Taxations in the Synchronicity on Boost of Maritime Industry in Singapore

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    This research examines the causal nexuses of the taxations and financial elements in the synchronistic policy that Singapore has applied to radically boost its maritime & offshore fields to develop its economic growths and make Singapore to be a remarkable country in the world in term of ships building volumes, the numbers of ship registries, and the numbers of deadweight in thousands tons arriving at ports nowadays. There are several factors relating to the economic growths and increased numbers of vessels arriving at ports for instant those are the volumes of import & export merchandises, prices of petrochemical and refined oils, services, etc. In this research, it is aimed at decipher the real effectiveness, the interferences, and the prominent roles of corporate tax (TAX) when it is employed together with the domestic credit to private sector (CRE_X1), the real interest rate (RRATE_X2), and the listed stock companies (STOCK_CO) in one synchronous-financial model during the 1980- 2014 period by using the co-integration and vector error correction models for Granger causality tests, and based on the empirical findings, policymakers could find some interesting issues to their developing plans, hopefully. Keywords: Maritime & Offshore Industry, Economic growth, Co-integration, Granger causality tests, Singapore. JEL Classifications: C1; C