4 research outputs found
Octagon to Square Wetting Area Transition of Water–Ethanol Droplets on a Micropyramid Substrate by Increasing Ethanol Concentration
wettability and evaporation of water–ethanol binary
droplets on the substrate with micropyramid cavities are studied by
controlling the initial ethanol concentrations. The droplets form
octagonal initial wetting areas on the substrate. As the ethanol concentration
increases, the side ratio of the initial wetting octagon increases
from 1.5 at 0% ethanol concentration to 3.5 at 30% ethanol concentration.
The increasing side ratio indicates that the wetting area transforms
from an octagon to a square if we consider the octagon to be a square
with its four corners cut. The droplets experience a pinning–depinning
transition during evaporation. The pure water sessile droplet evaporation
demonstrates three stages from the constant contact line (CCL) stage,
and then the constant contact angle (CCA) stage, to the mixed stage.
An additional mixed stage is found between the CCL and CCA stages
in the evaporation of water–ethanol binary droplets due to
the anisotropic depinning along the two different axes of symmetry
of the octagonal wetting area. Droplet depinning occurs earlier on
the patterned surface as the ethanol concentration increases
Controlling Octagon-to-Square Wetting Interface Transition of Evaporating Sessile Droplet through Surfactant on Microtextured Surface
and maintaining specific liquid patterns during evaporation
holds great potential for techniques of printing and coating. Here
we report the control over the evolution of surfactant solution droplets
on the micropyramid substrates during evaporation. The polygonal droplet
shape is achieved during the drying rather than solely at the beginning.
As the initial surfactant concentration is 0.04 mM, the droplet maintains
its initial octagonal shape throughout the lifetime. Interestingly,
the initial octagonal shape transforms into a square during the evaporation
as the initial surfactant concentration reaches 0.8 mM. These findings
can shed light on wetting pattern control for complex solutions required
in various applications
Octagonal Wetting Interface Evolution of Evaporating Saline Droplets on a Micropyramid Patterned Surface
Textured surfaces
have been extensively employed to investigate the dynamics, wetting
phenomena, and shape of liquid droplets. Droplet shape can be controlled
via the manipulation of topographic or chemical heterogeneity of a
solid surface by anchoring the three-phase line at specific sites.
In this study, we demonstrate that droplet shape on a topographically
patterned surface can be modified by varying the concentration of
salt potassium chloride (KCl) in the droplet solution. It is found
that at the beginning of evaporation the octagonal shape of the solid–liquid
interface is changed to a rectangle with corners cut upon increasing
the salt concentration. Such a variation in the solid–liquid
interface versus the salt concentration is explained by the analysis
of free energy difference. It indicates that the increases in solid–liquid
and liquid–vapor surface tensions by raising the salt concentration
result in a favored extension of the three-phase line intersecting
the micropyramid bottom sides than the counterpart intersecting the
micropyramid diagonal edges. The saline droplets experience a pinning
stage at first and a depinning one afterward. The onset of depinning
is delayed, and at which the instantaneous contact angle is larger
upon raising the salt concentration. The three-phase line which intersects
the micropyramid diagonal edges recedes ahead of the one along the
micropyramid bottom sides, making the octagonal wetting interface
evolve toward a circle. A close view at the droplet edge indicates
that the three-phase line repeats “slow slip–rapid slip”
across row by row of micropyramids during the depinning stage
Octagonal Wetting Interface Evolution of Evaporating Saline Droplets on a Micropyramid Patterned Surface
Textured surfaces
have been extensively employed to investigate the dynamics, wetting
phenomena, and shape of liquid droplets. Droplet shape can be controlled
via the manipulation of topographic or chemical heterogeneity of a
solid surface by anchoring the three-phase line at specific sites.
In this study, we demonstrate that droplet shape on a topographically
patterned surface can be modified by varying the concentration of
salt potassium chloride (KCl) in the droplet solution. It is found
that at the beginning of evaporation the octagonal shape of the solid–liquid
interface is changed to a rectangle with corners cut upon increasing
the salt concentration. Such a variation in the solid–liquid
interface versus the salt concentration is explained by the analysis
of free energy difference. It indicates that the increases in solid–liquid
and liquid–vapor surface tensions by raising the salt concentration
result in a favored extension of the three-phase line intersecting
the micropyramid bottom sides than the counterpart intersecting the
micropyramid diagonal edges. The saline droplets experience a pinning
stage at first and a depinning one afterward. The onset of depinning
is delayed, and at which the instantaneous contact angle is larger
upon raising the salt concentration. The three-phase line which intersects
the micropyramid diagonal edges recedes ahead of the one along the
micropyramid bottom sides, making the octagonal wetting interface
evolve toward a circle. A close view at the droplet edge indicates
that the three-phase line repeats “slow slip–rapid slip”
across row by row of micropyramids during the depinning stage