33 research outputs found
NMSGUT emergence and Trans-Unification RG flows
Consistency of trans-unification RG evolution is used to discuss the domain
of definition of the New Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) GUT (NMSGUT). We compute
the 1-loop RGE functions, simplifying generic formulae using
constraints of gauge invariance and superpotential structure. We also calculate
the 2 loop contributions to the gauge coupling and gaugino mass and indicate
how to get full 2 loop results for all couplings. Our method overcomes
combinatorial barriers that frustrate computer algebra based attempts to
calculate SO(10) functions involving large irreps. Use of the RGEs
identifies a perturbative domain , where is the
\emph{scale of emergence} where the NMSGUT, with GUT compatible soft
supersymmetry breaking terms emerges from the strong UV dynamics associated
with the Landau poles in gauge and Yukawa couplings. Due to the strength of the
RG flows the Landau poles for gauge and Yukawa couplings lie near a cutoff
scale for the perturbative dynamics of the NMSGUT which just above
. SO(10) RG flows into the IR are shown to facilitate small gaugino masses
and generation of negative Non Universal Higgs masses squared needed by
realistic NMSGUT fits of low energy data. Running the simple canonical theory
emergent at through down to the electroweak scale enables tests of
candidate scenarios such as supergravity based NMSGUT with canonical kinetic
terms and NMSGUT based dynamical Yukawa unification.Comment: 36 pages, 1 Figure, 4 Tables, 77 equations, 42 references, RevTeX4
PDFLateX. Version published in Phys. Rev.
Baryon Stability on the Higgs Dissolution Edge : Threshold corrections and suppression of Baryon violation in the NMSGUT
Superheavy threshold corrections to the matching condition between matter
Yukawa couplings of the effective Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM)
and the New Minimal Supersymmetric (SO(10)) GUT(NMSGUT) provide a novel and
generic mechanism for reducing the long standing and generically problematic
operator dimension 5 Baryon decay rates. In suitable regions of the parameter
space strong wave function renormalization of the effective MSSM Higgs doublets
due to the large number of heavy fields can take the wave function
renormalization of the MSSM Higgs field close to the dissolution value
(). Rescaling to canonical kinetic terms lowers the
SO(10) Yukawas required to match the MSSM fermion data. Since the same Yukawas
determine the dimension 5 B violation operator coefficients, the associated
rates can be suppressed to levels compatible with current limits. Including
these threshold effects also relaxes the constraint operative between plet generated tree
level MSSM matter fermion Yukawas . We exhibit accurate fits of the MSSM
fermion mass-mixing data in terms of NMSGUT superpotential couplings and 5
independent soft Susy breaking parameters specified at GeV with
the claimed suppression of Baryon decay rates. As before, our s-spectra are of
the mini split supersymmetry type with large TeV, light gauginos and normal s-hierarchy. Large and soft
masses allow significant deviation from the canonical GUT gaugino mass ratios
and ensure vacuum safety. Even without optimization, prominent candidates for
BSM discovery such as the muon magnetic anomaly, and
Lepto-genesis CP violation emerge in the preferred ball park.Comment: PdfLatex. 50 pages. Version accepted for publication in Nuclear
Phys.B(2014). Available online at
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2014.03.003. arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1107.296
Anomaly Awareness
We present a new Machine Learning algorithm called Anomaly Awareness. By
making our algorithm aware of the presence of a range of different anomalies,
we improve its capability to detect anomalous events, even those it had not
been exposed to. As an example of use, we apply this method to searches for new
phenomena in the Large Hadron Collider. In particular, we analyze events with
boosted jets where new physics could be hiding.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figure
Predicting , and fermion mass ratios from flavour GUTs with CSD2
Constrained Sequential neutrino Dominance of type 2 (referred to as CSD2) is
an attractive building block for flavour Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) because
it predicts a non-zero leptonic mixing angle , a
deviation of from , as well as a leptonic
Dirac CP phase which is directly linked to the CP
violation relevant for generating the baryon asymmetry via the leptogenesis
mechanism. When embedded into GUT flavour models, these predictions are
modified in a specific way, depending on which GUT operators are responsible
for generating the entries of fermion Yukawa matrices. In this paper, we
systematically investigate and classify the resulting predictions from
supersymmetric based flavour models by fitting the known
fermion mass and mixing data, in order to provide a roadmap for future model
building. Interestingly, the promising models predict the lepton Dirac CP phase
between and , and the quark CP
phase in accordance with a right-angled unitarity
triangle (). Also, our model setup predicts the
quantities and with less uncertainty than
current experimental precision, and allowing with future sensitivity to
discriminate between them.Comment: 46 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; we provide neutrino RGE data tables at
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A simple guide from machine learning outputs to statistical criteria in particle physics
In this paper we propose ways to incorporate Machine Learning training outputs into a study of statistical significance. We describe these methods in supervised classification tasks using a CNN and a DNN output, and unsupervised learning based on a VAE. As use cases, we consider two physical situations where Machine Learning are often used: high-pT hadronic activity, and boosted Higgs in association with a massive vector boson
Boosted Top quark polarization
In top quark production, the polarization of top quarks, decided by the
chiral structure of couplings, is likely to be modified in the presence of any
new physics contribution to the production. Hence the same is a good
discriminator for those new physics models wherein the couplings have a chiral
structure different than that in the Standard Model (SM). In this note we
construct probes of the polarization of a top quark decaying hadronically,
using easily accessible kinematic variables such as the energy fraction or
angular correlations of the decay products. Tagging the boosted top quark using
the usual jet sub structure technique we study robustness of these observables
for a benchmark process, . We demonstrate that the energy
fraction of b-jet in the laboratory frame and a new angular variable,
constructed by us in the top rest frame, are both very powerful tools to
discriminate between the left and right polarized top quarks. Based on the
polarization sensitive angular variables, we construct asymmetries which
reflect the polarization. We study the efficiency of these variables for two
new physics processes where which give rise to boosted top quarks: (i) decay of
the top squark in the context of supersymmetry searches, and (ii) decays of the
Kaluza-Klein(KK) graviton and KK gluon, in Randall Sundrum(RS) model.
Remarkably, it is found that the asymmetry can vary over a wide range about
+20\% to -20\%. The dependence of asymmetry on top quark couplings of the new
particles present in these models beyond the SM (BSM) is also investigated in
detail.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Substantially revised text, results remain
unchanged. Added few references. To be published in Physical Review