4 research outputs found

    Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    In choosing the right learning model, a teacher must pay attention to students' abilities and choose a learning model that can motivate them to learn and develop their potential so they can overcome problems in life. Problem-Based Learning is considered a learning model that can help students maximize their potential and develop skills in solving problems in everyday life. This study aims to critically analyze the application of problem-based learning models in the field of study of Islamic Religious Education. Through a literature study approach, this study focuses on a critical analysis of the basic concepts, principles, and procedures for applying the Problem-Based Learning method in learning Islamic Religious Education. The results of the research show that in order to implement PBL in the learning process, teachers should follow the procedures or implementation stages. The procedure for implementing PBL is divided into several steps, namely: problem orientation, organizing students to study (in groups), investigation or data collection, developing and presenting work results, and finally; evaluation and reflection

    Teacher Perceptions of Multicultural Education and Diversity Values in the School Environment

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    A comprehensive education system is essential to promote peace in a diverse, multicultural society. Teachers have a critical role in organizing the classroom environment, and it is vital to understand their perceptions of Multiculturalism and the extent to which educational programs adopt multicultural principles. This study investigated teachers' perceptions of multicultural education and diversity and evaluated their awareness of these issues. A qualitative research design with case studies was used, and six teachers from an elementary school in Surabaya were deliberately selected for this study. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and document analysis, and the results were analyzed using content analysis techniques. This study found that teachers have adequate knowledge about multicultural education and a positive attitude toward it. However, their understanding and prejudices related to specific concepts still need more. In addition, the inclusiveness of Multiculturalism in annual plans and teaching programs still needs to be improved. Learning transformation is required that encourages active student collaboration, such as the project-based learning (PjBL) model


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    Artikel ini adalah hasil kajian pustaka melalui metode diskriftif kualitatif yang mengkaji tentang gambaran umum prestasi belajar siswa dari berbagai aspek dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sehingga dihasilkan sebuah kesimpulan bahwa terdapat tiga aspek prestasi dalam belajar siswa yaitu aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif serta aspek psikomotorik dengan dua faktor yang mempengaruhi sebuah hasil dari prestasi tersebut diantaranya adalah faktor internal seperti pertama faktor fisiologi kedua faktor psikologi ketiga faktor kematangan fisik maupun psikis sedangkan faktor eksternal diantaranya adalah pertama faktor sosial kedua faktor budaya dan ketiga faktor lingkungan.Kata Kunci: prestasi belajar siswa, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruh


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    The purpose of this study was to find out how fiqh learning may be applied to halal goods from small and medium sized bussines (IKM). This is side story sinve a lot of student enterpreneurs are developing due of the influence of their own education. Because of this a more thorough examination of how fiqh learning applies to halal items is necessart to determine whatever or not thet may be considered halal. This stdy employs a qualitative, phenomenologic al approach as its methodology. The findigs of study indicate that small and medium industrial entrepreneurs (IKM) have started to use fiqh knowledge to halal products