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    Considering the important of understanding about the attitude, motivation and the personality of the students in the English learning process, this research is aimed at finding the relationship between attitude and motivation which are acknowledged as influential factors in speaking achievement across their personality factors. Sixty Non-EFL students of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang who take English as their compulsory subject were participated as the research sample. They were the fourth semester undergraduate taking TOEFL and Speaking Course. Attitude and Motivation Test Battery (AMTB), The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), speaking test and TOEFL-like test were administered. The results of this research revealed that there was significant correlation among attitude, motivation and speaking achievement of extrovert and Introvert students


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    A thing to be observed in law No.1 year 1974 about the marriages namely the principle of marriage is monogamy, which is a husband only married a wife, but in practice not only monogamy marriage but polygamy marriage also occur. Polygamy is marriage that more than a wife in one time. Conventional ulama thought that polygamy is permitted, while nowadays many contemporary ulama who criticize about the problem of polygamy, their assumptions is, a woman becomes an object on this problem, one of contemporary scholars Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid who argued that polygamy is absolutely forbidden with an example of with one of the statute in Tunisia, which is Tunisia law marriage. It is irrelevant to UUP in Indonesia, the UUP principle is the principle of open monogamy, which there is a possibility that a husband married with more than a wife. As stipulated in article 3 UUP year 1974. [Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam UU No. 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan yakni asas perkawinan adalah monogami, yakni seorang suami hanya menikah dengan seorang istri, tetapi dalam prakteknya tidak hanya perkawinan monogami saja melainkan adanya perkawinan poligami. Poligami adalah perkawinan yang lebih dari satu istri dalam satu waktu. Ulama konvensional berpendapat bahwa poligami itu diperbolehkan, sedangkan dalam perkembanganya banyak ulama kontemporer yang mengkritisi tentang persoalan poligami, anggapan mereka seorang perempuan menjadi suatu objek pada masalah poligami ini, salah satu cendekiawan kontemporer Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid yang berpendapat bahwa poligami itu dilarang secara mutlak dengan mencontohkanya dengan salah satu ketetapan hukum yang ada di Tunisia yaitu UU Perkawinan Tunisia. Hal tersebut tidak relevan dengan UUP di Indonesia, dengan alasan asas UUP adalah asas monogami terbuka, yang mana adanya kemungkinan seorang suami menikah dengan lebih dari seorang istri. Sebagaimana diatur dalam pasal 3 UUP tahun 1974.

    Lexical Ambiguities in opinion column of Time Magazine

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    ABSTRACT The meaning of the sentence depends upon the meaning of its constituent lexemes and the meaning of some lexemes depends upon the meaning of the sentences in which they occur. Even meaning has ambiguities when it has multiple meanings. This research investigates the ambiguities meaning that are homonymy and polysemy which implied in opinion column of Time magazine. In the first problem, the researcher focuses on kind of lexical ambiguities are used in column opinion of Time Magazine. The second, researcher continuous to find explanation about how lexical ambiguities used in column opinion of Time Magazine are. To investigate these questions, the researcher uses semantic approach. Every meaning in opinion column of Time magazine is analyzed by using lexical ambiguities’ theory those are homonymy and polyemy. In analyzing these texts, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach because the data are in the form of texts which selected from the online Time Magazine, published in New York 1923. Based on the analysis, the researcher finds out that there are homonymy and polysemy meaning in opinion column of Time magazine. The homonymy is mostly happen in the article of Time magazine. The polysemy meaning is also happen in some articles in opinion column of Time magazine. For the next researchers are suggested to use different data sources, such as oral work like daily conversation which can be formal or informal dialogue or in any written work such as the translation of Holly Qur’an