4 research outputs found
Peran Rangkap Jabatan Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi Pada PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya
Background - In 2020 the organizational performance of PT Mustika Karya Anugrah decreased because there were two employees who held concurrent positions. However, in 2022 the company's performance increased even though there were several employees who played multiple roles. This is evidenced by the achievement of five performance indicators. Objective - The purpose of this study was to determine the role of concurrent positions in improving organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya which is engaged in the importer-distributor of fruit. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is qualitative research using primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were through interviews and observations. The selection of informants in this study was carried out using purposive sampling method. Findings - The results of this study indicate that organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya will increase in 2022 even though some of its employees have to work concurrently. This is because good leadership and internal control systems have been implemented by the company. All employees who hold concurrent positions or do not hold concurrent positions can complete their duties properly. Increased organizational performance is evidenced by increased company productivity, good service quality results in customer satisfaction, the achievement of responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Research implications - This research contributes to the trap of position in order to maintain a sense of belonging to the company by not expecting large compensation or rewards from the company, the trap of position accepting assignments with the aim of advancing the company. Research limitations - This research is only conducted on employees who carry out dual roles at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya
Peran Rangkap Jabatan Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi Pada PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya
In 2020 the organizational performance of PT Mustika Karya Anugrah decreased because there were two employees who held concurrent positions. However, in 2022 the company's performance increased even though there were several employees who played multiple roles. This is evidenced by the achievement of five performance indicators. Objective - The purpose of this study was to determine the role of concurrent positions in improving organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya which is engaged in the importer-distributor of fruit. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is qualitative research using primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were through interviews and observations. The selection of informants in this study was carried out using purposive sampling method. Findings - The results of this study indicate that organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya will increase in 2022 even though some of its employees have to work concurrently. This is because good leadership and internal control systems have been implemented by the company. All employees who hold concurrent positions or do not hold concurrent positions can complete their duties properly. Increased organizational performance is evidenced by increased company productivity, good service quality results in customer satisfaction, the achievement of responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Research implications - This research contributes to the trap of position in order to maintain a sense of belonging to the company by not expecting large compensation or rewards from the company, the trap of position accepting assignments with the aim of advancing the company. Research limitations - This research is only conducted on employees who carry out dual roles at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya
Perkembangan pariwisata di Indonesia semakin berkembang dengan lajunya perekonomian dunia. Indonesia kaya dengan wisata alam dan budaya, dewasa ini pemerintah makin gencar mengembangkan sumber daya pariwisata yang akan direncanakan sebagai sumber devisa, oleh karena itu pemerintah menyadari pentingnya pariwisata sebagi sektor yang dapat memperbaiki taraf hidup masyarakat Indonesia secara umum dan secara khusus akan meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat regional, dengan kata lain akan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal dilingkungan sekitar tempat wisata.
Wisata Menganti berkembang baik setiap tahunnya dibuktikan dengan jumlah pengunjung yang selalu naik dari tahun ketahun. Saat ini wisata Menganti dihadapkan pada persaingan yang ketat, selain menambah kuantitasnya pesaing juga menambah kualitasnya, maka perlu dirancang strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk wisata Menganti.
Pada penelitian ini akan diadakan analisis lingkungan wisata dengan metode analisis QSPM untuk merancang strategi pemasaran. Pada analisis QSPM dibutuhkan juga analisis IFE dan EFE, SWOT baru kemudian hasil di analisis QSPM. Wisata Menganti dari segi fisik sudah memiliki alam yang menarik hanya saja dari segi pelayanan belum sepenuhnya memenuhi kebutuhan pengunjung seperti akses jalan yang terjal , jalan yang masih satu jalur dengan aktivitas warga setempat dan sebagainya. Pada metode analisis QSPM dihasilkan nilai tertinggi yaitu 85 dengan strategi yang paling menarik S-O 1 yaitu mempertahankan penetapan harga, mengoptimalkan kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas wisata Menganti