93 research outputs found

    One-way electromagnetic Tamm states in magnetophotonic structures

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    We study surface Tamm states in magnetophotonic structures magnetized in the Cotton–Mouton (Voigt) geometry. We demonstrate that the periodicity violation due to the structure truncation together with the violation of the time reversal symmetry due to the presence of magneto-optical materials gives rise to nonreciprocality of the surface modes. Dispersion of forward and backward modes splits and becomes magnetization dependent. This results in the magnetization-induced transitions between bulk and surface modes and unidirectional propagation of surface waves.We thank the Australian Research Council for a financial support and S. Fan for useful discussions. This work was supported in part by the Super Optical Information Memory Project from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan MEXT, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research S Grant No. 17106004 from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS

    Topologically protected elastic waves in phononic metamaterials

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    Topological states of quantum matter exhibit unique disorder-immune surface states protected by underlying nontrivial topological invariants of the bulk. Such immunity from backscattering makes topological surface or edge states ideal carriers for both classical and quantum information. So far, topological matters have been explored only in the realms of electronics and photonics, with limited range of bulk properties and largely immutable materials. These constraints thus impose severe performance trade-offs in experimentally realizable topologically ordered states. In contrast, phononic metamaterials not only provide access to a much wider range of material properties, but also allow temporal modulation in the non-adiabatic regime. Here, from the first-principles we demonstrate numerically the first phononic topological metamaterial in an elastic-wave analogue of the quantum spin Hall effect. A dual-scale phononic crystal slab is used to support two effective spins of phonon over a broad bandwidth, and strong spin-orbit coupling is realized by breaking spatial mirror symmetry. By preserving the spin polarization with an external load or spatial symmetry, phononic edge states are shown to be robust against scattering from discrete defects as well as disorders in the continuum. Our system opens up the possibility of realizing topological materials for phonons in both static and time-dependent regimes.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Exceptional points in topological edge spectrum of PT symmetric domain walls

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    We demonstrate that the non-Hermitian parity-time (PT) symmetric interfaces formed between amplifying and lossy crystals support dissipationless edge states. These PT edge states exhibit gapless spectra in the complex band structure interconnecting complex-valued bulk bands as long as exceptional points (EPs) of edge states exist. As a result, regimes exist where the edge states can spectrally overlap with the bulk continuum without hybridization, and leakage into the bulk states is suppressed due to the PT symmetry. Two exemplary PT symmetric systems, based on valley and quantum hall topological phases, are investigated, and the connection with the corresponding Hermitian systems is established. We find that the edge states smoothly transit to the valley edge states found in Hermitian systems if the magnitude of gain/loss vanishes. The topological nature of the PT edge states can be established within the non-Hermitian Haldane model, where the topological invariance is found to be unaffected by gain or loss. Nonreciprocal PT edge states are discovered at the interfaces between PT-Haldane phases, indicating the interplay between the gain/loss and the magnetic flux. The proposed systems are experimentally feasible to realize in photonics. This has been verified by our rigorous full-wave simulations of edge states in PT-symmetric silicon-based photonic graphene.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Tunable nonlinear graphene metasurfaces

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    We introduce the concept of nonlinear graphene metasurfaces employing the controllable interaction between a graphene layer and a planar metamaterial. Such hybrid metasurfaces support two types of subradiant resonant modes, asymmetric modes of structured metamaterial elements ("metamolecules") and graphene plasmons exhibiting strong mutual coupling and avoided dispersion crossing. High tunability of graphene plasmons facilitates strong interaction between the subradiant modes, modifying the spectral position and lifetime of the associated Fano resonances. We demonstrate that strong resonant interaction, combined with the subwavelength localization of plasmons, leads to the enhanced nonlinear response and high efficiency of the second-harmonic generation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Multipolar third-harmonic generation driven by optically-induced magnetic resonances

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    We analyze third-harmonic generation from high-index dielectric nanoparticles and discuss the basic features and multipolar nature of the parametrically generated electromagnetic fields near the Mie-type optical resonances. By combining both analytical and numerical methods, we study the nonlinear scattering from simple nanoparticle geometries such as spheres and disks in the vicinity of the magnetic dipole resonance. We reveal the approaches for manipulating and directing the resonantly enhanced nonlinear emission with subwavelength all-dielectric structures that can be of a particular interest for novel designs of nonlinear optical antennas and engineering the magnetic optical nonlinear response at nanoscale.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure
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