44 research outputs found
Modulating interaction times in an artificial society of robots
In a collaborative society, sharing information is advantageous for each individual as well as for the whole community. Maximizing the number of agent-to-agent interactions per time becomes an appealing behavior due to fast information spreading that maximizes the overall amount of shared information. However, if malicious agents are part of society, then the risk of interacting with one of them increases with an increasing number of interactions. In this paper, we investigate the roles of interaction rates and times (aka edge life) in artificial societies of simulated robot swarms. We adapt their social networks to form proper trust sub-networks and to contain attackers. Instead of sophisticated algorithms to build and administrate trust networks, we focus on simple control algorithms that locally adapt interaction times by changing only the robots' motion patterns. We successfully validate these algorithms in collective decision-making showing improved time to convergence and energy-efficient motion patterns, besides impeding the spread of undesired opinions
Collective sampling of environmental features under limited sampling budget
Exploration of an unknown environment is one of the most prominent tasks for multi-robot systems. In this paper, we focus on the specific problem of how a swarm of simulated robots can collectively sample a particular environment feature. We propose an energy-efficient approach for collective sampling, in which we aim to optimize the statistical quality of the collective sample while each robot is restricted in the number of samples it can take. The individual decision to sample or discard a detected item is performed using a voting process, in which robots vote to converge to the collective sample that reflects best the inter-sample distances. These distances are exchanged in the local neighbourhood of the robot. We validate our approach using physics-based simulations in a 2D environment. Our results show that the proposed approach succeeds in maximizing the spatial coverage of the collective sample, while minimizing the number of taken samples. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
The impact of agent density on scalability in collective systems : noise-induced versus majority-based bistability
In this paper, we show that non-uniform distributions in swarms of agents have an impact on the scalability of collective decision-making. In particular, we highlight the relevance of noise-induced bistability in very sparse swarm systems and the failure of these systems to scale. Our work is based on three decision models. In the first model, each agent can change its decision after being recruited by a nearby agent. The second model captures the dynamics of dense swarms controlled by the majority rule (i.e., agents switch their opinion to comply with that of the majority of their neighbors). The third model combines the first two, with the aim of studying the role of non-uniform swarm density in the performance of collective decision-making. Based on the three models, we formulate a set of requirements for convergence and scalability in collective decision-making
Local ant system for allocating robot swarms to time-constrained tasks
We propose a novel application of the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to efficiently allocate a swarm of homogeneous robots to a set of tasks that need to be accomplished by specific deadlines. We exploit the local communication between robots to periodically evaluate the quality of the allocation solutions, and agents select independently among the high-quality alternatives. The evaluation is performed using pheromone trails to favor allocations which minimize the execution time of the tasks. Our approach is validated in both static and dynamic environments (i.e. the task availability changes over time) using different sets of physics-based simulations. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Scale-free features in collective robot foraging
In many complex systems observed in nature, properties such as scalability, adaptivity, or rapid information exchange are often accompanied by the presence of features that are scale-free, i.e., that have no characteristic scale. Following this observation, we investigate the existence of scale-free features in artificial collective systems using simulated robot swarms. We implement a large-scale swarm performing the complex task of collective foraging, and demonstrate that several space and time features of the simulated swarm-such as number of communication links or time spent in resting state-spontaneously approach the scale-free property with moderate to strong statistical plausibility. Furthermore, we report strong correlations between the latter observation and swarm performance in terms of the number of retrieved items
Adaptive foraging in dynamic environments using scale-free interaction networks
Group interactions are widely observed in nature to optimize a set of critical collective behaviors, most notably sensing and decision making in uncertain environments. Nevertheless, these interactions are commonly modeled using local (proximity) networks, in which individuals interact within a certain spatial range. Recently, other interaction topologies have been revealed to support the emergence of higher levels of scalability and rapid information exchange. One prominent example is scale-free networks. In this study, we aim to examine the impact of scale-free communication when implemented for a swarm foraging task in dynamic environments. We model dynamic (uncertain) environments in terms of changes in food density and analyze the collective response of a simulated swarm with communication topology given by either proximity or scale-free networks. Our results suggest that scale-free networks accelerate the process of building up a rapid collective response to cope with the environment changes. However, this comes at the cost of lower coherence of the collective decision. Moreover, our findings suggest that the use of scale-free networks can improve swarm performance due to two side-effects introduced by using long-range interactions and frequent network regeneration. The former is a topological consequence, while the latter is a necessity due to robot motion. These two effects lead to reduced spatial correlations of a robot's behavior with its neighborhood and to an enhanced opinion mixing, i.e., more diversified information sampling. These insights were obtained by comparing the swarm performance in presence of scale-free networks to scenarios with alternative network topologies, and proximity networks with and without packet loss
Scale invariance in natural and artificial collective systems : a review
Self-organized collective coordinated behaviour is an impressive phenomenon, observed in a variety of natural and artificial systems, in which coherent global structures or dynamics emerge from local interactions between individual parts. If the degree of collective integration of a system does not depend on size, its level of robustness and adaptivity is typically increased and we refer to it as scale-invariant. In this review, we first identify three main types of self-organized scale-invariant systems: scale-invariant spatial structures, scale-invariant topologies and scale-invariant dynamics. We then provide examples of scale invariance from different domains in science, describe their origins and main features and discuss potential challenges and approaches for designing and engineering artificial systems with scale-invariant properties
Minimalistic Collective Perception with Imperfect Sensors
Collective perception is a foundational problem in swarm robotics, in which
the swarm must reach consensus on a coherent representation of the environment.
An important variant of collective perception casts it as a best-of-
decision-making process, in which the swarm must identify the most likely
representation out of a set of alternatives. Past work on this variant
primarily focused on characterizing how different algorithms navigate the
speed-vs-accuracy tradeoff in a scenario where the swarm must decide on the
most frequent environmental feature. Crucially, past work on best-of-
decision-making assumes the robot sensors to be perfect (noise- and
fault-less), limiting the real-world applicability of these algorithms. In this
paper, we derive from first principles an optimal, probabilistic framework for
minimalistic swarm robots equipped with flawed sensors. Then, we validate our
approach in a scenario where the swarm collectively decides the frequency of a
certain environmental feature. We study the speed and accuracy of the
decision-making process with respect to several parameters of interest. Our
approach can provide timely and accurate frequency estimates even in presence
of severe sensory noise.Comment: 7 pages, accepted into IROS2023. Current version incorporates minor
updates from reviewer comment