4 research outputs found

    Proses Inovasi Pelayanan Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Trans Semarang (Studi Kasus E-ticketing)

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    Innovation is one of the important aspects in improving the quality of public services. As innovations were issued by the government bureau, government expected people would appease with the public services. In order to improve services quality in transportation sectors, the local government of Semarang launched e-ticketing feature in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Trans Semarang.Aim of this study are to find out the service innovation process in BRT Trans Semarang, discover supporting and opposing factors in service innovation implementation of BRT Trans Semarang.Materials and data were collected through depth interview with informants and observed. Theory of this study are based on Mulgan\u27s innovation process theory, which are generating possibilities, incubating and prototyping, replicating and scaling up, analyzing and learning.Supporting and opposing theory of service innovation in public sectors by Albury and Clark. Results of this study showed service innovation processes (generating possibilities, incubating and prototyping, replicating and scaling up, dan analyzing and learning) have been in progress by General Service Departement of BRT Trans Semarang. Supporting factors in e-ticketing service innovation are political push, pressure for economy and improved efficiency, and pressure for improved service quality. In the other hand, there are opposing factors in service innovation of e-ticketing included over-reliance on high performers, availability of technology, cultural or organizational constraints, no rewards or incentives, short-term planning and budget, and culture ofrisk aversion. Suggestion from the author are included necessity in recruitment of IT expert staffs and reduce operator workload, adjunct technology supporting the implementation of service innovation and e-ticketing machines, establishment of a special team that handles the implementation of the innovation, granting staff an award, cooperationwith external parties in funding e-ticketing machines,and disciplining staffs who are still difficult in learning and using the features of e-ticketing machines

    Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Menuju Transparansi Dan Akuntabilitas Di Kantor Dppkad Kabupaten Pati

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    Their decentralization gives local authorities to set their own financial management in a transparent and accountable according to the principles of good governance. This study was conducted to analyze the transparency and accountability of financial management, analyze the factors driving and inhibiting transparency and accountability of financial management in Pati regency DPPKAD with descriptive qualitative method. Data collected through interviews with informants and observations. This study uses the theory Djalil transparency of the legal framework, public access, inspection by the audit institution, early warning systems and community involvement. Warsito accountability theory of the political aspects, financial aspects, community satisfaction, consistency of office, the satisfaction of the apparatus, according to the rules of service. Theory factors driving and inhibiting transparency of Wiharto as well as driving and inhibiting accountability of Warsito. The results showed symptoms such as transparency of the legal framework, institutions examination, early warning systems have been met, the obstacles that the unavailability of public access through the internet, lack of public enthusiasm. There are symptoms of accountability obstacles that delayed absorption. The driving factor of transparency that is the function accuracy, clarity of rules, competition healthy environment, factors driving patterns of leadership accountability, freedom of the press, the role of stakeholders. Factors that still hamper the transparency that is overlapping rules, while inhibiting factor accountability does not impede financial management DPPKAD Pati regency. There are some suggestions that can be done such as training web management to support public access, dissemination to the public to attract enthusiasm, sanctions to SKPD that is behind schedule in sequestration budget, conduct competency-based training, provide rewards in particular, review the task function Bapermasdes and Governance to address regulatory overlap

    Strategi Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor Di Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Landslides occur in areas that exist in Indonesia, one in Central Java province. Purworejo Regency is a regency in Central Java province frequent landslides. In order to deal with the problem of landslides in Purworejo, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Purworejo perform various disaster relief efforts including mitigation efforts. The focus and goal of this study is to formulate mitigation strategies landslides. Using the method of SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of existing strategic environment in disaster mitigation efforts landslides. This study uses qualitative descriptive type with collecting data through interviews, literature, and study the document. Informants were taken by investigators is BPBDs Purworejo. The results obtained that disaster mitigation land by BPBDs Purworejo not maximized. In practice there is no contingency plan documents landslides are used as a reference for action. The quality and quantity of human resources were inadequate. In addition, the low public knowledge and attitudes of society are apathetic towards mitigation efforts landslides hamper the implementation of mitigation efforts landslides in Purworejo. By analyzing the internal and external environment are obtained strategies are then tested using a litmus test to measure the level kestrategisan existing program based on the scores. Based on these results, it is suggested that the strategic programs that have been formulated can be implemented and applied consistently by BPBDs Purworejo. This is done to improvements in the implementation of disaster mitigation efforts landslides in Purworejo