19,370 research outputs found

    A geometric study of the dispersionless Boussinesq type equation

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    We discuss the dispersionless Boussinesq type equation, which is equivalent to the Benney-Lax equation, being a system of equations of hydrodynamical type. This equation was discussed in . The results include: a description of local and nonlocal Hamiltonian and symplectic structures, hierarchies of symmetries, hierarchies of conservation laws, recursion operators for symmetries and generating functions of conservation laws (cosymmetries). Highly interesting are the appearances of operators that send conservation laws and symmetries to each other but are neither Hamiltonian, nor symplectic. These operators give rise to a noncommutative infinite-dimensional algebra of recursion operators

    Commentary: The Alleged Coupling-Constitution Fallacy and the Mature Sciences

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    A commentary on: The Alleged Coupling-Constitution Fallacy and the Mature Sciences by Ross, D., and Ladyman, J. (2010). The Extended Mind, ed R. Menary (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), 155–166

    Thinking through the implications of neural reuse for the additive factors method

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    One method for uncovering the subprocesses of mental processes is the “Additive Factors Method” (AFM). The AFM uses reaction time data from factorial experiments to infer the presence of separate processing stages. This paper investigates the conceptual status of the AFM. It argues that one of the AFM’s underlying assumptions is problematic in light of recent developments in cognitive neuroscience. Discussion begins by laying out the basic logic of the AFM, followed by an analysis of the challenge presented by neural reuse. Following this, implications are analysed and avenues of response considered

    The Narrow Conception of Computational Psychology

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    One particularly successful approach to modeling within cognitive science is computational psychology. Computational psychology explores psychological processes by building and testing computational models with human data. In this paper, it is argued that a specific approach to understanding computation, what is called the ‘narrow conception’, has problematically limited the kinds of models, theories, and explanations that are offered within computational psychology. After raising two problems for the narrow conception, an alternative, ‘wide approach’ to computational psychology is proposed

    Software to compute infinitesimal symmetries of exterior differenial systems, with applications

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    A description is given of a software package to compute symmetries of partial differential equations, using computer algebra. As an application, the computation of higher-order symmetries of the classical Boussinesq equation is given leading to the recursion operator for symmetries in a straightforward way. Nonlocal symmetries for the Federbush model are obtained yielding the linearization of the model

    Higher order supersymmetries and fermionic conservation laws of the supersymmetric extension of the KdV equation

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    By the introduction of nonlocal basonic and fermionic variables we construct a recursion symmetry of the super KdV equation, leading to a hierarchy of bosonic symmetries and one of fermionic symmetries. The hierarchies of bosonic and fermionic conservation laws arise in a natural way in the construction

    Long-lived staus from strong production in a simplified model approach

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    We study the phenomenology of a supersymmetric scenario where the next-to-lightest superparticle is the lighter stau and long-lived due to a very weakly coupled lightest superparticle, such as the gravitino. We investigate the LHC sensitivity and its dependence on the superparticle spectrum with an emphasis on strong production and decay. We do not assume any high-scale model for SUSY breaking but work along the lines of simplified models. Devising cuts that yield a large detection efficiency in the whole parameter space, we determine the LHC's discovery and exclusion potential. This allows us to derive robust limits on m_stau, m_gluino, a common m_squark, and m_stop1. We briefly discuss the prospects for observing stopped staus.Comment: 25 pages + references, 27 eps figures; v3: Matches journal version, typo in table 1 correcte

    Browser-based Analysis of Web Framework Applications

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    Although web applications evolved to mature solutions providing sophisticated user experience, they also became complex for the same reason. Complexity primarily affects the server-side generation of dynamic pages as they are aggregated from multiple sources and as there are lots of possible processing paths depending on parameters. Browser-based tests are an adequate instrument to detect errors within generated web pages considering the server-side process and path complexity a black box. However, these tests do not detect the cause of an error which has to be located manually instead. This paper proposes to generate metadata on the paths and parts involved during server-side processing to facilitate backtracking origins of detected errors at development time. While there are several possible points of interest to observe for backtracking, this paper focuses user interface components of web frameworks.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330
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