11,193 research outputs found
A further study of elastic foundation models
Response expressions for elastic foundation model
CANOZE measurements of the Arctic ozone hole
In CANOZE 1 (Canadian Ozone Experiment), a series of 20 ozone profile measurements were made in April, 1986 from Alert at 82.5 N. CANOZE is the Canadian program for study of the Arctic winter ozone layer. In CANOZE 2, ozone profile measurements were made at Saskatoon, Edmonton, Churchill and Resolute during February and March, 1987 with ECC ozonesondes. Ground based measurements of column ozone, nitrogen dioxide and hydrochloric acid were conducted at Saskatoon. Two STRATOPROBE balloon flights were conducted on February 26 and March 19, 1987. Two aerosol flights were conducted by the University of Wyoming. The overall results of this study will be reported and compared with the NOZE findings. The results from CANOZE 3 in 1988, are also discussed. In 1988, as part of CANOZE 3, STRATOPROBE balloon flights were conducted from Saskatchewan on January 27 and February 13. A new lightweight infrared instrument was developed and test flown. A science flight was successfully conducted from Alert (82.5 N) on March 9, 1988 when the vortex was close to Alert; a good measurement of the profile of nitric acid was obtained. Overall, the Arctic spring ozone layer exhibits many of the features of the Antarctic ozone phenomenon, although there is obviously not a hole present every year. The Arctic ozone field in March, 1986 demonstrated many similarities to the Antarctic ozone hole. The TOMS imagery showed a crater structure in the ozone field similar to the Antarctic crater in October. Depleted layers of ozone were found in the profiles around 15 km, very similar to those reported from McMurdo. Enhanced levels of nitric acid were measured in air which had earlier been in the vortex. The TOMS imagery for March 1987 did not show an ozone crater, but will be examined for an ozone crater in February and March, 1988, the target date for the CANOZE 3 project
Telegrams from W. J. Kerr
Telegrams concerning applications for positions at Utah Agricultural College
Letters from W. J. Kerr
Letters concerning a position in the dairy department at Utah Agricultural College
Letter from W. J. Kerr
Letter concerning a position in the modern languages department at Utah Agricultural College
Letters between W. J. Kerr and T. W. Keenan
Letters concerning a position in the mathematics department at Utah Agricultural College
Passive and active seismic isolation for gravitational radiation detectors and other instruments
Some new passive and active methods for reducing the effects of seismic disturbances on suspended masses are described, with special reference to gravitational radiation detectors in which differential horizontal motions of two or more suspended test masses are monitored. In these methods it is important to be able to determine horizontal seismic accelerations independent of tilts of the ground. Measurement of changes in inclination of the suspension wire of a test mass, relative to a direction defined by a reference arm of long period of oscillation, makes it possible to carry this out over the frequency range of interest for earth-based gravitational radiation detectors. The signal obtained can then be used to compensate for the effects of seismic disturbances on the test mass if necessary. Alternatively the signal corresponding to horizontal acceleration can be used to move the point from which the test mass is suspended in such a way as to reduce the effect of the seismic disturbance and also damp pendulum motions of the suspended test mass. Experimental work with an active anti-seismic system of this type is described
Letters between W. R. Hughes and W. J. Kerr
Letters concerning a position as coach of football team at Utah Agricultural College
Effective education for children with autistic spectrum disorder:Perceptions of parents and professionals
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