28 research outputs found
Mean <i>dN/dS</i> ratios for the protein groups.
*<p>454 proteins contain poly-Q tracts of four or more glutamines in humans. However, this number excludes 41 human proteins without assigned homologs in either mouse or rat, which served as the references for estimating the <i>dN/dS</i> ratios. Additionally, the <i>dN/dS</i> ratios for 21 human proteins were not available by PAML estimation. The <i>dN/dS</i> ratios were estimated for the entire protein, including the repeat.</p
Highly conserved polyQ tracts encoded by pure or mixed codons.
<p>A large number of 4–5Q tracts encoded by pure codons are highly conserved, but conserved polyQ tracts of 10 or more glutamines are all encoded by mixed codons.</p
The average <i>d<sub>N</sub></i>/<i>d<sub>S</sub></i> ratio for the regions flanking polyQ tracts with different percentages of CAG or CAA in the codons.
<p>The labels 0–0.5, 0.5–1 and 1 indicate less than or equal to 50%, more than 50% but less than 100%, and 100% of CAG or CAA codons, respectively. Only one tract of 4 glutamines was encoded by pure CAA codons, so only two groups were encoded by more than 50% and by less than or equal to 50% CAA.</p
Mean <i>dN/dS</i> ratios for region groups.
*<p>454 proteins contain poly-Q tracts of four or more glutamines in humans. However, this number excludes 41 human proteins without assigned homologs in either mouse or rat, which served as the references for estimating the <i>dN/dS</i> ratios. Additionally, the <i>dN/dS</i> ratios for some regions flanking the poly-Q tracts were not available by PAML estimation. The <i>dN/dS</i> ratios were calculated for a region including 33 amino acids on either side of the repeat and excluding the repeat.</p
The average <i>d<sub>N</sub></i>/<i>d<sub>S</sub></i> ratio for the regions flanking polyQ tracts of different repeat sizes.
<p>The tracts were divided into three different groups. The first group of tracts included tracts of 4 or 5 glutamines, the second group consisted of tracts of 6–9 glutamines, and the third group comprised tracts of 10 or more glutamines.</p
Additional file 5: of Integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis reveals regulatory pathways underlying the curly fleece trait in Chinese tan sheep
Table S4. Detailed results of GO terms analysis for gene transcripts targeted by miRNAs (Table S4A showed the GO terms of target genes of the miRNAs that are more abundant in lambs than in adults; Table S4B showed the GO terms of target genes of the miRNAs that are less abundant in lambs than in adults). (XLS 922 kb
Additional file 2: of Integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis reveals regulatory pathways underlying the curly fleece trait in Chinese tan sheep
Figure S1. Secondary structure predictions for novel miRNAs. The red color shows the mature miRNA sequences. (TIFF 19777 kb
Additional file 7: of Integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis reveals regulatory pathways underlying the curly fleece trait in Chinese tan sheep
Table S6. The signaling pathways analysis with target genes that form miRNA-mRNA pairs with differentially expressed miRNAs between the two stages of Tan sheep. (XLS 30 kb
Additional file 8: of Integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis reveals regulatory pathways underlying the curly fleece trait in Chinese tan sheep
Table S7. Sequences of primer used for amplification of wild type or mutant KRT83 CDS region. (DOCX 48 kb
Additional file 1: of Integrated miRNA-mRNA analysis reveals regulatory pathways underlying the curly fleece trait in Chinese tan sheep
Table S1. Conserved and novel miRNAs detected in lambs and adults. (XLS 82 kb