42 research outputs found
A Latent Class Analysis of Nutrition Impact Symptoms in Cancer Survivors
Purpose: Those with a cancer diagnosis report experiencing a wide range of nutrition impact symptoms with prevalence varying by study, group and cancer type. We aimed to identify groups of cancer survivors with specific patterns of nutrition impact symptoms.Methods: 229 individuals attending oncology day ward and outpatient clinics completed a series of questionnaires and physical measurements. A latent class analysis was performed to identify subgroups based on 13 nutrition impact symptoms taken from the Patient Generated Subjective Global Assessment Short Form. The identified classes were subsequently compared using analysis of variance and chi-square tests, by sociodemographic, clinical and nutritional variables as well as by Global health status (GHS) and five functioning scales determined using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30). Results: Three latent subtypes were identified: (1) Fatigue (n=58, 28%); (2) Low Symptom Burden (n=146, 64%) and (3) High Symptom Burden (n=25, 11%). Those in the High Symptom Burden group were more likely to be female, currently receiving any form of treatment and have consumed less food than usual in the last month compared to those in the Low Symptom Burden group. Those in the Fatigue group were more likely were more likely to have reported consuming less food in the previous month and less likely to have reported their food intake to be unchanged than those in the Low Symptom Burden group. Those who received their diagnosis two years+ ago were most likely to be classed in the Fatigue group. The EORTC-QLQ-C30 functioning and GHS scores were all significantly different between the three nutrition impact symptoms classes (p<0.001)Conclusion: This is the first study to examine heterogeneity of nutrition impact symptoms in Irish Cancer Survivors. The findings of this work will inform and allow for more individualised nutrition care.<br/
A Latent Profile Analysis of Health-related Quality of Life Domains in Cancer Survivors
PurposeThe aim of this research was to examine heterogeneity of Health-related Quality of Life (HrQOL) in Cancer Survivors (both undergoing and completed treatment) using latent profile analysis and to determine whether these groups differed by demographic and health characteristics.MethodsParticipants(n=229) recruited through an oncology day ward and outpatient department in a local hospital, completed height, weight and handgrip measures as well as the validated patient generated subjective global assessment and EORTC-QLQ-C30 questionnaires. A latent profile analysis was performed to identify subgroups based on HrQOL domain scores. Multinominal Logistic Regression was conducted to determine the relationship between these subgroups and demographic and health characteristics. ResultsThree latent subtypes were identified: (1)high quality of life(n=122, 52.8%); (2)compromised quality of life(n=79, 34.2%) and (3)low quality of life(n=30, 12.99%). All subtypes scored lower for functioning scales (with the exception of the higher quality of life group for physical, role and emotional functioning) and higher for symptom scales then the reference norm population. There were large clinically meaningful differences between the high quality of life group and the low quality of life group for all HrQOL scales. Those in the low quality of life group were slightly younger than those in the high quality of life group(OR = 0.956, p < .05, CI = 0.917– 0.998). Workers were >7 times more likely to be in low quality of life than the high quality of life group. Compared to the high quality of life group, the odds of belonging to the compromised quality of life group decreased significantly by having higher handgrip strength (OR = .955, p < .05, CI = .924 - .988). The odds of belonging to the low quality of life group increased significantly for those with higher number of nutrition impact symptoms (NIS) (OR = 1.375, p < .05, CI = 1.004 – 1.883).ConclusionsThis is the first study to examine heterogeneity of HrQOL using latent profile analysis in Irish Cancer Survivors. In clinical practice understanding how aspects of HrQOL group together may allow clinicians to better understand and treat cancer survivors, informing more individualised nutrition care.<br/
Applying the thresholds for clinical importance for fourteen key domains of the EORTC QLQ-C30: A Latent Class Analysis of Cancer Survivors.
A person’s quality of life is impacted from the beginning of their oncology experience. One of the most common tools to measure quality of life is the EORTC QLQ-C30. The absolute scores it produces can be difficult to interpret in the clinical setting, and thresholds to help identify those who require intervention have recently been introduced. The aim of this research was to identify heterogeneity of these thresholds for clinical importance using latent class analysis in cancer survivors (those undergoing and those who have completed treatment) attending a hospital in the northwest of Ireland. We identified 3 distinct classes of cancer survivors, using Mplus 6.11: high clinical impact (13.9%), compromised physical function (40.3%) and low clinical impact (45.9%). The compromised physical function group were slightly more likely to be older (OR = 1.042, p < .05, CI = 1.000–1.086), not employed (OR = 8.347, p < .01, CI = 2.092–33.305), have lower PG-SGA scores (OR = .826, p < .001, CI = .755–.904), and not have been diagnosed in the last 2 years (OR = .325, p < .05, CI = .114–.923) compared to the high clinical impact group. The low clinical impact group were more likely to be female (OR = 3.288, p < .05, CI = 1.281–1.073), not employed (OR = 10.129, p < .01, CI = 2.572–39.882), have a lower BMI (OR = .921, p < .05, CI = .853–.994), and lower PG-SGA scores (OR = .656, p < .001, CI = .573–.750) than the high clinical impact group. Functional and symptom issues impact on quality of life, and therefore, identifying those of clinical importance is crucial for developing supportive care strategies
A Latent Class Analysis of Nutrition Impact Symptoms in Cancer Survivors
Those with a cancer diagnosis report experiencing a wide range of nutrition impact symptoms with prevalence varying by study, group and cancer type. We aimed to identify groups of cancer survivors with specific patterns of nutrition impact symptoms. Two hundred and twenty-nine individuals attending oncology day ward and outpatient clinics completed a series of questionnaires and physical measurements. A latent class analysis was performed to identify subgroups based on 13 nutrition impact symptoms taken from the Patient Generated Subjective Global Assessment Short Form. The identified classes were subsequently compared using analysis of variance and chi-square tests, by sociodemographic, clinical and nutritional variables as well as by Global Health Status (GHS) and five functioning scales determined using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30). Three latent subtypes were identified: (1) Fatigue (n=58, 28%); (2) Low Symptom Burden (n=146, 64%) and (3) High Symptom Burden (n=25, 11%). Those in the High Symptom Burden group were more likely to be female, currently receiving any form of treatment, diagnosed ≥two years and have consumed less food than usual in the last month compared to those in the Low Symptom Burden group. Those in the Fatigue group were more likely were less likely to have reported their food intake to be unchanged and more likely to be diagnosed ≥two years than those in the Low Symptom Burden group. The EORTC-QLQ-C30 functioning and GHS scores were all significantly different between the three nutrition impact symptoms classes (p<0.001). This is the first study to examine heterogeneity of nutrition impact symptoms in Irish Cancer Survivors. The findings of this work will inform and allow for more individualised nutrition care
Perceived Barriers and Facilitators to a Healthy Diet among Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Exploration Using the TDF and COM-B
Meaning of nutrition for cancer survivors: a photovoice study
Background: Little is known about how cancer survivors perceive nutrition through the cancer experience and how those perceptions may influence their diet. Aims: This study aimed to capture the meaning of nutrition for cancer survivors who are post-cancer treatment using a participatory photography method known as photovoice. Methods: Wang and Burris’s photovoice procedure was followed. Recruitment took place via email through existing links with participants from a previous quantitative study. The participants were tasked with taking photographs to represent the meaning of nutrition for them post-treatment. Group workshops and semistructured interviews were conducted to facilitate reflection, dialogue and analysis. Data analysis followed Braun and Clarke’s six-phase thematic analysis. Results: One man and seven women (n=8) across the Island of Ireland were recruited. Participants identified six themes (illustrated with photographs): (1) Fresh is Best, (2) Be kind to yourself, (3) Building Blocks. Be Informed., (4) Post-Treatment Healing Changes, (5) Chemo Rituals and (6) Food for the Soul–Healthy Mind. Healthy Body. Conclusions: Participants displayed a holistic approach to a healthy lifestyle for recovery post-treatment and maintaining health. While diverse, participants made post-treatment nutritional changes by introducing and eliminating certain foods or food groups. All agreed that being informed and building nutrition knowledge are essential. It is important to clarify the implications cancer has had on diet and health when providing nutrition guidance to ensure that it is appropriate and specific
Exploring and informing the provision of nutrition advice to patients with cancer and healthcare professionals, with a focus on cancer survivorship
Nutrition Practices among Adult Cancer Survivors Living on the Island of Ireland: A Cross-Sectional Study
The purpose of this research was to explore the nutrition practices among post-treatment cancer survivors across Ireland. Cancer survivors aged 18+ years living across Ireland, who were not palliative and had completed active cancer treatment at least six months previous, were recruited to complete an online survey assessing dietary quality, food choice and satisfaction with food-related life as well as clinical and nutrition status. It was circulated by cancer support networks and on social media. Descriptive statistics are presented. The cohort (n = 170) was predominantly female (85.9%) and had breast cancer (64.7%). Mean age was 51.5 ± 10.9 years and 42.7% of the cohort were >five years post-treatment. Only 20% and 12% of the cohort had been assessed by a dietitian during and post-treatment, respectively. The mean dietary quality score was 10.3 ± 1.7, which was measured by the Leeds short-form food frequency questionnaire (SFFFQ). Using a 5-point Likert scale, the median satisfaction with food-related life score was 19 (3.3), which evaluates cognitive judgements on the person’s food-related life. The food choice questionnaire (FCQ) assesses the relative importance of a range of factors related to dietary choice to individuals. The primary determinant of food choice in this cohort was the natural content (31.7%) followed by health (24.7%). Vitamin and mineral supplement use was reported by 69.8% of the cohort; the most consumed was Vitamin D. Four themes emerged from an optional open-ended question: awareness of nutritional importance; desire for specific nutritional advice and dietetic referral; cancer and treatment nutrition impacts were highlighted; as well as struggles with weight gain. This research provides useful insight into the nutrition practices of Irish cancer survivors. A desire and need for individualised and specific advice are evident