8 research outputs found
Sensitivities of the MSD-ELISAs and the IS-ELISA against the FMDV-positive field samples by RT-PCR.
<p>*A total of 178 RT-PCR-positive samples (135 oral swab samples, 7 nasal samples, 24 oral and nasal swab samples, 12 samples of 10% emulsion of homogenized epithelial tissue) collected in the 2010 type O FMD outbreak in Japan from 78 farms were used.</p>†<p>In both the MSD-ELISAs and the IS-ELISA, OD results ( =  sample OD − average negative OD) of 0.1 or more were judged as positive.</p>‡<p>Fractions in parentheses show ELISA-positive samples or farms/RT-PCR-positive samples or farms.</p>§<p>The amounts of two samples were insufficient for the test.</p>∥<p>The sensitivities against farm units were calculated using the sensitivities against samples.</p
Comparison of the results of FMDV antigen detection methods using saliva of FMDV-inoculated pigs.
<p>*MS: MSD-ELISA for multi-serotypes; SS: MSD-ELISA for single serotypes (O, A, Asia1); IS: Indirect sandwich-ELISA for each serotype (O, A, Asia1); rPCR: real-time RT-PCR.</p>†<p>The OD results (average sample OD-average buffer OD) of the MS, SS and IS ELISAs were as +++, >1.0; ++, 0.5–1.0; +, 0.1–0.5; and −, <0.1.</p>‡<p>The results-related plaque-forming unit of rPCR were as +++,>10<sup>4</sup>; ++, 10<sup>2</sup>–10<sup>3</sup>; +, 10<sup>0</sup>–10<sup>2</sup>; and −, <10<sup>0</sup>.</p>§<p>The pigs inoculated with virus were euthanized.</p>∥<p>Squares mean the day the obvious vesicular appeared except for the inoculated site.</p
Comparison of the results of antigen detection using clinical samples.
<p><sup>a</sup> MSD-ELISA is MAb-based antigen detection ELISA</p><p><sup>b</sup> IS-ELISA is indirect sandwich ELISA supplied by the World Reference Laboratory</p><p><sup>c</sup> Vesicular fluid</p><p><sup>d</sup>10 μl of vesicular fluid were added to 90 μl of running buffer</p><p><sup>e</sup>The number of positive samples by each antigen detection method/the number of positive samples by RT-PCR</p><p><sup>f</sup> Vesicular epithelial emulsion</p><p><sup>g</sup> Oral and/or nasal vesicular lesion swabs.</p><p>Comparison of the results of antigen detection using clinical samples.</p
The sensitivities of the FMD serotyping strips.
<p>The sensitivities of the FMD serotyping strip and Svanodip against each FMDV strain were compared. Only type SAT3 was applied from 10<sup>6</sup> TCID<sub>50</sub>. Closed bars show the mABS of each serotype-specific line of the FMD serotyping strip. Shaded bars show the mABS of Svanodip. The dashed lines on the graphs show 15 mABS lines judged positive by visual inspection. The numbers on the right edge of the graph show mABS over 150.</p
FMDV serotyping on one strip.
<p>The result of reactivity of the FMD serotyping strip against seven serotypes of FMDVs and SVDV. One hundred μL of a total of 17 viruses of almost 10<sup>6</sup> TCID<sub>50</sub> were added to the tube containing the freeze-dried G-MAb, and the FMDV serotyping strip was then dipped into the tube. After 12 min, the lines were interpreted.</p
Additional file 1: of Monitoring for bovine arboviruses in the most southwestern islands in Japan between 1994 and 2014
Primers used for RT-PCR and sequencing in this study. (XLSX 12 kb
Representative radiological and histological images.
<p>(a) A 64-year-old female patient with adenocarcinoma <i>in situ</i>. (i) Computed tomography (CT) scan (lung window setting) showed a pure ground-glass nodule (GGN), 11.9 mm in size. The mean CT attenuation of the tumor was −716 Hounsfield units (HU). (ii) Mediastinal window setting CT showed no tumor components except for vessels. (iii) Low magnification image (hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining) showed a circumscribed tumor growing purely with a lepidic pattern without foci of invasion. A slight thickening of the alveolar walls in the tumor area was observed. (iv) Middle magnification image of the tumor (HE staining) revealed that tumor cells appeared to replace normal pneumocytes on alveolar walls. (b) A 63-year-old female patient with minimally invasive adenocarcinoma. (i) Lung window CT image showed a pure GGN, 14.2 mm in size. The mean CT attenuation was −691 HU. (ii) Mediastinal window CT showed no tumor components. (iii) Low magnification image of the tumor (HE staining) revealed a subpleural tumor consisting predominantly of lepidic growth with a small (<5 mm) focus of invasion. (iv) Middle magnification image of the invasive area of the tumor (HE staining) revealed acinar-type growth pattern. (c) A 74-year-old female patient with lepidic-predominant invasive adenocarcinoma. (i) Lung window CT showed a pure GGN, 19.7 mm in size. The mean CT attenuation was −618 HU. (ii) Mediastinal window CT showed no tumor components except for vessels. (iii) Low magnification image (HE staining) revealed a tumor consisting mostly of lepidic growth with a smaller area (8 mm) of acinar invasion. (iv) Middle magnification image of the invasion area of the tumor (HE staining) revealed acinar gland proliferation in the fibrous stroma. (d) A 76-year-old male patient with papillary-predominant invasive adenocarcinoma. (i) Lung window CT image showed a pure GGN, 10.7 mm in size. The mean CT attenuation was −509 HU. (ii) Mediastinal window CT showed no tumor components. (iii) Low magnification image of the tumor (HE staining) revealed that the tumor predominantly consisted of papillary proliferation. (iv) Middle magnification image of the tumor (HE staining) revealed cuboidal tumor cells growing along fibrovascular cores in a papillary configuration.</p
Patient characteristics and tumor properties.
<p>Abbreviations: AIS, adenocarcinoma in situ; MIA, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma; I-ADC, invasive adenocarcinoma; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; CT, computed tomography; HU, Hounsfield unit.</p>#<p>significantly higher than tumor size in the AIS group.</p><p>*significantly higher than CT attenuation in the AIS and MIA groups.</p