17 research outputs found
Magnetic order in pyrochlore iridate NdIrO probed by muon spin relaxation
Muon-spin relaxation results on the pyrochlore iridate NdIrO are
reported. Spontaneous coherent muon-spin precession below the metal-insulator
transition (MIT) temperature of about 33 K is observed, indicating the
appearance of a long-ranged magnetic ordering of Ir moments. With
further decrease in temperature, the internal field at the muon site increases
again below about 9 K. The second increase of internal field suggests the
ordering of Nd moments, which is consistent with a previous neutron
experiment. Our results suggest that the MIT and magnetic ordering of Ir
moments have a close relationship and that the large spin-orbit coupling of Ir
5\textit{d} electrons plays a key role for both MIT and the mechanism of the
magnetic ordering in pyrochlore iridates in the insulting ground state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by Physical Review B (rapid
Na-ion dynamics in Quasi-1D compound NaV2O4
We have used the pulsed muon source at ISIS to study high-temperature Na-ion
dynamics in the quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) metallic antiferromagnet NaV2O4. By
performing systematic zero-field and longitudinal-field measurements as a
function of temperature we clearly distinguish that the hopping rate increases
exponentially above Tdiff=250 K. The data is well fitted to an Arrhenius type
equation typical for a diffusion process, showing that the Na-ions starts to be
mobile above Tdiff . Such results makes this compound very interesting for the
tuning of Q1D magnetism using atomic-scale ion-texturing through the periodic
potential from ordered Na-vacancies. Further, it also opens the door to
possible use of NaV2O4 and related compounds in energy related applications.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Impact of the Ce states in the electronic structure of the intermediate-valence superconductor CeIr
The electronic structure of the -based superconductor
was studied by photoelectron spectroscopy. The energy distribution of the
states were revealed by the resonant
photoelectron spectroscopy. The states were mostly distributed
in the vicinity of the Fermi energy, suggesting the itinerant character of the
states. The contribution of the states to the
density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy was estimated to be nearly half of
that of the states, implying that the states
have a considerable contribution to the DOS at the Fermi energy. The
core-level and X-ray absorption spectra were
analyzed based on a single-impurity Anderson model. The number of the
states in the ground state was estimated to be ,
which is much larger than the values obtained in the previous studies (i.e.,
).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Electronic Structur