49,609 research outputs found
Energy-momentum and angular momentum densities in gauge theories of gravity
In the \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory of gravity, which has
been formulated on the basis of a principal fiber bundle over the space-time
manifold having the covering group of the proper orthochronous Poincar\'{e}
group as the structure group, we examine the tensorial properties of the
dynamical energy-momentum density and the ` `
spin" angular momentum density of the
gravitational field. They are both space-time vector densities, and transform
as tensors under {\em global} - transformations. Under {\em local}
internal translation, is invariant, while
transforms inhomogeneously. The dynamical
energy-momentum density and the ` ` spin"
angular momentum density of the matter field
are also examined, and they are known to be space-time vector densities and to
obey tensorial transformation rules under internal \bar{\mbox{\rm
Poincar\'{e}}} gauge transformations. The corresponding discussions in
extended new general relativity which is obtained as a teleparallel limit of
\bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory are also given, and
energy-momentum and ` ` spin" angular momentum densities are known to be well
behaved. Namely, they are all space-time vector densities, etc. In both
theories, integrations of these densities on a space-like surface give the
total energy-momentum and {\em total} (={\em spin}+{\em orbital}) angular
momentum for asymptotically flat space-time. The tensorial properties of
canonical energy-momentum and ` ` extended orbital angular momentum" densities
are also examined.Comment: 18 page
Quantum Electrodynamics at Large Distances III: Verification of Pole Factorization and the Correspondence Principle
In two companion papers it was shown how to separate out from a scattering
function in quantum electrodynamics a distinguished part that meets the
correspondence-principle and pole-factorization requirements. The integrals
that define the terms of the remainder are here shown to have singularities on
the pertinent Landau singularity surface that are weaker than those of the
distinguished part. These remainder terms therefore vanish, relative to the
distinguished term, in the appropriate macroscopic limits. This shows, in each
order of the perturbative expansion, that quantum electrodynamics does indeed
satisfy the pole-factorization and correspondence-principle requirements in the
case treated here. It also demonstrates the efficacy of the computational
techniques developed here to calculate the consequences of the principles of
quantum electrodynamics in the macroscopic and mesoscopic regimes.Comment: latex, 39 pages, 2 Figures included as uuencoded, tarred, gzipped,
encapsulated postscript files, uses math_macros.te
Spontaneous Supersymmetry Breaking by Large-N Matrices
Motivated by supersymmetry breaking in matrix model formulations of
superstrings, we present some concrete models, in which the supersymmetry is
preserved for any finite , but gets broken at infinite , where is the
rank of matrix variables. The models are defined as supersymmetric field
theories coupled to some matrix models, and in the induced action obtained
after integrating out the matrices, supersymmetry is spontaneously broken only
when is infinity. In our models, the large value of gives a natural
explanation for the origin of small parameters appearing in the field theories
which trigger the supersymmetry breaking. In particular, in the case of the
O'Raifeartaigh model coupled to a certain supersymmetric matrix model, a
nonsupersymmetric metastable vacuum appears near the origin of the field space,
which is far from the position of the supersymmetric vacuum. We estimate its
lifetime as a function of .Comment: 32 pages, no figures, LaTeX; minor chang
Exotic black hole solution in teleparallel theory of (2+1)-dimensional gravity
A black hole solution in a teleparallel theory of (2+1)-dimensional gravity,
given in a previous paper, is examined. This solution is also a solution of the
three-dimensional vacuum Einstein equation with a vanishing cosmological
constant. Remarkable is the fact that this solution gives a black hole in a \lq
\lq flat-land" in the Einstein theory and a Newtonian limit. Coordinate
transformations to \lq \lq Minkowskian" coordinates, however, are singular not
only at the origin, but also on the event horizon. {\em In the
three-dimensional Einstein theory, vacuum regions of space-times can be locally
non-trivial}.Comment: 11, ReVTe
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