40 research outputs found
Fuzzy !-automata and its relationships
A notion of finite ! - automata with single initial state is proposed.
The concept of fuzzy deterministic Buchi automaton and Muller automaton
with full acceptance component which is recognize the same fuzzy language are
studied. We also establish the relationship between fuzzy deterministic Rabin
automaton and Muller automaton. Further, we define the transition fuzzy !
- automata and show that these automata recognize the same fuzzy language
as in the fuzzy ! - automata. Finally, we give some closure properties of fuzzy
deterministic ! - automata
On the categories of L-Valued and Q-Valued 6 deterministic fuzzy automata
Automata and languages have been studied in the context of different lattice structures by several authors. This paper is toward the categorical study of deterministic lattice-valued (L-valued) fuzzy automata and deterministic quantale-valued (Q-valued)
fuzzy automata. The existence of initial and final objects in the subcategory of category of deterministic lattice-valued fuzzy automata is shown. We also show that there is an adjunction between the category of deterministic lattice-valued and quantale-valued
fuzzy automata
Analysis of neutrosophic multiple regression
The idea of Neutrosophic statistics is utilized for the analysis of the uncertainty
observation data. Neutrosophic multiple regression is one of a vital roles in the analysis of the
impact between the dependent and independent variables. The Neutrosophic regression equation
is useful to predict the future value of the dependent variable. This paper to predict the students'
performance in campus interviews is based on aptitude and personality tests, which measures
conscientiousness, and predict the future trend. Neutrosophic multiple regression is to authenticate
the claim and examine the null hypothesis using the F-test. This study exhibits that Neutrosophic
multiple regression is the most efficient model for uncertainty rather than the classical regression
Interval typeβ2 fuzzy aggregation operator in decision making and its application
Type-2 fuzzy sets (T2FSs) can deal with higher modeling and uncertainties which exist in the real-world application, specifically
in the control systems. Particularly the climate changes are always uncertain and thus, the type-2 fuzzy controller is an
effective system to handle those situations. Polyhouse is a methodology used to cultivate the plants. It breaks the seasonal
hurdle of the formulation and it is also suitable for the conflictive climate conditions. Controlling and directing internal
parameters of the polyhouse play an essential role in the growth of the plant. Among those, humidity is an important element
when one deals with the growth of the plant in polyhouse. It affects the weather, as well as the global change of the climate
and hence, the inner climate of the polyhouse will be disturbed. In this paper, operational laws for triangular interval type-2
fuzzy numbers and derived triangular interval type-2 weighted geometric (TIT2WG) operator with their desired mathematical
properties using Dombi triangular norms. Also, humidity control is analyzed using interval type-2 fuzzy controller (IT2FC)
with the use of derived aggregation operator which is the aim of the paper. Further stability of the system has been analyzed
by applying four different defuzzification methods and the method is recommended which gives a better response
The Impacts of Harvesting Activities on Prey-Predator Fishery Model in the Presence of Toxin
The present paper discusses a prey-predator fishery model where both species are subjected to harvesting effort. Both species release some toxic substances to each other. The prey species obeys the law of logistic growth. The model is a modified version from the classic Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model. The equilibria of the model are obtained and the dynamical behaviors of the proposed system are examined. Simulations of the model are performed and bifurcation diagrams are studied. The effects of harvesting and toxin on the stability of steady states are examined. In the present research, we found that the impact of harvesting activities is more influential on the dynamical behaviors in the fishery model than that of the toxin
Blockchain single and interval valued neutrosophic graphs
Blockchain Technology (BCT) is a growing and reliable technology in various fields such as developing business deals, economic environments, social and politics as well. Without having a trusted central party this technology, gives the guarantee for safe and reliable transactions using Bitcoin or Ethereum. In this paper BCT has been considered using Bitcoins. Also Blockchain Single and Interval Valued Neutrosophic Graphs have been proposed and applied in transaction of Bitcoins. Also degree, total degree, minimum and maximum degree have been found for the proposed graphs. Further, comparative analysis is done with advantages and limitations of different types of Blockchain graphs
Edge detection on DICOM image using triangular norms in Type-2 fuzzy
In image processing, edge detection is an important venture. Fuzzy logic plays a vital role in image processing to deal with lacking in quality of an image or imprecise in nature. This present study contributes an authentic method of fuzzy edge detection through image segmentation. Gradient of the image is done by triangular norms to extract the information. Triangular norms (T norms) and triangular conorms (T conorms) are specialized in dealing uncertainty. Therefore triangular norms are chosen with minimum and maximum operators for the purpose of morphological operations. Also, mathematical properties of aggregation operator to represent the role of morphological operations using Triangular Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Yager Weighted Geometric (TIT2FYWG) and Triangular Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Yager Weighted Arithmetic (TIT2FYWA) operators are derived. These properties represent the components of image processing. Here Edge detection is done for DICOM image by converting into 2D gray scale image, using Type-2 fuzzy MATLAB and which is the novelty of this work
Review on Type-2 fuzzy in biomedicine
Application of physiological and biological ethics to clinical practice is called medical science or Bio-medicine. This branch includes biochemistry, molecular biology, biological engineering neuro science, immunology, pathology and other life science applied to medicine. In this paper, a review has been done for creating a new path and motivation in this field for the new researchers as an application of fuzzy logic in life science areas. Since medical field has uncertainty in nature this topic will be very useful for the future researc
Characterizations of fuzzy fated filters of R0-algebras based on fuzzy points
More general form of the notion of quasi-coincidence of a fuzzy point with a
fuzzy subset is considered, and generalization of fuzzy fated of R0-algebras is discussed. The
notion of an (β,ββ¨ qk)-fuzzy fated filter in a R0-algebra is introduced, and several properties
are investigated. Characterizations of an (β, β β¨ qk)-fuzzy fated filter in an R0-algebra are
discussed. Using a collection of fated filters, a (β,ββ¨ qk)-fuzzy fated filter is established