9,589 research outputs found
India's defense budget: can it be reduced?
Includes bibliographical references. Cover title.unpublishednot peer reviewe
Do Food Stamps Cause Obesity? Evidence from Immigrant Experience
I use changes in immigrant eligibility for food stamps under the 1996 federal law and heterogeneous state responses to set up a natural experiment research design to study the effect of food stamps on Body Mass Index (BMI) of adults in immigrant families. I find that in the post-1996 period food stamps use by foreign-born unmarried mothers with a high school or lower education was 10 percentage points higher in states with substitute programs than in states that implemented the federal ban. However, this increase in FSP participation was not associated with any statistically significant difference in BMI. I find that FSP participation was associated a statistically insignificant 0.3 percent increase in BMI among low-educated unmarried mothers.
Condition R and holomorphic mappings of domains with generic corners
A piecewise smooth domain is said to have generic corners if the corners are
generic CR manifolds. It is shown that a biholomorphic mapping from a piecewise
smooth pseudoconvex domain with generic corners in complex Euclidean space that
satisfies Condition R to another domain extends as a smooth diffeomorphism of
the respective closures if and only if the target domain is also piecewise
smooth with generic corners and satisfies Condition R. Further it is shown that
a proper map from a domain with generic corners satisfying Condition R to a
product domain of the same dimension extends continuously to the closure of the
source domain in such a way that the extension is smooth on the smooth part of
the boundary. In particular, the existence of such a proper mapping forces the
smooth part of the boundary of the source to be Levi degenerate.Comment: Final version: to appear in Illinois Journal of Mathematic
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