144 research outputs found

    State consciousness - two defective arguments

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    Deweys bevidsthedsbegreb

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    John Dewey has played a major role for philosophy of education and for educational theory as such. This paper deals with Dewey’s conception of consciousness, an issue which is rarely dealt with. It is claimed that Dewey’s thoughts on this issue are original and has actuality in the light of recent attempts to understand cognition and consciousness as intimately related to the subject’s interaction with the environment.

    HVAD ER PSYKOLOGIENS GRUNDLAG? En anmeldelse af Nini Prætorius: Principles of Cognition, Language

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    Nini Prætorius har skrevet en bog, der omhandler psykologiens teoretiske grundlag. Dette faktum er i sig selv bemærkelsesværdigt, det forhold taget i betragtning, at Prætorius er psykolog. I almindelighed afstår mange psykologer således gerne fra at beskæftige sig med deres egen disciplins grundlagsproblemer, eller overtager blot naturvidenskabens metoder, modeller og antagelser i bestræbelserne på at få psykologien accepteret som idenskab, som Prætorius påpeger (s. 27). Det er endvidere bemærkelsesværdigt, at Prætorius i sin diskussion af disse grundlagsproblemer ikke blot konsekvent argumenterer imod en række dominerende anskuelser, men tillige har et originalt og sammenhængende teoretisk bud på hvorledes flere af disse problemer kan løses

    Betragtninger over refleksivitet (og pædagogik): - med afsæt i Grue-Sørensens disputats

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    The paper is an investigation of the concept ‘reflexivity’ and its possible relation to consciousness. By taking advantage of Knud Grue-Sørensens discussions of ‘reflexivity’ in his treatise Studier over refl eksivitet. En fi losofi sk afhandling (1950), I discuss a number of arguments to the effect that there is an intimate connection between reflexivity, consciousness and epistemology. The idea that pedagogy is somehow essentially related to reflexivity is also briefly taken into consideration


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    Subjektivitet og bevidsthed betragtes traditionelt som intimt forbundne begreber. En række tænkere har argumenteret for, at bevidsthed par excellence eksemplificerer subjektivitet i en betydning heraf, der rejser vanskeligheder for en naturalistisk forklaring af bevidsthed. Som et pejlemærke for disse vanskeligheder har flere fundet behag i Thomas Nagels karakteristik af det subjektive aspekt ved bevidsthed gennem vendingen ‘WHAT IT’S LIKE to have an experience’. Med udgangspunkt i Nagels dictum vil jeg afgrænse forskellige mulige betydninger af subjektivitet. I lyset heraf vil forholdet mellem en såkaldt RELATIONEL og en INTRINSISK opfattelse af bevidsthed kort blive diskuteret

    Om realisme og konstruktivisme i Piagets læringsteori og genetiske epistemologi

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    This paper deals with the epistemological foundations of Jean Piaget’s theory of learning and genetic epistemology. The purpose is to estimate the form of Piaget’s constructivism. I take advantage of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s ‘radical constructivist’ interpretation of Piaget. Contrary to von Glasersfeld, it is argued that Piaget at the same time is a realist with respect to the existence of the external world, and a ‘genetic-transcendental constructivist’ in relation to the development of knowledge. I interpret this paradox as Piaget’s acknowledgement of the co-existence of a 3. person and a 1. person epistemological perspective in the scientific investigation of cognitio


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    Deweys bevidsthedsbegreb

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    <em><span style="font-family: CronosMM-It_408_10_; font-size: x-small;"><span style="font-family: CronosMM-It_408_10_; font-size: x-small;"><font face="CronosMM-It_408_10_" size="2"><p>John Dewey has played a major role for philosophy of education and for educational theory as such. This paper deals with Dewey’s conception of consciousness, an issue which is rarely dealt with. It is claimed that Dewey’s thoughts on this issue are original and has actuality in the light of recent attempts to understand cognition and consciousness as intimately related to the subject’s interaction with the environment.</p></font></span></span><p> </p></em


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    Mindeord om Thyge-Winther Jense

    Quantifying dwarf satellites through gravitational imaging: the case of SDSS J120602.09+514229.5

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    SDSS J120602.09+514229.5 is a gravitational lens system formed by a group of galaxies at redshift z=0.422 lensing a bright background galaxy at redshift z=2.001. The main peculiarity of this system is the presence of a luminous satellite near the Einstein radius, that slightly deforms the giant arc. This makes SDSS J120602.09+514229.5 the ideal system to test our grid-based Bayesian lens modelling method, designed to detect galactic satellites independently from their mass-to-light ratio, and to measure the mass of this dwarf galaxy despite its high redshift. Thanks to the pixelized source and potential reconstruction technique of Vegetti and Koopmans 2009a we are able to detect the luminous satellite as a local positive surface density correction to the overall smooth potential. Assuming a truncated Pseudo-Jaffe density profile, the satellite has a mass M=(2.75+-0.04)10^10 M_sun inside its tidal radius of r_t=0.68". We determine for the satellite a luminosity of L_B=(1.6+-0.8)10^9 L_sun, leading to a total mass-to-light ratio within the tidal radius of (M/L)_B=(17.2+-8.5) M_sun/L_sun. The central galaxy has a sub-isothermal density profile as in general is expected for group members. From the SDSS spectrum we derive for the central galaxy a velocity dispersion of sigma_kinem=380+-60 km/s within the SDSS aperture of diameter 3". The logarithmic density slope of gamma=1.7+0.25-0.30 (68% CL), derived from this measurement, is consistent within 1-sigma with the density slope of the dominant lens galaxy gamma~1.6, determined from the lens model. This paper shows how powerful pixelized lensing techniques are in detecting and constraining the properties of dwarf satellites at high redshift.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS; Abstract abridge