152,719 research outputs found
Reassessing the Link between Voter Heterogeneity and Political Accountability: A Latent Class Regression Model of Economic Voting
While recent research has underscored the conditioning effect of individual characteristics on economic voting behavior, most empirical studies have failed to explicitly incorporate observed heterogeneity into statistical analyses linking citizens' economic evaluations to electoral choices. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we propose a latent
class regression model to jointly analyze the determinants and influence of economic
voting in Presidential and Congressional elections. Our modeling approach allows us to
better describe the effects of individual covariates on economic voting and to test hypotheses on the existence of heterogeneous types of voters, providing an empirical basis
for assessing the relative validity of alternative explanations proposed in the literature.
Using survey data from the 2004 U.S. Presidential, Senate and House elections, we
and that voters with college education and those more interested in political campaigns
based their vote on factors other than their economic perceptions. In contrast, less educated and interested respondents assigned considerable weight to economic assessments,
with sociotropic jugdgments strongly in
uencing their vote in the Presidential election
and personal financial considerations affecting their vote in House elections. We conclude that the main distinction in the 2004 election was not between `sociotropic' and
`pocketbook' voters, but rather between `economic' and `non-economic' voters
Electron Population Aging Models for Wide-Angle Tails
Color-color diagrams have been useful in studying the spectral shapes in
radio galaxies. At the workshop we presented color-color diagrams for two
wide-angle tails, 1231+674 and 1433+553, and found that the standard aging
models do not adequately represent the observed data. Although the JP and KP
models can explain some of the observed points in the color-color diagram, they
do not account for those found near the power-law line. This difficulty may be
attributable to several causes. Spectral tomography has been previously used to
discern two separate electron populations in these sources. The combination
spectra from two such overlying components can easily resemble a range of
power-laws. In addition, any non-uniformity in the magnetic field strength can
also create a power-law-like spectrum. We will also discuss the effects that
angular resolution has on the shape of the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, proceedings from 1999 'Life Cycles of Radio
Galaxies' workshop at STScI in Baltimore, M
When is .999... less than 1?
We examine alternative interpretations of the symbol described as nought,
point, nine recurring. Is "an infinite number of 9s" merely a figure of speech?
How are such alternative interpretations related to infinite cardinalities? How
are they expressed in Lightstone's "semicolon" notation? Is it possible to
choose a canonical alternative interpretation? Should unital evaluation of the
symbol .999 . . . be inculcated in a pre-limit teaching environment? The
problem of the unital evaluation is hereby examined from the pre-R, pre-lim
viewpoint of the student.Comment: 28 page
Bolza quaternion order and asymptotics of systoles along congruence subgroups
We give a detailed description of the arithmetic Fuchsian group of the Bolza
surface and the associated quaternion order. This description enables us to
show that the corresponding principal congruence covers satisfy the bound
sys(X) > 4/3 log g(X) on the systole, where g is the genus. We also exhibit the
Bolza group as a congruence subgroup, and calculate out a few examples of
"Bolza twins" (using magma). Like the Hurwitz triplets, these correspond to the
factoring of certain rational primes in the ring of integers of the invariant
trace field of the surface. We exploit random sampling combined with the
Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm as implemented in magma to generate these
surfaces.Comment: 35 pages, to appear in Experimental Mathematic
What Makes a Theory of Infinitesimals Useful? A View by Klein and Fraenkel
Felix Klein and Abraham Fraenkel each formulated a criterion for a theory of infinitesimals to be successful, in terms of the feasibility of implementation of the Mean Value Theorem. We explore the evolution of the idea over the past century, and the role of Abraham Robinson's framework therein
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