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    Experiment design is long process consists of complex process step and correlated so that it has to be done with critical and systematic process. Analysis technique used in this paper is analysis of variance, is the way to test variance from population. The main variables in this paper are noise intensity and luminous intensity, while other variables such as temperature, humidity, and times are assumed constant. The respondents are 15, taken from students which are in good health and no color blind and was done in the climate chamber in the laboratory, to read some readings and to match different 20 colors, and all has been scored. The results are, there is a significance different that luminous intensity affected the reading score and color matching, there is no significant different that noise intensity affected the reading score and color matching, and there is no interaction between luminous intensity and noise intensity for the reading score and color matching. Key words: noise intensity, luminous intensity, analysis of variance

    Ujicoba Trafo If Sebagai Pengganti Kumparan Osilator Pada Radio Penerima Mw

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    Salah satu pelajaran Mulok, Keterampilan Elektronika adalah radio Middle Wave (MW).?é?á Permasalahan pokok yang sering timbul bahkan boleh dikatakan selalu timbul pada saat praktik pembuatan radio penerima MW adalah tidak bekerjanya rangkaian osilator.?é?á Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji coba apakah trafo IF dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti osilator pada pesawat radio penerima MW.?é?á Sedangkan manfaatnya adalah mencari bahan alternatif pengganti osilator yang efektif dan efisien.?é?á Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen.?é?á Sebagai sampel diambil beberapa trafo IF merek TOKO RCL dari tiga warna yaitu : warna kuning (IFI), warna putih (IF2) dan warna hitam (IF3) dengan alasan dibandingkan dengan beberapa merek lain, merek ini mempunyai kualitas yang baik.?é?á Selanjutnya dilakukan beberapa analisis secara deskriptif untuk menyimpulkan hasil uji coba.?é?á Dari hasil uji coba ternyata semua jenis trafo IF yang dijadikan sampel dapat berfungsi sebagai pengganti osilator dan semua jenis trafo sampel tersebut memberikan kualitas suara yang sama baik dan sama jernih suaranya serta frekuensi yang hampir seimbang.?é?á Hasil kualitas suara dan frekuensi ini ternyata juga lebih baik dibanding bila menggunakan osilator asli.?é?á Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa trafo IF dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti osilator dan lebih efektif dan efisien di banding osilator asli.?é?á Selain itu kawat email yang ada bagi para pengguna yang akan mengganti osilator dengan kumparan trafo IF, dibutuhkan keterampilan dan ketelitian dalam penggulungan kumparan osilator.?é?á Ini karena kawat email yang digunakan berdiameter sangat kecil (?é?? 0,08 milimeter) sehingga perlu kesabaran dan ekstra hati-hati. ?é?


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    Clutch noise that occurs in the engine is a major cause of decreased efficiency of the engine assembly. This phenomenon has been there in such a long time in the production line, and has created a complex cause that requires a structured and systematic method in terms of handling this problem so that it can be reduced or even be eliminated. On the Problem identification, it is known that clutch noise is the result of non standard backlash. By the IPO diagram and fishbone diagram, all the non standard backlash factors are sorted into man, machine, method, and material. For the primary clutch, the value of CP = 0.02 and CPK = –0.31, indicates that the average is outside lower limit and upper limit therefore special attention must be addressed to improve it. For the secondary clutch, the value of CP = 0.22 and CPK = 0.302, which implies that the value within 0 – 1 that described the average is in between upper limit and lower limit, but there are some variance outside lower limit and upper limit. For crankcase, the value of CP = 0,79 and CPK = 1.2 signifies that the process is in control. The CPK value is greater than 1 shows that the process in in between lower limit and upper limit. DPMO target is 50,000 and the actual DPMO is 32,201 and after Lean Six Sigma was implemented, the value has been reduced to 5,487. Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, DMIC, CP, CPK, DPMO, IPO diagram and Fishbone diagram


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sikap kerjasama pada pembelajaran IPS materi proklamasi kemerdekaan melalui penerapan Numbered Heads Together pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Bumi I No. 67 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/ 2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri Bumi I No. 67 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015 yang berjumlah 34 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis deskriptif interaktif yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan simpulan. Validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi teknik pengumpulan data. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Numbered Heads Together dapat meningkatkan sikap kerjasama pada pembelajaran IPS materi proklamasi kemerdekaan pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri Bumi I No. 67 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Peningkatan tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan nilai pada setiap indikator ketuntasan sikap kerjasama. Nilai rata-rata akumulasi dari kelima indikator sikap kerjasama pada prasiklus adalah 13,2, dengan ketuntasan sebesar 38,82%. Nilai rata-rata akumulasi dari kelima indikator sikap kerjasama siklus I adalah 19,6 dengan ketuntasan sebesar 57,65%. Nilai rata-rata akumulasi dari kelima indikator sikap kerjasama siklus II adalah 28,2 dengan ketuntasan sebesar 82,94%. Nilai rata-rata akumulasi dari kelima indikator sikap kerjasama siklus III adalah 29,6 dengan ketuntasan sebesar 87,06%. Kata Kunci : Sikap kerjasama, Numbered Heads Together, IP

    Nerd Up: The Rise of Nerd Media and the Co-Optation of Narrative in Advertising

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    Nerd Up: The Rise of Nerd Media and Co-Optation of Narrative in Advertising Advertisements are rooted in the Narrative Paradigm; they produce a good story that is probable and relevant to the consumer’s life. In the interest of relevance, advertisers often borrow narratives from cinema which increases the probability of narrative recognition among the consumers. The construction of narrative is predicated upon the ability of the advertiser to create a protagonist or spokesperson that can satisfy audience expectations and inspire the viewer to accept the brand message. Thus, classic cinematic heroes or likenesses dominate the advertising world. In light of recent economic struggles and shifting modes of production, the successful and fiscally responsible nerd has stolen the spotlight from the classic Joseph Campbell hero/adventurer. Given the rise of the nerd in cinema, advertising narratives have started to include this atypical character. The nerds that are represented in advertising are not the same as the nerds in cinema. Nerds in film are often portrayed as Jewish or African Americans; in advertising, nerd qualities are co-opted into a character that is exclusively Caucasian and stripped of all religious identifiers for mass consumption. Yet, the nerd has the ability to appeal to white audiences as well as minority demographics such as African Americans, Jews, and Homosexuals because the character embodies semiotic signifiers of difference. This makes the nerd the most versatile spokesperson because he can reach broad demographics without incriminating the brand


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    The objectives of the research were to examine: (1) whether the contextual teaching and learning method was more effective than grammar translation method in teaching reading for the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2009/2010; (2) whether the students having high intelligence quotient had better reading comprehension than those having low intelligence quotient for the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2009/2010; and (3) whether there was an interaction between teaching methods and the students’ intelligence in teaching reading for the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2009/2010. The research was carried out at SMPN 14 Surakarta, from November 2009 to August 2010. The method used for the research was experimental study. The population of the research was the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The sample of the research was two classes; they were experimental class which was taught using contextual teaching and learning method and control class which was taught using grammar translation method. The number of sample used in the research was 36 students from experimental class and 36 students from control class. The technique of collecting data was documentary and test technique. The first was used to collect the data of students’ intelligence scores. The latter was used to know the students’ ability in reading comprehension. The reading test was in the form of multiple choices with four options. It had been tried out first, in order to know the validity and reliability of instrument. Meanwhile, to analyze the data, Multifactor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test of 2x2 and Tukey test were used. Before conducting the ANOVA test, normality and homogeneity test were conducted. The result of data analysis showed that: (1) contextual teaching and learning method was more effective than grammar translation method in teaching reading for the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2009/2010; (2) the students having high intelligence had better reading comprehension than those having low intelligence for the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2009/2010; and (3) there was an interaction between teaching methods and students’ intelligence in teaching reading for the eighth grade students of SMPN 14 Surakarta in the academic year of 2009/2010. Seeing the result of the research, it could be concluded that contextual teaching and learning method was an effective method to teach reading comprehension. The research also showed that the effect of teaching methods depended on the degree of intelligence. Therefore, the English teachers were recommended to apply the seven components of contextual teaching and learning method in the classroom, particularly in teaching reading comprehension


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    Pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler merupakan kegiatan belajar diluar jam sekolah yang sangat potensial sebagai wadah penyaluran bakat siswa gunamendidik agar siswa mampu memiliki sikap disiplin, kreatif, inovatif, dantanggung jawab. Drum band adalah salah satu ekstrakurikuler  siswa yang dapatmenyalurkan minat dan bakat bermusik. Pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler drum banddi MTsN Kedunggalar menjadi pembahasan pada penelitian ini dikarenakanpencapaian prestasi yang diraih oleh drum band Gema Matsangga MTsNKedunggalar Ngawi dalam berbagai kejuaraan tingkat Kabupaten maupunprovinsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaranekstrakurikuler drum band. Mendiskripsikan program kegiatan ekstrakurikulerdrum band dan mendiskripsikan hasil pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler drum band diMTsN Kedunggalar Ngawi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif,yang beralokasi di MTsN Kedunggalar Ngawi beralamatkan di jalan rayakedunggalar no 20. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan datamelalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Model pembelajaran yangdigunakan adalah model pembelajaran langsung dengan metode pembelajarandemonstrasi, drill, ceramah dan metode latihan. Media pembelajaran yangdigunakan guru dalam menyampaikan materi kepada siswa yaitu berupa softwareFinale, dimana siswa dapat membaca dan mendengarkan secara langsung bunyinotasi lagu yang akan di jadikan sebagai materi latihan drum band. Hal tersebutmemudahkan siswa dalam memahami partitur dan sekaligus sebagai register bunyanotasi yang akan diterapkan pada instrumen drum band. Evaluasi pembelajarandilakukan secara bersama-sama setelah siswa melakukan latihan tahap akhir atausetelah melakukan unjuk gelar yang direkam menggunakan handycam dan akanditayangkan menggunakan LCD untuk dievaluasi bersama.  Hasil pembelajaranekstrakurikuler drum band di MTsN Kedunggalar Ngawi diwujudkan dalambentuk penilaian skor. Penilaian sangat penting dalam suatu proses pembelajarankarena dengan penilaian guru dapat mengetahui ketercapaian kinerja siswa.Penilaian juga menjadi laporan pertanggungjawaban guru kepada pihak madrasah yang tercantum dalam bentuk nilai rapor.  Kata kunci: pembelajaran, ekstrakurikuler, drum band, hasil belajar Extracurricular learning is learning activities outside school hours so as to facilitate the channeling of potential talent in order to educate students so thatstudents are able to have discipline, creative, innovative, and responsibility. Drumband is one of the extracurricular students who can channel the interest and talentin music. Extracurricular learning drum band in MTsN Kedunggalar into thediscussion on this research because achievement results by Gema MatsanggaMTsN drum band in various championships Kedunggalar Ngawi district andprovincial levels. The purpose of this research is to describe the implementationof extracurricular learning drum band. Describing extracurricular activitiesprogram and describing drum band drum band extracurricular learning outcomesin MTsN Kedunggalar Ngawi. This study used a qualitative approach, whichberalokasi in MTsN Kedunggalar Ngawi addressed in the highway kedunggalarNo. 20. In this study using the technique of collecting data through interviews,observation, and documentation. The learning model used is a direct learningmodel with learning methods demonstration, drill, lectures and training methods.Instructional media used by teachers in presenting the material to students in theform of software Finale, where students can read and listen to the live sound ofthe song notation will be made as material drum band rehearsal. It is easier forstudents to understand the score and at the same time as the register bunyanotation to be applied to the instrument drum band. Evaluation study conductedjointly after the student exercise final stage or after a show of titles recorded withcamcorders and will be broadcast using the LCD to be evaluated together.Extracurricular learning outcomes drum band in MTsN Kedunggalar Ngawirealized in the form of assessment scores. Assessment is very important in alearning process because the teacher can know the achievement assessment ofstudent performance. Assessment also be an accountability report to themadrasah teachers listed in the form of grades. Keyword: learning, extracurricular, drum band,  Learning result

    Comparison of Narcotic Criminalization Rules in Malaysia and Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the comparison of narcotics criminalization rules between Malaysia and Indonesia. The method used in this research is normative legal research. This method is carried out by collecting secondary data through literature studies by reading laws, library books, and documents related to this research topic. Data obtained from library data processing were analyzed qualitatively. In Malaysia, drugs are the single most complicated social problem. Since 1970 until now there is still no visible positive change, in fact it has become more flexible and has not been able to be stopped. Malaysia has made various efforts to eradicate narcotics offenders in their country, including by conducting various studies on the dangerous contents of these narcotics by involving universities and institutions, establishing a special agency for eradicating narcotics crimes, spending large amounts of money in efforts to rehabilitate drug convicts. Meanwhile, in Indonesia the pattern is still applied to eradicating narcotics abuse, victims of drug users are still put in jail, even though during the process prisoners are allowed to be rehabilitated, this has not been an effective solution. Even though the Indonesian government's efforts to decriminalize or change the paradigm from imprisonment to recovery already exist in Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) Number 4 of 2010 concerning Placement of Abuse, Victims of Abuse and Narcotics Addicts in Institutions for Medical Rehabilitation and Social Rehabilitation and Government Regulation Number 25 of 2011 concerning Compulsory Implementation Reports for Narcotics Addicts whose content confirms that drug addicts are victims and not perpetrators of crime, as well as legal legitimacy that addicts are not perpetrators of crimes but someone who suffers from addiction requires treatment both physically and psychologically and requires support from the community to be able to return to normal life, but in its implementation it is very difficult to implement so that it is still dominantly using criminalization efforts or still using the imprisonment paradigm instead of the recovery process for drug convict
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