89 research outputs found
Sistem Informasi Inventaris Perlengkapan pada Kantor Bupati Dharmasraya dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic 6.0 dan Database Mysql
Inventarisasi merupakan kegiatan untuk mencatat dan menyusun barang-barang atau bahan yang ada secara benar menurut ketentuan yang berlaku. Dan inventarisasi dilakukan dalam rangka penyempurnaan pengurusan dan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap barang-barang milik kantor. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan ditemukan beberapa masalah diantaranya pengolahan data masih bersifat manual dimana belum menggunakan database untuk penyimpanan data. Dalam pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan Kantor Bupati Dharmasraya dibutuhkan banyak waktu dan tenaga karena data inventaris perlengkapan yang terdaftar dientrikan ke komputer menggunakan Microsoft Excel tanpa ada penggunaan database. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan mengefektifkan sistem kontrol inventaris perlengkapan maka dikembangkanlah sistem pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan yang masih bersifat manual menjadi sistem informasi inventaris perlengkapan Visual Basic.6.0 supaya informasi data inventaris perlengkapan dapat diakses oleh petugas dengan cepat dan sistem yang lebih efektif. Dengan dikembangkannya sistem informasi inventaris perlengkapan diharapkan dapat mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan pengolahan data inventaris perlengkapan, serta memudahkan dalam melakukan pencarian data inventaris perlengkapa
Hypoxic Culture Conditions as a Solution for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Based Regenerative Therapy
Cell-based regenerative therapies, based on in vitro propagation of stem cells, offer tremendous hope to many individuals suffering from degenerative diseases that were previously deemed untreatable. Due to the self-renewal capacity, multilineage potential, and immunosuppressive property, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are considered as an attractive source of stem cells for regenerative therapies. However, poor growth kinetics, early senescence, and genetic instability during in vitro expansion and poor engraftment after transplantation are considered to be among the major disadvantages of MSC-based regenerative therapies. A number of complex inter-and intracellular interactive signaling systems control growth, multiplication, and differentiation of MSCs in their niche. Common laboratory conditions for stem cell culture involve ambient O-2 concentration (20%) in contrast to their niche where they usually reside in 2-9% O-2. Notably, O-2 plays an important role in maintaining stem cell fate in terms of proliferation and differentiation, by regulating hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) mediated expression of different genes. This paper aims to describe and compare the role of normoxia (20% O-2) and hypoxia (2-9% O-2) on the biology of MSCs. Finally it is concluded that a hypoxic environment can greatly improve growth kinetics, genetic stability, and expression of chemokine receptors during in vitro expansion and eventually can increase efficiency of MSC-based regenerative therapies.Article Link:
Soft skills and dental education
Soft skills and hard skills are essential in the practice of dentistry. While hard skills deal with technical proficiency, soft skills relate to a personal values and interpersonal skills that determine a person's ability to fit in a particular situation. These skills contribute to the success of organisations that deal face-to-face with clients. Effective soft skills benefit the dental practice. However, the teaching of soft skills remains a challenge to dental schools. This paper discusses the different soft skills, how they are taught and assessed and the issues that need to be addressed in their teaching and assessment. The use of the module by the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya for development of soft skills for institutions of higher learning introduced by the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia.Article Link:
Cleaning ability of disinfectants for dental steel burs
Dental burs are a source of bacterial contamination due to its direct contact with carious teeth, saliva and blood. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the disinfecting and cleaning ability of selected commercially available disinfectants on dental burs. Method: Size 5 round stainless steel burs were used to excavate caries from freshly extracted human molars. The burs were then immediately immersed in Grotanat Drill Bath (Shülke & Mayr, Germany), Micro 10 (Unident, Swizerland), Gigasept FF (Shülke & Mayr, Germany), Lysetol AF (Shülke & Mayr, Germany) and 70 Isopropyl alcohol (J.Y. Baker, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Each test groups consisted of 10 burs. Positive and negative control groups (n=10) were also included in this study. The disinfecting ability of the disinfectants was evaluated using bacterial culture where presence and absence of bacterial colonies were noted. The cleaning ability was then assessed using scanning electron microscopy. Results: The results showed that the disinfecting ability of Grotanat Drill Bath was statistically significant when compared to all disinfectants evaluated, p<0.05. There was also a significant difference between the positive and negative groups. Examination of scanning electron micrographs showed that Grotanat Drill Bath exhibited the best cleaning ability compared to the other disinfectants evaluated. A positive correlation between bacterial growth and cleaning ability of disinfectants was also evident. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Grotanat Drill Bath is an effective disinfectant for the disinfection and cleaning of round stainless steel burs
Effect of soluble probiotic on production performance of Akar Putra chicken
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of soluble probiotic on the production parameters of local Malaysian chicken (Akar Putra). A total of seventy two 1-day-old Akar Putra chicks were randomly assigned to three treatment groups, each having 3 replicates of 8 chicks. The treatments were as follows: (T1) control, (T2) probiotic supplemented at 1 g/liter tap water, (T3) probiotic supplemented at 2 g/liter tap water. The results revealed that supplementation of soluble probiotic at both the rates resulted in an improved performance of male and female Akar putra chicken. Birds who received 2 g of prepared probiotic per liter of water (T3) exhibited highly improved (p<0.05) body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio than other groups. It can be concluded that supplementation of prepared soluble probiotic would be economically beneficial in improving the production performance and health status of Akar Putra chicken
Impact of daily supplement of probiotic on the production performance of Akar Putra chickens
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of prepared probiotic (PP) on the live body weight, weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio in Malaysian chicken (Akar Putra). A total of 72 day-old Akar Putra chicks were reared for 12 weeks and randomly assigned to three dietary treatments (24 chicken/treatment), with 3 replications for each (8 chicken/replicate). The treatments consisted of a control group (T1), and the supplemented diet with probiotic in the second treatment was prepared at the rate 1:1 (1 kg of commercial broiler feed + 1 g PP). While the rate was 1:2 (1 kg of commercial broiler feed + 2 g PP) in the third treatment. Supplementing probiotic in both rates revealed significant improvement in terms of males' and females' growth rates, final live body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio. Based on the research findings, the best results were obtained when chickens received 1 g PP in males and 2 g in females
Finite element analysis of an automated rapid maxillary expander (ARME)
An Automated Rapid Maxillary Expander (ARME), is a specially designed orthodontic appliance to overcome the shortcomings imposed by the traditional butterfly expansion appliance. It operates by automatically widening the maxilla (upper jaw) by expanding the midpalatal suture [1]. This procedure is not feasible after late teenage years due to more rigid facial skeleton features. According to the study by Cozzani [2], the activation of the device could produce 0.25 mm of expansion per day. Over the period of 2 weeks, the expansion produced is up to 7 mm in total [1]. For this study, we explored the mechanism involved in the ARME appliance by using Finite Element Modeling method
Effect of caponization on muscle, liver and adipose tissue fatty acid composition, lipid peroxidation, and cholesterol in breast muscle of Cobb 500 broilers
Capon is the surgical removal of testes from roosters which promotes the accumulation of intramuscular fat and affects fatty acid composition of poultry meat. We report effect of caponization on muscle, liver and adipose tissue fatty acid composition, lipid peroxidation and cholesterol content in breast muscle of broilers. Groups of 30 male 1-d old commercial Cobb 500 broilers were caponized at 21 days of age. Controls were 30 intact birds. Each treatment group consisted of 6 replicates (cages) with 5 birds in each cage. Broilers were fed commercial feed and slaughtered at 40 days. Major fatty acids in breast muscle and adipose tissue were oleic (C18:1, n-9), palmitic (C16:0) and linoleic (C18:2, n-6) and stearic (C18:0). Caponization did not affect fatty acid composition of muscle, liver or adipose tissues or lipid peroxidation of meat. However, we did find lower (P < 0.018) cholesterol (0.66 ± 0.02mg/ml) in breast muscle from caponized birds (n=9) compared with 9 intact controls (0.77 ± 0.04mg/ml). Our findings suggest that caponization does not affect free fatty acid composition or lipid peroxidation but may reduce cholesterol in tissues of broilers
Partial ablation of uropygial gland effects on growth hormone concentration and digestive system histometrical aspect of Akar Putra chicken
Partial ablation of the uropygial gland is being used in the poultry industry as a new way to enhance body performance of chickens. However, limited data are available estimating the efficacy of partial uropygialectomy (PU) to improve body organ activity. The present study evaluated the effect of partial ablation of the uropygial gland on the serum growth hormone concentration level and digestive system histology of 120 Akar Putra chickens in 5 trials with 3 replicates per trial. The experimental treatments consisted of a control treatment T1; partial ablation of the uropygial gland was applied in the T2, T3, T4, and T5 treatments at 3, 4, 5, and 6 wk of age, respectively. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. All treatment groups were provided the same diet. Venous blood samples were collected on wk 7, 10, and 12 to assay the levels of growth hormone concentration. On the last d of the experiment, 4 birds per replicate were randomly isolated and euthanized to perform the necropsy. Digestive system organs' cross sections were measured by a computerized image analyzer after being stained with haematoxylin and eosin. In comparison with the control group, surgical removal of the uropygial gland, especially at wk 3, had a greater (P < 0.01) effect on the total duodenum, jejunum, and ilium wall thickness. In addition, effects (P < 0.05) were observed on the wall thickness of males’ cecum and colon. Moreover, the wall layers of the esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, and rectum were not affected by the treatment. However, removing the uropygial gland showed significant impact (P < 0.05) in males’ growth hormone concentration level at wk 7 and (P < 0.01) effects at wk 12 in both sexes. This study provides a novel and economic alternative to enhance the body performance of poultry in general and Akar Putra chickens particularly
Effect of dry probiotic supplemented fermented feed on production performance of Akar Putra chicken
During the recent years, solid state fermented feed (SSFF) has been introduced with great success in poultry nutrition. Thus, the present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of dry fermented feed with prepared probiotic (PP) on the live body weight, weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio of a local Malaysian chicken (Akar Putra). The experiment comprised of 3 treatments (24 chicken/treatment), with 3 replicates of each (8 chicken/replicate). The treatments consisted of a control group (T1), the mixture of SSFF and PP at the rate 1:1:1 (1 kg of commercial broiler feed+1 liter tap water+1 g PP) in T2 and 1:1:2 (1 kg of commercial broiler feed+1 liter tap water+2 g PP) in T3. The results revealed remarkably significant (p<0.01) improvement in both male and female chicken in terms of final body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio in treatment groups (T2 and T3) when compared to the control group. The variation ratio of production performance parameters was calculated and best results were indicated in T2 group wherein, 1 g prepared probiotic was used
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