52 research outputs found

    Autonomous operation of wind-battery hybrid power system with maximum power extraction capability

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    The hybrid operation of a remote area power system consisting of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based wind turbine, a battery storage unit and a dummy load is investigated in this paper. The battery storage unit operates as a source or load, depending on the wind power output and loading conditions of the system. The battery storage is connected to the AC side of the wind energy system through a three phase inverter to supply both active and reactive power. A dummy load is also incorporated into the AC side of the system. The design criteria of the controllers for each component (ie. DFIG, battery storage system and dummy load) and an approach for control coordination of the entire system are presented in this paper. The suitability of the proposed control coordination strategy and individual system controllers are tested in relation to the system voltage, frequency and DC link stability of the DFIG under variable wind and changing load conditions. The maximum power extraction capability from wind is also achieved throughout the operation

    Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Pneumonia Detection using Chest X-ray

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    Pneumonia is a life-threatening disease, which occurs in the lungs caused by either bacterial or viral infection. It can be life-endangering if not acted upon in the right time and thus an early diagnosis of pneumonia is vital. The aim of this paper is to automatically detect bacterial and viral pneumonia using digital x-ray images. It provides a detailed report on advances made in making accurate detection of pneumonia and then presents the methodology adopted by the authors. Four different pre-trained deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)- AlexNet, ResNet18, DenseNet201, and SqueezeNet were used for transfer learning. 5247 Bacterial, viral and normal chest x-rays images underwent preprocessing techniques and the modified images were trained for the transfer learning based classification task. In this work, the authors have reported three schemes of classifications: normal vs pneumonia, bacterial vs viral pneumonia and normal, bacterial and viral pneumonia. The classification accuracy of normal and pneumonia images, bacterial and viral pneumonia images, and normal, bacterial and viral pneumonia were 98%, 95%, and 93.3% respectively. This is the highest accuracy in any scheme than the accuracies reported in the literature. Therefore, the proposed study can be useful in faster-diagnosing pneumonia by the radiologist and can help in the fast airport screening of pneumonia patients.Comment: 13 Figures, 5 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2003.1314

    Study of LED Radiation Effects on Insect Phototaxis Response for the Development of Light-Based Pest Trap

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    : Commercial agriculture is a resource intensive industry that employs significant amounts of agrochemicals to maintain a high yield output. Excessive application of insecticides has detrimental impacts on human health, environment and long-term sustainability. One particular area of interest is in exploring how insects are attracted to specific bands of the visible light spectrum. This paper details the study of several light conditions using Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to determine its phototaxis response on the common grasshopper, garden moth and lava beetle. The results conclude that all three insects exhibit positive phototaxis response on wavelengths around 491nm and below, which encompasses ultraviolet, blue and green. The radiant intensity experiment revealed a threshold response of 2.8mW/m2, or 25m in reciprocal distance

    Basic Home Automation Using Smart Sockets with Power Management

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    The power generated in today’s time is dominated using fossil fuels that may get exhausted within the coming decades. Monitoring and management of the energy consumption hold a prime standing due to the discrepancy between power demand and production. Power meters are a part of every household, which provides us with a measurement of the overall power consumed in units. The problem with them is that they do not provide us with the individual consumption of an electrical appliance leaving customers unsatisfied with the electricity bills. This paper presents the design and application of a smart power management system (SPMS) using a variety of sensors combined with an Arduino microcontroller. This will be replacing conventional home sockets with smart sockets, allowing us to cover the monitoring, control and safety aspects of any individual appliance in the house. This system is based on a newly evolving field worldwide, called the Internet of Things (IoT). The SPMS will be measuring the current, voltage, power factor and power consumed. Along with these measurements, it can also control the power state of the device and help protect against overvoltage and overcurrent. This is basically a home automation system, in combination with smart power management, all controlled and monitored by our smartphones. The edge this device has over conventional energy monitoring systems is that it allows the user to have an exact idea of individual power consumption plus the billing on a daily basis and take measures to reduce it

    Design and implementation of a quadruped amphibious robot using duck feet

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    Roaming complexity in terrains and unexpected environments pose significant difficulties in robotic exploration of an area. In a broader sense, robots have to face two common tasks during exploration, namely, walking on the drylands and swimming through the water. This research aims to design and develop an amphibious robot, which incorporates a webbed duck feet design to walk on different terrains, swim in the water, and tackle obstructions on its way. The designed robot is compact, easy to use, and also has the abilities to work autonomously. Such a mechanism is implemented by designing a novel robotic webbed foot consisting of two hinged plates. Because of the design, the webbed feet are able to open and close with the help of water pressure. Klann linkages have been used to convert rotational motion to walking and swimming for the animal’s gait. Because of its amphibian nature, the designed robot can be used for exploring tight caves, closed spaces, and moving on uneven challenging terrains such as sand, mud, or water. It is envisaged that the proposed design will be appreciated in the industry to design amphibious robots in the near future

    A comprehensive review on PV configurations to maximize power under partial shading

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    Partial shading is the condition where PV array experiences different level of irradiances on it which results significant reduction in output power. To handle that issue, PV modules are connected in various configurations as reported in the literature. Different connection schemes of the PV modules provide alternative paths to current flow that eventually improve power attainment under partial shading. A comprehensive study of literature shows that PV modules are connected under different schemes namely simple series (SS), parallel (P), series-parallel (SP), total-cross-tied (TCT), bridge-linked (BL) and honey-comb (HC). In this paper, a comprehensive review is performed to highlight the advantages and limitations of each scheme. To validate the findings from literature review, several experiments are carried out on various configurations in MATLAB Simulink. Three different cases namely unshaded, corner shaded and centre shaded conditions are used in the experiments to analyse the output characteristics. The superiority of various configurations in distinct operating conditions is demonstrated by comparing their maximum power output, relative power loss and fill factor. Based on the results, several recommendations are made on how to handle partial shading by using different PV configurations

    Wind Power Integration with Smart Grid and Storage System: Prospects and Limitations

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    Wind power generation is playing a pivotal role in adopting renewable energy sources in many countries. Over the past decades, we have seen steady growth in wind power generation throughout the world. This article aims to summarize the operation, conversion and integration of the wind power with conventional grid and local microgrids so that it can be a one-stop reference for early career researchers. The study is carried out primarily based on the horizontal axis wind turbine and the vertical axis wind turbine. Afterward, the types and methods of storing this electric power generated are discussed elaborately. On top of that, this paper summarizes the ways of connecting the wind farms with conventional grid and microgrid to portray a clear picture of existing technologies. Section-wise, the prospects and limitations are discussed and opportunities for future technologies are highlighted. It is envisaged that, this paper will help researchers and engineering professionals to grasp the fundamental concepts related to wind power generation concisely and effectively

    A Review and Analysis of the Effects of Colors of Light On the Performance of Solar Photovoltaic Panels

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    Solar energy is quite simple as the energy can be obtained from the sun directly. Solar energy is categorized as one of the best renewable energy since it does not emit carbon dioxide and because of unlimited supports from the sun. In this paper, three main sections of solar technologies like photovoltaic solar panel, concentrating solar power, heating and cooling system which is available present days have been investigated.  In the second part of this research, an experiment has been carried out to evaluate the effects of colors of light on the performance of solar photovoltaic panels. Different colors of light having different wavelength, resulting in different frequency and hence different energy. In general, the solar spectrum influences the performance of the solar panels. The results show that the solar panels are influenced more by the red color of light. This report will start off by detailing the three main solar technologies, followed by the testing on the colors of light with the solar panels