9 research outputs found

    Comparison of K-Means and K-Medoids Clustering for Grouping The Sub-Districts In Bojonegoro Regency Based On Educational Supporting Factors

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    Education in Bojonegoro is currently still uneven. This is because efforts to equalize education that have been carried out have many obstacles. The obstacle that often occurs is that people who are in remote areas and far from urban areas have difficulty accessing education services. Therefore, regional grouping needs to be done so that the Bojonegoro district government can pay attention to regional clusters that need education improvement. This study used the K-Means and K-Medoids methods to group sub-districts in Bojonegoro district based on educational supporting factors. K-Means is one of the unsupervised learning methods used to analyze data by grouping. Meanwhile, K-Medoids is a partition grouping method that groups a set of n objects into a number of k clusters. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the Bojonegoro district Education Office in the form of data on education supporting factors which include the number of schools, the number of educators, and the number of learning groups (ROMBEL) in 2022 in each sub-district in Bojonegoro district. From the research results, it was found that the K-Means method was better than the K-Medoids method. The results of grouping using K-Means obtained as many as 5 clusters, cluster 1 consists of 1 sub-district, cluster 2 consists of 7 sub-districts, cluster 3 consists of 1 sub-district, cluster 4 consists of 12 sub-districts and cluster 5 consists of 7 sub-districts. Based on the characteristics of each cluster obtained, it is expected to be used as input for the Education office for equal distribution of education in Bojonegoro district

    Pemodelan Kejadian Balita Stunting di Kabupaten Bojonegoro dengan Metode Geographically Weighted Regression dan Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines

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    Toddler stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by one of which is inadequate nutritional intake in infants. Bojonegoro is a district in East Java province where the incidence of stunting under five is still common. In this study, we will compare the incidence of stunting under five in Bojonegoro district using GWR and MARS. GWR is able to model cases for each region spatially, while MARS is able to model cases without considering the pattern of relationships between predictor variables and response variables. The best GWR model selected the smallest CV and MSE values ​​and the largest R-Square values. The best model of the Adaptive Bi-Square kernel function was obtained with a bandwidth of 28, the value of CV=2.4635, MSE=0.8620, and R-Square=0.8734. The best MARS model selected the smallest GCV value and the largest R-Square. From the combination of MO, BF and MI values, the best model was obtained at BF=24, MI=1 and MO=1 with GCV=1,29144 and R-Square=0,841 values. Comparing the two models, the MARS model is better because the R-Square value of the GWR model is greater than the MARS although the numerical value is not much different, while the MSE value of the MARS model is smaller than the MSE value of the GWR model with a much different difference. The results of this study will provide knowledge in the form of a regression model for the Bojonegoro district health office in predicting predictor variables that affect the incidence of stunting under five in Bojonegoro district


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    Sosial assistance is assistance that is temporary or not forever distributed to underprivileged communities with the aim of improving people's lives well. The types of sosial assistance provided by the government include the Central Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNTP), Regional Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNTD), Sosial Assistance for Orphans and the Family Hope Program. The data available at the Office of Sosial Affairs is data on the number of beneficiaries based on the type of sosial assistance in each sub-district. The data has not been grouped into whether it is included in the sub-districts that receive many types of sosial assistance or not. For this reason, in this study, sub-districts in Bojonegoro district were grouped based on the number of recipients of sosial assistance using the K-Means and K-Medoids Algorithms. The data used in this study was obtained from the Bojonegoro Regency Sosial Service in 2019 in the form of the number of BPNTP recipients in each sub-district, the number of BPNTD recipients in each sub-district, and the number of orphans in each sub-district. From this study, it was found that the results of grouping using the K-Means and K-Medoids algorithms obtained three clusters, hereinafter referred to as high clusters, medium clusters and low clusters. In the k-means grouping, the best results were obtained with members of each cluster, namely for the high cluster consisting of 6 sub-districts, the medium cluster consisting of 10 sub-districts, and the low cluster consisting of 12 sub-districts. Meanwhile, with k-medoids, it is obtained for the high cluster consisting of 6 sub-districts, the medium cluster consisting of 16 sub-districts and for the low cluster consisting of 6 sub-districts. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the k-means algorithm was the most suitable for classifying sub-districts receiving sosial assistance in Bojonegoro district because it had a precision value of 63 percent, where this value was higher than the precision value for k-medoid


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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a dangerous disease transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes’ bites. WHO data shows that almost half of the world's humans are exposed to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. The number of mortality caused by dengue disease is around 20,000 every year. In East Java, Bojonegoro District has the highest number of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases (416). To reduce this number, the causative factors need to be known. Additionally, it's important to pinpoint the region or cluster where the variables driving the spread are located so that prevention and treatment efforts are effective. Based on the elements contributing to the transmission of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, this study seeks to identify and categorize locations at risk for the spread of the illness. This study uses Hybrid K Means-Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) which is a combination of K-Means and MARS methods in the hope of providing better analytical results. This is because the data was divided into simpler parts by considering the Oakley distance. The results obtained from the K Means-MARS hybrid shows the relationship between response variables and predictor variables for each cluster. There are three clusters of risk for the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Bojonegoro district with categories: high risk cluster, medium risk cluster and low risk cluster. The high risk cluster consists of 7 sub-districts (Baureno, Kepohbaru, Balen, Sumberrejo, Kedungadem, Bojonegoro and Dander). The variables affecting the DHF Sufferer in the high risk cluster were population density (X2), Altitude (X3) and Health Worker (X6). Meanwhile, the medium risk cluster consists of 10 sub-districts (Kalitidu, Kanor, Kapas, Ngasem, Ngraho, Padangan, Sugihwaras, Sukosewu, Tambakrejo, and Trucuk). The variables that affect the DHF Sufferer in the medium cluster are Number of Dead (X1), Population Density (X2) and Health Facility (X5). The low risk cluster consisted of 11 sub-districts (Bubulan, Gayam, Gondang, Kasiman, Kedewan, Malo, Margomulyo, Ngambon, Purwosari, Sekar, and Temayang). The variables affecting the DHF Sufferer rate in the low risk cluster were number of dead (X1) and population density (X2)

    Application of Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Method for Grouping Non-Cash Food Assistance Recipients in Ngambon Bojonegoro

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    One of the sub-districts in Bojonegoro that received non-cash food assistance was Ngambon sub-district. The non-cash food assistance provided in Ngambon sub-district has not been on target. This is because underprivileged people do not get assistance, while people who can afford it actually get non-cash food assistance. So, research is needed with the aim that non-cash food assistance provided by the government can be distributed according to procedures. The method used in this study is agglomerative hieralchical clustering to group recipients of non-cash food assistance from the people of Ngambon Bojonegoro. The variables used were 12 indicators of non-cash food assistance set by the Bojonegoro district Social Office. The data used were 131 recipients of non-cash food assistance spread across five villages in Ngambion sub-district. Grouping results with the single linkage method are less relevant. Meanwhile, with the average linkage and complate linkage methods, five clusters were obtained, and with ward linkage, three clusters were obtained. Based on the elbow rule, it was found that ward linkage is the best grouping method, with cluster 1 totaling 57 people, cluster 2 totaling 53 people and cluster 3 totaling 21 people


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    Optimisasi  portofolio pada dasarnya menggunakan model Markowitz dalam menghasilkan portofolio yang efisien, namun portofolio yang terbentuk tidak baik ketika return saham memiliki perubahan regime, seperti pada periode ‘bear’ and ‘bull’ market. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan optimisasi portofolio dengan mempertimbangkan kasus perubahan regime, serta menerapkannya pada data runtun waktu yang memiliki perubahan regime dalam rangka pembentukan portofolio yang lebih efisien. Metode yang digunakan adalah algoritma generalized reduced gradient (GRG) berbasis Markov-switching model (MSwM). Pada penulisan ini akan dihasilkan algoritma pemrograman dalam software R untuk membuat paket program GRG berbasis MSwM yang akan digunakan untuk optimisasi portofolio pada kasus perubahan regime. Kinerja portofolio yang terbentuk dievaluasi dengan pengukuran risiko yaitu standar deviasi. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang berisi saham-saham perbankan dari enam saham terpilih yang aktif di IDX Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2013-2018, yaitu: saham BRI, BNI, BTN, Bank Mandiri, BCA, dan Bank Danamon. Hasil diperoleh algoritma pemrograman untuk program GRG berbasis MSwM untuk optimisasi portofolio pada kasus perubahan regime, serta diperoleh portofolio saham perbankan yang optimal untuk tiga kriteria investor. Pada penelitian ini, portofolio terbaik jatuh pada kriteria investor yaitu meminimalkan risiko pada ekspektasi return tertentu. Penelitian ini memberikan kesimpulan bahwa algoritma GRG berbasis MSwM menghasilkan bobot portofolio berdasarkan fenomena “bull” and “bear” market, sehingga bobot portofolio yang terbentuk lebih realistis didalam pasar modal

    The Use of A Geographically Weighted Regression Model to Analyze Predictors of The Rice Supply in Bojonegoro

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    The research goal would be to understand all potential influences on the amount of rice available within every sub-district in the Bojonegoro district. Geographically weighted regression (GWR), a technique used for this study, uses kernels: adaptive bisquare, fixed bisquare, adaptive gaussian, and fixed gaussian. The state office for food security and farming inside the Bojonegoro district provided secondary statistics for the 2018 year that included information on the population, the harvested area, the rice production, and the rice supply. The outcomes from the kernel-fixed gaussian elected model using AIC minimum criteria for the GWR model. The implementation's conclusion is due to the impact of variety in locations. The next research recommendation is a time-series spatial study of the rice problem


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    The incidence of injuries in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. The wound will leave a scar and will fade over a long period of time. There are many kinds of drugs offered in the market to speed up the healing of scars, but they are sold at high prices. This makes it difficult for people with middle to lower social status to get it. Aloe vera is one of the plants that can increase the production of collagen in the body. Aloe vera is also easy to get. From this situation, there is a high market opportunity for wound healing drugs at affordable prices. Therefore, training is needed to make scar removal ointment with aloe vera as the basic ingredient. This activity aims to empower students, especially students from the Pharmacy Study Program to make an ointment with aloe vera as an alternative to scar removal. This activity begins with knowledge exploration, socialization and delivery of materials, practice of making ointments with aloe vera as basic ingredients, packaging, promotions and ends with an evaluation of activities. The end result of this activity is a scar-removing ointment with aloe vera-based ingredients, which is then called the salibu ointment

    “ISTANA CERIA” sebagai Sarana Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Banjarjo-Bojonegoro pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19

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    Pemberdayaan masyarakat ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu program pengabdian masyarakat dari kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) sebagai wujud melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang nyata dari tugas dosen dan mahasiswa, maka terwujud sinergi Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri Bojonegoro dengan masyarakat Desa Banjarjo yang mengambil tematik 2022 pencegahan Covid-19 dan pemulihan ekonomi masyarakat di masa pandemi yang dilaksanakan selama 30 hari mulai tanggal 18 januari hingga 18 febuari 2022. Salah satu program unggulan “ISTANA CERIA” mencoba untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan di masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan. Tujuan membuat eduction center dengan manfaatkan lahan kosong yang tidak terawat untuk mengenalkan pembelajaran smart learning, fun leraning, meningkatkan minat belajar serta membaca anak melalui metode ABCD. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskripsi kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara. Hasilnya adalah membantu warga masyarakat Desa Banjarjo RT 07 RW 001 untuk mengetahui aset lingkungan potensial yang dimiliki guna mengembangkan eksistensinya dibidang pendidikan dengan memfasilitasi melalui program unggulan