387 research outputs found
Measurements of plasma temperature and electron density in laser-induced copper plasma by time-resolved spectroscopy of neutral atom and ion emissions
Plasma produced by a 355 nm pulsed Nd:YAG laser with a pulse duration of 6 ns focussed onto a copper solid sample in air at atmospheric pressure is studied spectroscopically. The temperature and electron density characterizing the plasma are measured by time-resolved spectroscopy of neutral atom and ion line emissions in the time window of 300-2000 ns. An echelle spectrograph coupled with a gated intensified charge coupled detector is used to record the plasma emissions. The temperature is obtained using the Boltzmann plot method and the electron density is determined using the Saha-Boltzmann equation method. Both parameters are studied as a function of delay time with respect to the onset of the laser pulse. The results are discussed. The time window where the plasma is optically thin and is also in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), necessary for the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analysis of samples, is deduced from the temporal evolution of the intensity ratio of two Cu I lines. It is found to be 700-1000 ns
Droplet Fluctuations in the Morphology and Kinetics of Martensites
We derive a coarse grained, free-energy functional which describes droplet
configurations arising on nucleation of a product crystal within a parent. This
involves a new `slow' vacancy mode that lives at the parent-product interface.
A mode-coupling theory suggests that a {\it slow} quench from the parent phase
produces an equilibrium product, while a {\it fast} quench produces a
metastable martensite. In two dimensions, the martensite nuclei grow as
`lens-shaped' strips having alternating twin domains, with well-defined front
velocities. Several empirically known structural and kinetic relations drop out
naturally from our theory.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, and 3 .eps figures, compressed and uuencoded,
Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
Spectroscopy of laser-produced plasmas: setting up of high-performance laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy system
It is a well-known fact that laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has emerged as one of the best analytical techniques for multi-elemental compositional analysis of samples. We report assembling and optimization of LIBS set up using high resolution and broad-range echelle spectrograph coupled to an intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) to detect and quantify trace elements in environmental and clinical samples. Effects of variations of experimental parameters on spectroscopy signals of copper and brass are reported. Preliminary results of some plasma diagnostic calculations using recorded time-resolved optical emission signals are also reported for brass samples
Nucleation in Systems with Elastic Forces
Systems with long-range interactions when quenced into a metastable state
near the pseudo-spinodal exhibit nucleation processes that are quite different
from the classical nucleation seen near the coexistence curve. In systems with
long-range elastic forces the description of the nucleation process can be
quite subtle due to the presence of bulk/interface elastic compatibility
constraints. We analyze the nucleation process in a simple 2d model with
elastic forces and show that the nucleation process generates critical droplets
with a different structure than the stable phase. This has implications for
nucleation in many crystal-crystal transitions and the structure of the final
Tweed in Martensites: A Potential New Spin Glass
We've been studying the ``tweed'' precursors above the martensitic transition
in shape--memory alloys. These characteristic cross--hatched modulations occur
for hundreds of degrees above the first--order shape--changing transition. Our
two--dimensional model for this transition, in the limit of infinite elastic
anisotropy, can be mapped onto a spin--glass Hamiltonian in a random field. We
suggest that the tweed precursors are a direct analogy of the spin--glass
phase. The tweed is intermediate between the high--temperature cubic phase and
the low--temperature martensitic phase in the same way as the spin--glass phase
can be intermediate between ferromagnet and antiferromagnet.Comment: 18 pages and four figures (included
Reliable and Damage-Free Estimation of Resistivity of ZnO Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications Using Photoluminescence Technique
This work projects photoluminescence (PL) as an alternative technique to estimate the order of resistivity of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films. ZnO thin films, deposited using chemical spray pyrolysis (CSP) by varying the deposition parameters like solvent, spray rate, pH of precursor, and so forth, have been used for this study. Variation in the deposition conditions has tremendous impact on the luminescence properties as well as resistivity. Two emissions could be recorded for all samples—the near band edge emission (NBE) at 380 nm and the deep level emission (DLE) at ~500 nm which are competing in nature. It is observed that the ratio of intensities of DLE to NBE (/) can be reduced by controlling oxygen incorporation in the sample. - measurements indicate that restricting oxygen incorporation reduces resistivity considerably. Variation of / and resistivity for samples prepared under different deposition conditions is similar in nature. / was always less than resistivity by an order for all samples. Thus from PL measurements alone, the order of resistivity of the samples can be estimated
Behaviour of ultrasonic velocities in amorphous Se<SUB>90</SUB>Ge<SUB>10</SUB> and Se<SUB>85</SUB>Ge<SUB>15</SUB> alloys near their glass transition
Precise measurements of 10 MHz frequency longitudinal and shear wave velocities are reported in amorphous SeGe alloys near their glass transition temperature Tg . There is a sharp decrease of the velocities near Tg , but the reduction in velocities appears smaller than expected
Hysteresis and hierarchies: dynamics of disorder-driven first-order phase transformations
We use the zero-temperature random-field Ising model to study hysteretic
behavior at first-order phase transitions. Sweeping the external field through
zero, the model exhibits hysteresis, the return-point memory effect, and
avalanche fluctuations. There is a critical value of disorder at which a jump
in the magnetization (corresponding to an infinite avalanche) first occurs. We
study the universal behavior at this critical point using mean-field theory,
and also present preliminary results of numerical simulations in three
dimensions.Comment: 12 pages plus 2 appended figures, plain TeX, CU-MSC-747
Simulations of cubic-tetragonal ferroelastics
We study domain patterns in cubic-tetragonal ferroelastics by solving
numerically equations of motion derived from a Landau model of the phase
transition, including dissipative stresses. Our system sizes, of up to 256^3
points, are large enough to reveal many structures observed experimentally.
Most patterns found at late stages in the relaxation are multiply banded; all
three tetragonal variants appear, but inequivalently. Two of the variants form
broad primary bands; the third intrudes into the others to form narrow
secondary bands with the hosts. On colliding with walls between the primary
variants, the third either terminates or forms a chevron. The multipy banded
patterns, with the two domain sizes, the chevrons and the terminations, are
seen in the microscopy of zirconia and other cubic-tetragonal ferroelastics. We
examine also transient structures obtained much earlier in the relaxation;
these show the above features and others also observed in experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 6 colour figures not embedded in text. Major revisions in
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