25 research outputs found

    Testing and treatment parameters used including estimated ranges around each parameter.

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    a<p>CI  =  95% Confidence Interval.</p>b<p>IQR  =  Interquartile range.</p>c<p>RR  =  Relative Risk.</p><p>Testing and treatment parameters used including estimated ranges around each parameter.</p

    Net cost per cancer prevented (US dollars) for each strategy at varying prevalence rates of <i>H. pylori</i>.

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    <p>Net cost per cancer prevented (US dollars) for each strategy at varying prevalence rates of <i>H. pylori</i>.</p

    Total cost (US dollars) and number of gastric cancers and ulcers prevented for each strategy for every 1000 people managed.

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    <p>Total cost (US dollars) and number of gastric cancers and ulcers prevented for each strategy for every 1000 people managed.</p

    Costs of testing and treatment for <i>H.pylori,</i> and costs of adverse outcomes associated with <i>H.pylori</i> in US dollars.

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    <p>Costs of testing and treatment for <i>H.pylori,</i> and costs of adverse outcomes associated with <i>H.pylori</i> in US dollars.</p

    Sensitivity analysis for the most cost effective strategy (stool antigen with retesting).

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    <p>Horizontal bars represent the estimated net effect on cost per cancer prevented in US Dollars with a 1% increase in the listed parameters.</p