137 research outputs found

    Kano modelinin KFD’ye entegrasyonu yöntemiyle TOKİ konutlarında son kullanıcı memnuniyetinin değerlendirilmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışma, TOKİ'nin dar ve orta gelir grubuna yönelik inşa ettiği toplu konut projelerinde son kullanıcı (müşteri) memnuniyetini belirlemek için, Kano Modelinin KFD'ye (Kalite Fonksiyon Dağılımı) entegrasyonu yöntemi kullanılarak son kullanıcı ihtiyaçlarının önceliklendirilmesi ve gelecekte inşa edilecek projelerde son kullanıcı memnuniyetini arttırmak için hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmanın içeriğinde veri toplama yöntemi olarak anket yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Örnekleme yöntemi olarak da basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi seçilmiştir. Verilerin toplanması KFD ve Kano anketi yardımıyla elde edilmiştir. Anketlerden toplanan ham veriler uygulanan metodolojiye uygun olarak Excel ortamında hazırlan kano modeli değerlendirme tablosu, mevcut müşteri memnuniyeti değerlendirme tablosuna işlenmiş ve çıkan sonuçlar Kano Modeli entegre edilmiş KFD'nin Kalite Evinin Planlama Matrisi tablosuna aktarılmış ve düzeltilmiş önem dereceleri ve yüzdelik önem oranları tespit edilmiştir. En son olarak da müşteri ihtiyaçları tasarım, malzeme ve işçilik adı altında sınıflandırılarak son kullanıcı ihtiyaçları öncelik sıraları belirlenmiştir.This study aims to prioritize end-user (customer) needs by using the integration of Kano Model to QFD (Quality Functional Deployment) method in order to determine end-user satisfaction in mass housing projects constructed by TOKI for low and middle income level and to increase end-user satisfaction in future projects It was prepared. In the content of the study, questionnaire method was used as data collection method. Simple random sampling method was chosen as the sampling method. The data were collected with the help of QFD and Kano questionnaire. The raw data collected from the questionnaires were prepared in Excel environment in accordance with the methodology applied, the kano model evaluation table was processed to the existing customer satisfaction evaluation table and the results were transferred to the Planning Matrix of the Quality House of the QFD with the integrated Kano Model, and the corrected significance levels and percentages were determined. Finally, customer needs are classified under the name of design, material and workmanship, and end-user needs are prioritized

    A tool for evaluating the early-stage design of corvettes

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    Thesis (S.M. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 140).In naval architecture terminology, the term "corvette" refers to a class of ships that are shorter than frigates and longer than patrol boats. Corvettes have always been the centerpiece of the navies whose mission requirements are based on littoral combat such as Anti-Submarine Warfare, Mine Warfare, and Anti-Surface Warfare. Numerous studies have focused on frigates and patrol boats in the history of naval architecture. However, few studies applied to corvettes. There is a trend in the ship building industry to design new ships as corvettes [1] since they can operate both independently and in joint missions. However, it is difficult for a naval architect to manage all the information flow throughout the corvette design process. When the displacement of the ship gets larger, this design process also becomes more complicated. The management of this process becomes more efficient by using computer programs. However, programs for use in the design of corvettes do not exist. This thesis explains how early-stage estimations are made for corvettes. In order to cover this future trend in marine transportation, a MatlabTM model for the estimation of the main characteristics of corvettes in the early-stage design is also developed. This MatlabTM model is based on a statistical analysis of existing ships that are classified as corvettes. The database used in this study is created by using the public information that is available to the author. For this study, design lanes are created, trend lines are drawn and relationships between the desired values are graphed. For the validation of the code, the Kral J Petar Kresimir, Eilat (SAAR 5) and Robinson are used as reference ships in this study. The customer requirements of these ships are entered into the model. The results show that the data of these ships fall within the design lanes.by Mustafa Yasin Kara.S.M.in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineerin

    Uncertainties in earthquake risk assessment for disaster planning

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    Toplumsal yaşamın sürdürülebilirliğini sağlamak, can ve mal kaybına neden olan afetlere karşı direnci artırmak, toplulukları afete hazırlık konusunda bilinçlendirmek ve tüm bileşenleri hazırlıklı bulundurmakla mümkün olabilir. Afet planlaması olası bir afet sonrasında toplumun olumsuz yönde etkilenmesini azaltmak ve kaynakların doğru kullanım hedeflerini gözeten bir yaklaşımdır. Ülkemizdeki kayıplarda da önemli bir yere sahip depremin risk değerlendirmelerinde deterministik ve olasılıksal yöntemler olmak üzere iki temel yaklaşım bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada deprem risk değerlendirmesine, yer hareketi, yapı envanteri ve yöntem bileşenlerinde mevcut olan belirsizliklerin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, Marmara bölgesinin önemli fay hatlarına yakın ve Kocaeli Depremi (1999) şiddetinin en fazla hissedildiği yerleşimlerden biri olan Gebze (Kocaeli) ilçesi seçilmiş, deprem senaryolarıyla risk yapısı değerlendirilmiştir. Senaryo depremleri uygulanırken depremin kaynağı, depremin büyüklüğü ve zemin parametrelerinin riske etkisi incelenmiştir. Risk değerlendirmeleri sonuçlarına göre bina hasarı, can kaybı ve barınak ihtiyacı oranları hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca mahalle bazında beklenen şiddet, hasar seviyeleri zemin etkisinin dikkate alındığı ve alınmadığı durumlar için harita üzerinde ayrı ayrı gösterilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler ülkemiz için hazırlanmış sismik tehlike bilgisi, yerel zemin bilgisi ve bina envanterindeki unsurları içeren veriler ile CBS verilerini birleştirebilen ön hasar tespit yazılımı, AFAD-RED kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, deprem risk planlamasında yer hareketi tahmin belirsizliklerinin kayıp tahmini sonuçları üzerindeki önemi gösterilmiştir.To obtain the sustainability of social life and to increase resistance to disaster that cause loss of life and properties; it is possible to raise awareness in the community about disaster preparedness and engross to take all the components. Disaster planning is an approach that targets the correct use of resources to decrease negative impacts in the community after the disaster. In Turkey, earthquake losses have an important role in disaster planning. There are two basic approaches for earthquake loss estimation used in disaster planning namely deterministic and probabilistic. Uncertainties of the seismic risk assessment parameters can be generated from ground motion computations, structural inventories and risk methodologies. In this study, uncertainties in the ground motion estimations are investigated. Gebze district that located close to major fault lines at Marmara region, and had significant damage during Kocaeli earthquake (1990), is selected as a study case for the risk assessment scenarios. The uncertainties parameters in ground motion computation that have major effect on the risk assessment are considered as earthquake source, earthquake magnitude and soil parameters. As a result, building damage ratios, loss of life and the need for shelter are computed. The soil amplification effects on the seismic intensity level and damage ratios are emphasized. The earthquake hazard estimation and risk assessment computation were performed utilizing geographic information system based software AFAD-RED. The software combines the scenario based seismic hazard procedure with the existing building inventories and soil data for the risk estimations. As a result, it is concluded that, uncertainties in ground motion computations have important effect on the seismic risk assessment and should be considered in disaster planning process

    Proliferative actinic keratosis: An invasive squamous cell carcinoma or not?

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    Actinic keratoses have variants that differ clinically and pathologically. Proliferative actinic keratoses (PAK) are known to be resistant against standard therapies and to create a tendency for the development of invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This study retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 50 patients with 51 PAK lesions. Fifty patients (40 male, 10 female) with a mean age of 68.5 were included in the study. Thirty-two (63%) PAK lesions were clinically selected for total excision but only 27 of them could be totally excised. Among the excised lesions, 13 were reported to be PAK, 13 were SCC, and 1 was keratoacanthoma. There was no significant difference between the PAK and SCC groups. Overall, the groups with excised and unexcised lesions were statistically similar with respect to age, sex, lesion duration, localization, size, and surface features, but induration was more common in the SCC group. The mean follow-up time was 19.7 and 17.0 months in the PAK and SCC group, respectively. In conclusion, 25% (13/51) of lesions diagnosed as PAK were invasive SCC, which is of clinical and histopathological significance. Our results suggest that the definition of PAK should be histopathologically revised and that total excisional biopsy instead of punch biopsy should be considered, especially for lesions with a proliferative appearance. </p

    An architectural framework for distributed naval ship systems

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    This paper introduces a framework for analyzing distributed ship systems. The increase in interconnected and interdependent systems aboard modern naval vessels has significantly increased their complexity, making them more vulnerable to cascading failures and emergent behavior that arise only once the system is complete and in operation. There is a need for a systematic approach to describe and analyze distributed systems at the conceptual stage for naval vessels. Understanding the relationships between various aspects of these distributed systems is crucial for uninterrupted naval operations and vessel survivability. The framework introduced in this paper decomposes information about an individual system into three views: the physical, logical, and operational architectural representations. These representations describe the spatial and functional relationships of the system, together with their temporal behavior characteristics. This paper defines how these primary architectural representations are used to describe a system, the interrelations between the architectural blocks, and how those blocks fit together. A list of defined terms is presented, and a preliminary set of requirements for specific design tools to model these architectures is discussed. A practical application is introduced to illustrate how the framework can be used to describe the delivery of power to a high energy weapon

    Colorectal neoplastic emergencies in immunocompromised patients: preliminary result from the Web-based International Register of Emergency Surgery and Trauma (WIRES-T trial)

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    Association of advanced age, neoplastic disease and immunocompromission (IC) may lead to surgical emergencies. Few data exist about this topic. Present study reports the preliminary data from the WIRES-T trial about patients managed for colorectal neoplastic emergencies in immunocompromised patients. The required data were taken from a prospective observational international register. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee with approval n. 17575; ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03643718. 839 patients were collected; 753 (80.7%) with mild-moderate IC and 86 (10.3%) with severe. Median age was 71.9 years and 73 years, respectively, in the two groups. The causes of mild-moderate IC were reported such malignancy (753-100%), diabetes (103-13.7%), malnutrition (26-3.5%) and uremia (1-0.1%), while severe IC causes were steroids treatment (14-16.3%); neutropenia (7-8.1%), malignancy on chemotherapy (71-82.6%). Preoperative risk classification were reported as follow: mild-moderate: ASA 1-14 (1.9%); ASA 2-202 (26.8%); ASA 3-341 (45.3%); ASA 4-84 (11.2%); ASA 5-7 (0.9%); severe group: ASA 1-1 patient (1.2%); ASA 2-16 patients (18.6%); ASA 3-41 patients (47.7%); ASA 4-19 patients (22.1%); ASA 5-3 patients (3.5%); lastly, ASA score was unavailable for 105 cases (13.9%) in mild-moderate group and in 6 cases (6.9%) in severe group. All the patients enrolled underwent urgent/emergency surgery Damage control approach with open abdomen was adopted in 18 patients. Mortality was 5.1% and 12.8%, respectively, in mild-moderate and severe groups. Long-term survival data: in mild-moderate disease-free survival (median, IQR) is 28 (10-91) and in severe IC, it is 21 (10-94). Overall survival (median, IQR) is 44 (18-99) and 26 (20-90) in mild-moderate and severe, respectively; the same is for post-progression survival (median, IQR) 29 (16-81) and 28, respectively. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed as the only factor influencing mortality in mild-moderate and severe IC is the ASA score. Colorectal neoplastic emergencies in immunocompromised patients are more frequent in elderly. Sigmoid and right colon are the most involved. Emergency surgery is at higher risk of complication and mortality; however, management in dedicated emergency surgery units is necessary to reduce disease burden and to optimize results by combining oncological and acute care principles. This approach may improve outcomes to obtain clinical advantages for patients like those observed in elective scenario. Lastly, damage control approach seems feasible and safe in selected patients

    Textbook outcome in urgent early cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis: results post hoc of the S.P.Ri.M.A.C.C study

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    Introduction: A textbook outcome patient is one in which the operative course passes uneventful, without complications, readmission or mortality. There is a lack of publications in terms of TO on acute cholecystitis. Objetive: The objective of this study is to analyze the achievement of TO in patients with urgent early cholecystectomy (UEC) for Acute Cholecystitis. and to identify which factors are related to achieving TO. Materials and methods: This is a post hoc study of the SPRiMACC study. It ́s a prospective multicenter observational study run by WSES. The criteria to define TO in urgent early cholecystectomy (TOUEC) were no 30-day mortality, no 30-day postoperative complications, no readmission within 30&nbsp;days, and hospital stay ≤ 7&nbsp;days (75th percentile), and full laparoscopic surgery. Patients who met all these conditions were taken as presenting a TOUEC. Outcomes: 1246 urgent early cholecystectomies for ACC were included. In all, 789 patients (63.3%) achieved all TOUEC parameters, while 457 (36.6%) failed to achieve one or more parameters and were considered non-TOUEC. The patients who achieved TOUEC were younger had significantly lower scores on all the risk scales analyzed. In the serological tests, TOUEC patients had lower values for in a lot of variables than non-TOUEC patients. The TOUEC group had lower rates of complicated cholecystitis. Considering operative time, a shorter duration was also associated with a higher probability of reaching TOUEC. Conclusion: Knowledge of the factors that influence the TOUEC can allow us to improve our results in terms of textbook outcome

    Characterization of greater middle eastern genetic variation for enhanced disease gene discovery

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    The Greater Middle East (GME) has been a central hub of human migration and population admixture. The tradition of consanguinity, variably practiced in the Persian Gulf region, North Africa, and Central Asia1-3, has resulted in an elevated burden of recessive disease4. Here we generated a whole-exome GME variome from 1,111 unrelated subjects. We detected substantial diversity and admixture in continental and subregional populations, corresponding to several ancient founder populations with little evidence of bottlenecks. Measured consanguinity rates were an order of magnitude above those in other sampled populations, and the GME population exhibited an increased burden of runs of homozygosity (ROHs) but showed no evidence for reduced burden of deleterious variation due to classically theorized ‘genetic purging’. Applying this database to unsolved recessive conditions in the GME population reduced the number of potential disease-causing variants by four- to sevenfold. These results show variegated genetic architecture in GME populations and support future human genetic discoveries in Mendelian and population genetics