519 research outputs found

    Pricing of Warrants with Stock Price Dependent Threshold Conditions

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    Warrants with stock price dependent threshold conditions give the right to buy specially issued stocks, if the performance of the stock price satisfies some requirements. Existence of these derivatives changes the price process of the underlying. We show that in the presence of such warrants one cannot assume that the stock market is arbitrage free and that the stock is tradeable at every time moment with the same price for buying and selling. This means that the usual methods for deriving fair prices for such warrants cannot be used. We start from a simple model for the firm's value process and discuss some ways to specify a related model for the stock price process in the presence of warrants with threshold conditions. We also discuss how indifference pricing approach can be used for pricing such warrants


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    Students' reading competence determines the achievements of learners in all areas of school education as well as in their further education, professional activity and life. The results of the OECD Program for International Student Assessment - OECD PISA 2018 confirm the need to improve reading competence in Latvia (OECD, 2019).The aim of the study is to analyze the achievement of Latvia's fifteen-year-old students in OECD PISA 2018 and the previous international program cycles in relation to students' reading engagement and its changes. Reading engagement significantly influences not only students' reading competence but are in themselves one of the goals of modern education (Guthrie Wigfield, 2000; Guthrie, Klauda Ho, 2013). The study will use the OECD PISA international databases for statistical analysis the data of Latvia and other countries for comparisons with OECD averages, and especially with the attitudes and achievements of Estonian and Finnish students. The analysis of the first results shows that the promotion of reading engagement among Latvian students, especially boys, is one of the factors for increasing reading competence.

    Promocijas darbs

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAtslēgas vārdi: domāŔana, matemātiskā domāŔana, kognitÄ«vā darbÄ«ba, intelekts Promocijas darba ā€˜ā€™Matemātiskās domāŔanas iespējas augstākā izglÄ«tÄ«bā profesionālās kompetences veidoÅ”anāā€ pirmajā nodaļā sniegts domāŔanas teorijas skaidrojums pamatojoties uz aksioloÄ£isko teoriju ar akcentuāciju uz matemātisko domāŔanu. Darba otrajā nodaļā pamatojoties uz inovatÄ«vām pārmaiņām izglÄ«tÄ«bā, domāŔana aplÅ«kota kā izziņas darbÄ«bas lÄ«dzeklis un tās izpausmes matemātiskā domāŔanā kognitÄ«vā, afektÄ«vā un sociālā aspektā. Darba treÅ”ajā nodaļā veikta teorētisko atziņu eksperimentālā pārbaude studentu intelekta spēju kontekstā: H. Gārdnera tests, Dž. Rāvena progresÄ«vo matricu tests, profesionālās darbÄ«bas motivācijas tests, mācÄ«Å”anās stilu apzināŔanas tests. Sniegts autora rezumējums par testu pielietoÅ”anas mērÄ·tiecÄ«bu.Key words: thinking, mathematical thinking, cognitive action, intellect Chapter 1 of the doctoral thesis ā€ž Possibilities of mathematical thinking in higher education in formation of the professional competenceā€ offers the explanation of the thinking theory on the basis of the axiological theory with the emphasis on the mathematical thinking. Chapter 2 of the thesis is based on the innovative changes in education and thinking is treated as a means of cognitive action and its expressions in mathematical thinking in cognitive, affective and social aspect are described. Chapter 3 of the thesis represents the experimental test of the theoretical ideas in the context of studentsā€™ intelectual abilities: H. Gardnerā€™s test, J.Ravenā€™s test of progressive matrixes, the motivation test of professional activity, test for identifying the learning styles. The thesis also presents the authorā€™s summary on the purposefulness of applying the tests

    On Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits from Multilinear Maps

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    Tƶƶs antakse Ć¼levaade atribuudipƵhisest krĆ¼pteerimisest. Tutvustatakse Garg et al artiklis "Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits from Multilinear Maps" esitatud konstruktsiooni. Tehakse ka mƵned ettepanekud antud konstruktsiooni parandamiseks, ja tƵestatakse saadud konstruktsiooni turvalisus.In this work, an overview of Attribute-Based Encryption is given. A recent construction given by Garg et al in the paper "Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits from Multilinear Maps" is introduced. Some improvements are suggested for that construction, and the security of the resulting scheme is proved

    Computational Finance

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    Course "Computational Finance" gives an overview different partial differential equations arising in mathematical finance, their derivation procedures and numerical solution methods. In the computer labs students acquire practical skills for computing the prices of various financial options.BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursuse "Computational Finance" Ƶppematerjalid. Kursuse sisuks on finantsoptsioonide hindu kirjeldavate vƵrrandite tuletamine, nende lahendamiseks erinevate numbriliste meetodite konstrueerimine ning arvutiprogrammina realiseerimine. Materjalid sisaldavad loengukonspekti, praktikumide juhendeid ning nƤitelahendusi programmeerimiskeeles Python


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    The article examines a second-order parabolic partial differential equation of a three-dimensional (3D) non-stationary boundary problem with constant diffusion coefficients and periodic boundary conditions in the x and y directions. The method for reducing the (3D) non-stationary boundary problem to the corresponding one-dimensional (1D) non-stationary boundary problem using periodic boundary conditions in the x and y directions is discussed. The stationary (analytical) solution of the obtained (1D) stationary boundary problem is also obtained. The numerical solutions of the 1D boundary problem are obtained using the Matlab package "pdepe" and the C++ programming language. As a practical application of the developed mathematical model, the article discusses calculating the concentration of heavy metal Ca in a peat layer based on the obtained experimental data (measurements)

    Promotion of Reading Interests in the Study Process at the University and Lessons in School

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    The necessity of promoting reading interests in connection with the problems that have to be solved today and in near future in school, university and the society on the whole puts forward the task for the prospective teachers of literature to master not only theoretical knowledge in their study process but also to acquire skills necessary for their future pedagogical work so that they are able to choose the most suitable methodological approach for the interpretation of a literary work in each teaching/learning situation
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