47 research outputs found
The cumulative HGDI with successive addition of each MIRU-VNTR locus.
<p>The cumulative HGDI with successive addition of each MIRU-VNTR locus.</p
Representative flow plots from a recovered TB patient labeled with anti-CD4, CD25 and Foxp3.
<p>Appropriate isotype controls were included to establish the positive gates. (I) FSC and SSC to identify lymphocytes. (II) CD4<sup>+</sup> cells within the lymphocyte gate. (III) Cells were gated on the CD4<sup>+</sup> cells shown in B and CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>+</sup> cells were determined. (IV) Cells were gated on CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>+</sup> cells and Foxp3 expression was determined.</p
Differences in regulatory T cells and expression of related cytokines in cavitary TB and non-cavitary TB patients.
<p>1. The cavitary TB group was compared with the non-cavitary TB group, t β=β2.99, P<0.05;</p><p>2. t β=β3.33, P<0.05;</p><p>3. t β=β6.78, P<0.05;</p><p>4. t β=β3.52, P<0.05.</p
Differences in regulatory T cells and expression of related cytokines in sputum smear negative and positive patients.
<p>1. Sputum smear positive patients were compared with smear negative patients, t β=β2.51, P<0.05;</p><p>2. t β=β3.19, P<0.05;</p><p>3. t β=β3.07, P<0.05;</p><p>4. t β=β5.16, P<0.05.</p
Map of Tibet showing the distribution of <i>M. tuberculosis</i> included in the present study (the number indicate the absolute number of isolates per region).
<p>Map of Tibet showing the distribution of <i>M. tuberculosis</i> included in the present study (the number indicate the absolute number of isolates per region).</p
Regulatory T cells and the expression of related cytokines in different patient groups.
<p>1. Group 1 was compared with either Group 2 or Group 3, t β=β4.57, P<0.05 and t β=β4.89, P<0.05, respectively;</p><p>2. t β=β5.05, P<0.05 and t β=β7.72, P<0.05;</p><p>3. t β=β8.41, P<0.05 and t β=β11.08, P<0.05;</p><p>4. t β=β4.70, P<0.05 and t β=β9.18, P<0.05.</p
Allelic diversity of different MIRU-VNTR in Beijing genotype strains from different locations.
<p>Allelic diversity of different MIRU-VNTR in Beijing genotype strains from different locations.</p
Spoligotypes of the 576 <i>M. tuberculosis</i> isolates.
<p>From left to right: 1) UPGMA dendrogram generated by 22 spoligotypes. 2) spoligotying patterns. 3) Spoligo-International-Type number. 4) Genetic lineage according to SITVIT2 database. 5) Strain numbers.</p
The mean Β± standard deviation and the standard error of the percentage in different groups.
<p>The mean Β± standard deviation and the standard error of the percentage in different groups.</p
Representative flow plots from an active TB patient labeled with anti-CD4, CD25 and Foxp3.
<p>Appropriate isotype controls were included to establish the positive gates. (I) FSC and SSC to identify lymphocytes. (II) CD4<sup>+</sup> cells within the lymphocyte gate. (III) Cells were gated on the CD4<sup>+</sup> cells shown in B and CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>+</sup> cells were determined. (IV) Cells were gated on CD4<sup>+</sup>CD25<sup>+</sup> cells and Foxp3 expression was determined.</p