126 research outputs found

    Upgrading Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter to FImmP Using Scale Invariance

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    In this article we propose a class of extremely light feebly interacting massive particle, FImmPs. They are combination of feebly interacting massive particle with scale invariance, by which DM stability, mass origin and relic density are inherently related. In the scale invariant version of the Standard Model (SM) with three right-handed neutrinos (ν\nuSISM), the lightest N1N_1 realizes the FImmP scenario. In this example scalar singlets, which are intrinsic to the ν\nuSISM, generate mass and relic density for this FImmP simultaneously. Moreover, they are badly needed for electroweak symmetry spontaneously breaking. Interestingly, a 7.1 keV N1N_1 with correct relic density, that can explain the recent 3.55 keV X−X-ray line, lies in the bulk parameter space of our model.Comment: journal version; title changed and presentation adjusted accordingly; 24 page

    View FImP Miracle (by Scale Invariance) aËŠ\acute{\rm a} la\rm la Self-interaction

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    Combining feebly interacting massive particle (FIMP) dark matter (DM) with scale invariance (SI) leads to extremely light FIMP (thus the FImP) with FImP miracle, i.e., the mass and relic generations of FImP DM share the same dynamics. In this paper we show that due to the lightness of FImP, it, especially for a scalar FImP, can easily accommodate large DM self-interaction. For a fermionic FImP, such as the sterile neutrino, self-interaction additionally requires a mediator which is another FImP, a scalar boson with mass either much lighter or heavier than the FImP DM. DM self-interaction opens a new window to observe FImP (miracle), which does not leave traces in the conventional DM searches. As an example, FImP can account for the offsets between the centroid of DM halo and stars of galaxies recently observed in the galaxy cluster Abel 3827.Comment: references updated; 9 pages no figure

    Bound States via Higgs Exchanging and Resonant Di-Higgs

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    The standard model (SM)-like Higgs boson hh has spin zero and light mass around weak scale, so it has the potential to mediate a new and relatively strong force for the particle Ï•\phi in the new physics (NP) sector; then Ï•\phi may form bound state BhB_h via exchanging hh. This phenomena may arise in a wide context, for instance composite Higgs, supersymmetry (SUSY) and radiative neutrino (or more widely in the models with a strong Higgs portal for triggering classical scale symmetry breaking or strong first-order phase transition). For illustration we focus on two typical examples, the stop/sbottom sector and an inert Higgs doublet. Furthermore, we point out that BhB_h must give rise to a clear resonant di-Higgs signature, which recently has been extensively searched for at the large hadron collider (LHC). Moreover, Higgs radiative decay such as to di-photon probably will be significantly modified provided that Ï•\phi is charged or/and colored.Comment: PLB version with minor correction

    Higgs Naturalness and Dark Matter Stability by Scale Invariance

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    Extending the spacetime symmetries of standard model (SM) by scale invariance (SI) may address the Higgs naturalness problem. In this article we attempt to embed accidental dark matter (DM) into SISM, requiring that the symmetry protecting DM stability is accidental due to the model structure rather than imposed by hand. In this framework, if the light SM-like Higgs boson is the pseudo Goldstone boson of SI spontaneously breaking, we can even pine down the model, two-Higgs-doublets plus a real singlet: The singlet is the DM candidate and the extra Higgs doublet triggers electroweak symmetry breaking via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism; Moreover, it dominates DM dynamics. We study spontaneously breaking of SI using the Gillard-Weinberg approach and find that the second doublet should acquire vacuum expectation value near the weak scale. Moreover, its components should acquire masses around 380 GeV except for a light CP-odd Higgs boson. Based on these features, we explore viable ways to achieve the correct relic density of DM, facing stringent constraints from direct detections of DM. For instance, DM annihilates into bbˉb\bar b near the SM-like Higgs boson pole, or into a pair of CP-odd Higgs boson with mass above that pole.Comment: Journal version, with a major revision. Discussions on phenomenologies of scale invariant 2HDM+S are substantially change

    Oscillating Asymmetric Sneutrino Dark Matter from the Maximally U(1)LU(1)_L Supersymmetric Inverse Seesaw

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    The inverse seesaw mechanism provides an attractive approach to generate small neutrino mass, which origins from a tiny U(1)LU(1)_L breaking. In this paper, we work in the supersymmetric version of this mechanism, where the singlet-like sneutrino could be an asymmetric dark matter (ADM) candidate in the maximally U(1)LU(1)_{L} symmetric limit. However, even a tiny δm\delta m, the mass splitting between sneutrino and anti-sneutrino as a result of the tiny U(1)LU(1)_{L} breaking effect, could lead to fast oscillation between sneutrino and anti-sneutrino and thus spoils the ADM scenario. We study the evolution of this oscillation and find that a weak scale sneutrino, which tolerates a relatively larger δm∼10−5\delta m\sim 10^{-5} eV, is strongly favored. We also investigate possible natural ways to realize that small δm\delta m in the model.Comment: PLB versio

    Strong First Order EWPT and Strong Gravitational Waves in Z3Z_3-symmetric Singlet Scalar Extension

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    The nature of electroweak (EW) phase transition (PT) is of great importance. It may give a clue to the origin of baryon asymmetry if EWPT is strong first order. Although it is second order within the standard model (SM), a great many extensions of the SM are capable of altering the nature. Thus, gravitational wave (GW), which is supposed to be relics of strong first order PT, is a good complementary probe to new physics beyond SM (BSM). We in this paper elaborate the patterns of strong first order EWPT in the next to simplest extension to the SM Higgs sector, by introducing a Z3Z_3-symmetric singlet scalar. We find that, in the Z3Z_3-symmetric limit, the tree level barrier could lead to strong first order EWPT either via three or two-step PT. Moreover, they could produce two sources of GW, despite of the undetectability from the first-step strong first order PT for the near future GW experiments. But the other source with significant supercooling which then gives rise to α∼O(0.1)\alpha\sim{\cal O}(0.1) almost can be wholly covered by future space-based GW interferometers such as eLISA, DECIGO and BBO.Comment: references adde

    The Nelson-Seiberg theorem revised

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    The well-accepted Nelson-Seiberg theorem relates R-symmetries to supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking vacua, and provides a guideline for SUSY model building which is the most promising physics beyond the Standard Model. In the case of Wess-Zumino models with perturbative superpotentials, we revise the theorem to a combined necessary and sufficient condition for SUSY breaking which can be easily checked before solving the vacuum. The revised theorem provides a powerful tool to construct either SUSY breaking or SUSY vacua, and offers many practicable applications in low energy SUSY model building and string phenomenology.Comment: 5 pages; v2: abstract and introduction revised; v3: condition of perturbative superpotentials added, JHEP published versio
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