53,850 research outputs found
Linear multistep methods for integrating reversible differential equations
This paper studies multistep methods for the integration of reversible
dynamical systems, with particular emphasis on the planar Kepler problem. It
has previously been shown by Cano & Sanz-Serna that reversible linear
multisteps for first-order differential equations are generally unstable. Here,
we report on a subset of these methods -- the zero-growth methods -- that evade
these instabilities. We provide an algorithm for identifying these rare
methods. We find and study all zero-growth, reversible multisteps with six or
fewer steps. This select group includes two well-known second-order multisteps
(the trapezoidal and explicit midpoint methods), as well as three new
fourth-order multisteps -- one of which is explicit. Variable timesteps can be
readily implemented without spoiling the reversibility. Tests on Keplerian
orbits show that these new reversible multisteps work well on orbits with low
or moderate eccentricity, although at least 100 steps/radian are required for
stability.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, in press at The Astronomical Journa
State space collapse and diffusion approximation for a network operating under a fair bandwidth sharing policy
We consider a connection-level model of Internet congestion control,
introduced by Massouli\'{e} and Roberts [Telecommunication Systems 15 (2000)
185--201], that represents the randomly varying number of flows present in a
network. Here, bandwidth is shared fairly among elastic document transfers
according to a weighted -fair bandwidth sharing policy introduced by Mo
and Walrand [IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 8 (2000) 556--567] []. Assuming Poisson arrivals and exponentially distributed document
sizes, we focus on the heavy traffic regime in which the average load placed on
each resource is approximately equal to its capacity. A fluid model (or
functional law of large numbers approximation) for this stochastic model was
derived and analyzed in a prior work [Ann. Appl. Probab. 14 (2004) 1055--1083]
by two of the authors. Here, we use the long-time behavior of the solutions of
the fluid model established in that paper to derive a property called
multiplicative state space collapse, which, loosely speaking, shows that in
diffusion scale, the flow count process for the stochastic model can be
approximately recovered as a continuous lifting of the workload process.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AAP591 the Annals of
Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
CP violating dimuon charge asymmetry in general left-right models
The recently measured charge asymmetry of like-sign dimuon events by the D0
collaboration at Tevatron shows the 3.9 \sigma\ deviation from the standard
model prediction. In order to solve this mismatch, we investigate the
right-handed current contributions to and
mixings which are the major source of the like-sign dimuon events in production in general left-right models without imposing manifest or
pseudo-manifest left-right symmetry. We find the allowed region of new physics
parameters satisfying the current experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
Study of 0- phase transition in hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire quantum dot devices
Hybrid superconductor-semiconducting nanowire devices provide an ideal
platform to investigating novel intragap bound states, such as the Andreev
bound states (ABSs), Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, and the Majorana bound
states. The competition between Kondo correlations and superconductivity in
Josephson quantum dot (QD) devices results in two different ground states and
the occurrence of a 0- quantum phase transition. Here we report on
transport measurements on hybrid superconductor-InSb nanowire QD devices with
different device geometries. We demonstrate a realization of continuous
gate-tunable ABSs with both 0-type levels and -type levels. This allow us
to manipulate the transition between 0 and junction and explore charge
transport and spectrum in the vicinity of the quantum phase transition regime.
Furthermore, we find a coexistence of 0-type ABS and -type ABS in the same
charge state. By measuring temperature and magnetic field evolution of the
ABSs, the different natures of the two sets of ABSs are verified, being
consistent with the scenario of phase transition between the singlet and
doublet ground state. Our study provides insights into Andreev transport
properties of hybrid superconductor-QD devices and sheds light on the crossover
behavior of the subgap spectrum in the vicinity of 0- transition
Body shape preferences: Associations with rater body shape and sociosexuality
Copyright @ 2013 Price et al.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.There is accumulating evidence of condition-dependent mate choice in many species, that is, individual preferences varying in strength according to the condition of the chooser. In humans, for example, people with more attractive faces/bodies, and who are higher in sociosexuality, exhibit stronger preferences for attractive traits in opposite-sex faces/bodies. However, previous studies have tended to use only relatively simple, isolated measures of rater attractiveness. Here we use 3D body scanning technology to examine associations between strength of rater preferences for attractive traits in opposite-sex bodies, and raters' body shape, self-perceived attractiveness, and sociosexuality. For 118 raters and 80 stimuli models, we used a 3D scanner to extract body measurements associated with attractiveness (male waist-chest ratio [WCR], female waist-hip ratio [WHR], and volume-height index [VHI] in both sexes) and also measured rater self-perceived attractiveness and sociosexuality. As expected, WHR and VHI were important predictors of female body attractiveness, while WCR and VHI were important predictors of male body attractiveness. Results indicated that male rater sociosexuality scores were positively associated with strength of preference for attractive (low) VHI and attractive (low) WHR in female bodies. Moreover, male rater self-perceived attractiveness was positively associated with strength of preference for low VHI in female bodies. The only evidence of condition-dependent preferences in females was a positive association between attractive VHI in female raters and preferences for attractive (low) WCR in male bodies. No other significant associations were observed in either sex between aspects of rater body shape and strength of preferences for attractive opposite-sex body traits. These results suggest that among male raters, rater self-perceived attractiveness and sociosexuality are important predictors of preference strength for attractive opposite-sex body shapes, and that rater body traits -with the exception of VHI in female raters- may not be good predictors of these preferences in either sex.This study is funded by the Brunel University School of Social Sciences and made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund
Triple sign reversal of Hall effect in HgBa_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{6} thin films after heavy-ion irradiations
Triple sign reversal in the mixed-state Hall effect has been observed for the
first time in ion-irradiated HgBa_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{6} thin films. The negative dip
at the third sign reversal is more pronounced for higher fields, which is
opposite to the case of the first sign reversal near T_c in most high-T_c
superconductors. These observations can be explained by a recent prediction in
which the third sign reversal is attributed to the energy derivative of the
density of states and to a temperature-dependent function related to the
superconducting energy gap. These contributions prominently appear in cases
where the mean free path is significantly decreased, such as our case of
ion-irradiated thin films.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, submitted Phys. Rev. Let
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