152 research outputs found

    A Simulation of Land Use / Cover Change for Urbanization on Chennai Metropolitan area, India

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    Remote sensing and GIS technologies are very much useful for finding the Land Use/Cover maps. This is the paper which deals with the Land Use/Cover Change (LUCC) especially to urbanization in Chennai metropolitan area, India for past two decades till present. Chennai is the fourth largest metropolitan city in India with area of 1189 km2 with 4.68 million of population, which is developing rapidly into urban in past few decades. There is heavy need of urban planning for future in Chennai. This research will be a support for urban planning of the future. The Land satellite data for three decades (1989, 2000 and 2012) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for present were collected with 30 meter resolution. Preprocessing of all images was completed. Image classification for mapping LUCC was performed by supervised classification through the maximum likelihood classification for four classes: Water, Rough land, Crop land and Urban. An accuracy assessment has been checked to find the accuracy of the Classification and the overall accuracy is about 87%. Transition probability matrices were calculated for all three time points and compared with each other (1989 with 2000, 2000 with 2012). The result shows that the increase in Urban and decrease in Rough land. Slope map has been created from DEM. Analyses of neighborhood effects were done to find the probability of land changes due to existing urban cells, which is calculated for each cells surrounded by its three neighborhood cells. Analyses of slope effects for urbanization was done by comparing the slope and the possibilities of change from Rough land and Crop land to Urban. A simple model structure for simulation was created using VBA and GIS. The model applies the neighborhood effects which are similar to Cellular Automata but in this model it is modified by slope effects. Using the simulation urban map was predicted for future trends. These predicted urban maps will provide critical input to resource management and planning support applications, and have substantial social and economic benefit for metropolitan planning and development

    Using Agent-based Simulation for Safety: Fact-finding about a crowd accident to improve public space design

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    With the growing city density and large gatherings happening all over the world, crowd safety has become a new topic. This research discusses how to diagnosis and improve crowd safety in urban public space by analysing a real crowd accident that happened in Shanghai in 2014 using an agent-based simulator. Fact-finding analysis shows that insufficient capacity of the whole area, density difference in bottleneck stairs and lack of separation measurements in front of bottleneck stairs are the main causes of the accident. According to the media query towards the original space plan, we made two alternative plans in the bottleneck area and tested their performances

    A Study on the Lifestyles and Daily Activities of Informal Settlers in Inner Kabul City

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    This paper analyses the lifestyle and daily activities of informal settlers in Kabul City. It begins with a review of relevant literature on the conceptualization of informal settlements as is popularly understood in Afghan’s context. Primary data on informal settlers’ living styles and daily activities was generated from interviews with 153 families residing in 86 houses in District Seven of Kabul. The data were analysed considering such households’ characteristics as gender, affiliation (i.e. employment) and literacy. The results show that a typical dwelling unit within this informal settlement comprises multi-generational family members. Notably, men were found to be more active in daily activities than women. Similarly, literacy and affiliation were found to be important determinants of the kinds of activities that individuals in the study location engaged in

    A Visionary Study on Urban Neighbourhood Models in Kabul City Based on Actual Surveys

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    This paper explores a new neighborhood model with the primary school district. This scale is well known as Perry’s neighborhood unit theory all over the world. So, this paper deals with (1) the spread and familiarity of Perry’s theory in especially Islamic planning context; (2) spatial analysis of current urban neighborhoods in Kabul City through a survey in district nine; (3) measurement of densities on population, dwelling unit, household, and pupils in the case study area, and (4) visionary proposals on urban neighborhood models based on several scenarios in the near future and its implications. The findings are: (1) Gozar is an institutionalized fundamental element of the city governance body in Kabul City; (2) there are wide ranges of the spatial sizes and the divisions of Gozars; (3) ‘Urban Gozar’ as an elemental neighborhood organization in the modern sense is forming through transformation; (4) the neighborhood unit of Perry can be an appropriate urban model for urban neighborhoods in Islamic cities and towns specially Kabul City

    “Sidewalk” as a Realm of Users’ Interactions: simulating pedestrians’ densities at a commercial street in Cairo City

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    During the last four decades, researchers have developed many tools in order to investigate pedestrians’ behavior at sidewalks. Those tools tried to study sidewalks by investigating two main components: built environment and pedestrians’ movement. This paper presents a simulation for the pedestrians’ movement at a commercial street in Cairo, using an agent-based model. The model was designed in a way by which we could examine: pedestrians’ densities, the influence of types of uses on densities, the influence of flow-generators and destinations. In addition, we categorized the uses along the selected case of study by type of service and time spent by customer. The method which we utilized for this work could be divided into two main phases: The first phase, included site video-based survey at different times and days, by which we could calculate flow rates at each generator point, and test the influence of uses on the density along the sidewalk. The second phase was to develop the model. In parallel, we focused on the uses’ types and how it affects controls pedestrians’ densities. Our results referred to a strong relation between use’s type and densities’ distribution along the street

    Modelling and Simulation of Urban Mobile Agents for Analyzing Mixed Flows in Urban Pedestrian Space

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    Since the 1990s, complex systems research has been developing agent simulations to explain the phenomena observed in urban spaces. In recent years, agent-based modelling has often been employed to successfully simulate pedestrian behaviour. In such studies, explanations using pedestrian counter flow phases have appeared sporadically. Most state-of-the-art models, however, do not generally consider mobile agents other than pedestrians or counter flows in at least two directions. In this paper, we consider agents such as pedestrians, vehicles, wheelchairs, bicycles and so on in urban pedestrian space (UPS), which we call urban mobile agents (UMAs). The aim of this research is to develop a simulation platform to support urban simulation research. The models of rule-based UMAs that we have been developing are used to analyze the micro-meso behaviours of the mixed flows in UPS. The content of this class of agent includes the pedestrian agent as per the simplified agent simulation of pedestrian flow (sASPF) rules as well as the vehicle agent and bicycle agent in the UPS, including a wheelchair agent in the coming research. Using these models, we explore the following approaches: (a) theoretical analyses of phase transitions such as laminar flow formation or blockade of pedestrian counter flows, with clarification of the relationship between the degree of pedestrian global density and the bias of the diagonal stepping probability, which is the right or left selection probability of avoidance behaviour; (b) the implementation of obstacle avoidance rules in the sASPF pedestrian agent model, and their comparison with published evacuation experiment results, so as to evaluate the performance of the obstacle avoidance function; (c) the development of a vehicle agent model to simulate pedestrian-vehicle mixed flow at a crossroads assuming a disaster scenario; (d) the development of a bicycle agent model by extending sASPF rules; and (e) consideration of a conceptual framework for interaction fields representing heterogeneous agent mixed flows, including vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian and wheelchair agents

    Analyses on Stopping-off Points and Destination Selection of Nagoya CBD Visitors by applying Spatial-Temporal Position Data

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    In recent years, GPS(Global Positioning System) data and various other data have been provided as information on people's shopping-around behaviors within CBD(Central Business District), allowing people's shopping-around behaviors to be obtained in more detail. In addition to conventional person-trip surveys, these data have the potential to reveal new aspects of people's shopping-around behaviors. Furthermore, through the restaurant API(Application Programming Interface), by combining spatialtemporal position data with restaurant data, it will be possible to clarify people's district visitation factors and downtown selection behavior. In this study, We defined a 5-minute stop in the area as a stopping off points in the spatial-temporal position data, and aimed to clarify the factors of stopping off points in the Nagoya CBD area by latent factor analysis of PLS(Partial Least Squares) regression, and to estimate individual destination selection behavior by multinomial logistic analysis. The results of the latent factor analysis of the PLS regression revealed that the regression coefficients were high for the number and type of restaurants in the 0-12 time period, but high for entertainment facilities in the 12-18 and 18-24 time periods. Furthermore, multinomial logistic analysis revealed a trade-off between proximity of 3 meters and the utility obtained from one restaurant

    Metrical Analyses on Population and Economic Growth and Urban ‘Quality Of Life’ of Metropolitan Cities in China during the 00s

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    In the first decade of the 21st century, along with rapid economic growth, China also experienced rapid urbanization, more specifically, the concentration of large populations from rural areas into urban areas. In 2005, the Chinese Government, in its Eleventh Five-Year Plan, had an attitude of promoting the sound development of urbanization, while also promoting cooperative development in regions. However, there has emerging some mass media reports on the shadow side of the rapid growth and the rapid concentration such as environmental problems e.g. pollution affairs since early of the 2010’s. These are the same as Japan had already suffered from the 1960's to 70's, so it suggests that the new era has come when Chinese inquire their 'Quality Of Life (QOL)'. This paper analyses 51 metropolitan cities (prefecture-level cities with over one million population in 2000). Firstly, mainly based on Population Census Reports data in 2000 and 2010, we examine the economic growth and the urban in-flow migration, and the relationship between these two kinds of the indicators in detail. We show a classification of 51 cities through cluster analysis and their geographical distributions, and then we summarize the dynamics of all over China economy and population during this decade. Based on published statistical data in 2005 and 2010 such as China City Statistical Yearbooks, we propose an indicator-system on China urban QOL of the 51 metropolitan cities. This QOL system is consisted of five groups of indicators (Education/ Daily-Life Convenience/ Urban-Life Enivironment/ Consumer-Side Sustainability/ Indstry-Side Sustainability) of 23 elemental indicators. At one time-point, QOL value is defined as an average of the group indicators, each of which is an average of each standard scores of the elemental indicators. On the other hand, ‘Change of QOL’ value is defined as an average of each standard scores of the change ratios of the elemental indicators. Using these kinds of QOL indicators, we also show a classification of the metropolitan cities through cluster analysis and their geographical distributions in China. Furthermore, we analyse correlations between the five group indicators of the QOL system and the economic level and its growth through MRA. As the results, there can be observed the negative values of correlation between GRP per capita and Consumer-Side Sustainability and so on statistical significantly

    Representing pose by spherical functions for pose estimation

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    本論文では、球関数を用いた新しい姿勢表現を提案する。これは見えに基づく姿勢推定による3自由度回転の姿勢を表現するためのものである。まず、従来行われている1自由度の姿勢表現方法がフーリエ基底で表せることを示し、それを球面調和関数により2自由度に拡張する。そして、3自由度の姿勢を、SO(3)上の連続関数を球関数を用いて表す。この姿勢の球関数表現と単位四元数・回転行列による表現との変換も与える。この球関数表現を用いた姿勢推定の結果を示し、提案方法の有効性を議論する。We propose a novel representation of pose in 3 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) for view-based pose estimation. First we show that a conventional representation of pose in 1 DOF is a Fourier basis, and extend the observation to 2 DOF with spherical harmonics. Then we represent 3 DOF pose with spherical functions that are continuous on SO(3), and give transformations from the spherical functions representation to a quaternion and a rotation matrix