2,431 research outputs found
Characterizing Higgs portal dark matter models at the ILC
We study the Dark Matter (DM) discovery prospect and its spin discrimination
in the theoretical framework of gauge invariant and renormalizable Higgs portal
DM models at the ILC with GeV. In such models, the DM pair is
produced in association with a boson. In case the singlet scalar DM, the
mediator is just the SM Higgs boson, whereas for the fermion or vector DM there
is an additional singlet scalar mediator that mixes with the SM Higgs boson,
which produces significant observable differences. After careful investigation
of the signal and backgrounds both at parton level and at detector level, we
find the signal with hadronically decaying boson provides a better search
sensitivity than the signal with leptonically decaying boson. Taking the
fermion DM model as a benchmark scenario, when the DM-mediator coupling
is relatively small, the DM signals are discoverable only for
benchmark points with relatively light scalar mediator . And the spin
discriminating from scalar DM is always promising while it is difficult to
discriminate from vector DM. As for approaching the perturbative
limit, benchmark points with the mediator in the full mass region of
interest are discoverable. And the spin discriminating from both the scalar and
fermion DM are quite promising.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, version accepted for publication in EPJ
Probing Light Nonthermal Dark Matter at the LHC
This paper investigates the collider phenomenolgy of a minimal nonthermal
dark matter model with a 1-GeV dark matter candidate, which naturally explain
baryongensis. Since the light dark matter is not parity-protected, it can be
singly produced at the LHC. This leads to large missing energy associated with
an energetic jet whose transverse momentum distribution is featured by a
Jacobian-like shape. The monojet, dijet, paired dijet and 2 jets + missing
energy channels are studied. Currently existing data at Tevatron and LHC offer
significant bounds on our model.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
Heavy Neutrino Search via the Higgs boson at the LHC
In the inverse see-saw model the effective neutrino Yukawa couplings can be
sizable due to a large mixing angle between the light and heavy
neutrinos . When the right handed neutrino can be lighter than the
Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson . It can be produced via the on-shell
decay of the Higgs, at a significant branching fraction at the LHC.
In such a process mass can be reconstructed in its dominant decays. We perform an analysis on this channel and its relevant
backgrounds, among which the jets background is the largest. Considering
the existing mixing constraints from the Higgs and electroweak precision data,
the best sensitivity of the heavy neutrino search is achieved for benchmark
mass at 100 and 110 GeV for upcoming high luminosity LHC runs.Comment: 22 pages, 7 Figures, updated analysis, model part extended, matched
journal version in EPJ
Prospects for discovery and spin discrimination of dark matter in Higgs portal DM models and their extensions at 100 TeV collider
We study the discovery and discriminating prospects of the Higgs portal dark
matter (DM) models for scalar, fermion and vector DM and their extensions in
proton-proton () collisions. The DM associated production in
dileptonic final states is considered, in which the stransverse mass of two
leptons is found to be effective in suppressing the Standard Model backgrounds
along with the missing transverse energy and the angle between two leptons. The
distributions of missing transverse energy and polar angle between two leptons
are used for a discrimination of the spin nature of DM. For the proposed
benchmark points, the discovery/exclusion can be made with an integrated
luminosity less than 1 ab given a 1\% systematic uncertainty, while the
spin discrimination require integrated luminosity of a few O(10) ab
given a 0.5\% systematic uncertainty. The DM phenomenology is also discussed. A
consistent DM candidate can be obtained either by extending our model where the
Higgs portal couples to excited dark states that decay into DM, or modifying
the coupling form into pseudoscalar.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures; discussions of systematic uncertainty added;
matches the published versio
Exploring the Jet Multiplicity in the 750 GeV Diphoton Excess
The recent diphoton excess at the LHC has been explained tentatively by a
Standard Model (SM) singlet scalar of 750 GeV in mass, in the association of
heavy particles with SM gauge charges. These new particles with various SM
gauge charges induce loop-level couplings of the new scalar to , ,
, , and . We show that the strength of the couplings
to the gauge bosons also determines the production mechanism of the scalar
particle via fusion which leads to
individually distinguishable jet distributions in the final state where the
statistics will be improved in the ongoing run. The number of jets and the
leading jet's transverse momentum distribution in the excess region of the
diphoton signal can be used to determine the coupling of the scalar to the
gauge bosons arising from the protons which subsequently determine the charges
of the heavy particles that arise from various well-motivated models.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl
Searching for Top Squarks at the LHC in Fully Hadronic Final State
We pursue a scenario where the lighter top squark (stop) mass is accessible
for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the near future, while gluinos and first
two generation squarks are heavier. At TeV, we investigate the
identification of stops which decay predominantly into a top quark and the
stable lightest supersymmetric particle. We use a simple kinematical variable,
, to reconstruct two top quarks which are pair-produced from the stops, in
the fully hadronic channel. The dominant Standard Model (SM) background for
this signal stems from plus jets, with one top quark decaying into , where the lepton is undetected and the produces missing
transverse momentum. The lepton identification efficiency is thus crucial in
order to estimate the background correctly. We identify kinematical variables
to reduce the SM background. We find that it is possible to achieve signal and
background cross-section at similar levels for stop masses around
GeV for a neutralino mass of 100 GeV.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
Exploring the Doubly Charged Higgs of the Left-Right Symmetric Model using Vector Boson Fusion-like Events at the LHC
This paper studies the pair production of the doubly charged Higgs boson of
the left-right symmetric models using multilepton final state in the vector
boson fusion (VBF)-like processes. The study is performed in the framework
consistent with the model's correction to the standard model
parameter. VBF topological cuts, number of leptons in the final state and
cuts on the leptons are found to be effective in suppressing the background.
Significant mass reach can be achieved for exclusion/discovery of the doubly
charge Higgs boson for the upcoming LHC run with a luminosity of
fb.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; Version 2:Journal matched versio
Top Squark Searches Using Dilepton Invariant Mass Distributions and Bino-Higgsino Dark Matter at the LHC
Pair production of light top squarks at the 8-TeV LHC can be used to probe
the gaugino-Higgsino sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. The
case where the lightest neutralino is a mixture of Bino and Higgsino,
satisfying the thermal dark matter relic density, is investigated. In such a
scenario, the lightest top squark decays mostly into a top quark plus the
second or third lightest neutralino, and a bottom quark plus the
lightest chargino, instead of a decay scenario of the lightest top squark into
a top quark and the lightest neutralino. Final states with jets,
dileptons, and missing energy are expected in a subsequent decay of the second
or third lightest neutralinos into the lightest neutralino via an intermediate
slepton ("light sleptons" case) or boson ("heavy sleptons" case). The
opposite-sign same flavor dilepton mass distribution after subtracting the
opposite-sign different flavor distribution shows a clear edge in the case of
light sleptons. The significance for discovering such a scenario is calculated
with optimized cuts in both light and heavy sleptons cases.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Version accepted in Phys. Rev.
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