1,761 research outputs found

    The use of information and communication technologies in patriotic education

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    The purpose of this article is to present the essence of patriotism in Polish educational realities. Based on the known definitions of education, the author also presents the division and classification of patriotic education in Poland. The purpose of this paper is to present the role played by modern media in shaping patriotic attitudes. The article presents practical solutions in the field of using modern technologies in patriotic education

    Kształtowanie tożsamości narodowej młodzieży w Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego (ZHP)

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    Studies on patriotism and national identity occupy a special place in the social sciences related to the comprehensive and integral develop­ment of the human person. The shaping of national identity in Poland is particularly important due to the recently celebrated 100th anni­versary of independence. An important role in this process has been played by social organizations, whose members take care of maintain­ing and cultivating the Polish tradition. One of such organizations has been the Polish Scouting Association (ZHP), founded in 1918. The aim of the paper is to show the positive role of ZHP in building national identity and shaping the patriotic attitudes of contemporary youth. This goal will be verified through a systematic review of litera­ture related to identity, patriotism and patriotic education. The article also contains an overview of initiatives related to shaping the patriotic identity in the Polish Scouting Association.Badania dotyczące patriotyzmu i tożsamości narodowej zajmują wyjąt­kowe miejsce w naukach społecznych związanych z wszechstronnym i integralnym rozwojem osoby ludzkiej. Kształtowanie tożsamości na­rodowej w Polsce jest szczególnie ważne ze względu na niedawno ob­chodzoną setną rocznicę niepodległości. Istotną rolę w tym procesie odegrały organizacje o charakterze społecznym, których członkowie dbali o utrzymanie i kultywowanie polskiej tradycji. Jedną z takich organizacji było Polskie Stowarzyszenie Harcer­stwa założone w 1918 r. Celem pracy jest ukazanie pozytywnej roli ZHP w budowaniu tożsamości narodowej i kształtowaniu postaw pa­triotycznych współczesnej młodzieży. Cel ten zostanie zweryfikowany poprzez systematyczny przegląd literatury związanej z tożsamością, patriotyzmem i edukacją patriotyczną. Artykuł zawiera także prze­gląd inicjatyw dotyczących kształtowania tożsamości patriotycznej w Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego


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    The Analysis of the Consumer Satisfaction with the Quality of Logistics Services in the DPD Company

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    Customer service is one of the leading elements of modern logistics. The issues connected with the quality of services as well as to the level of customer service are the subject of interest of many researchers. Based on the literature of the subject, it can be safely stated that the most of the available papers focus on the theoretical aspect of this matter. Therefore, in the following work one can see an attempt of presenting the process of implementing logistic customer service based on one of the leading courier companies in Poland. Dynamic Parcel Distribution (hereinafter referred to as DPD) is a company that owns nearly 30% of shares in the Polish courier market. The significant position of the national leader in the courier service business obliges the company to conduct the responsible and efficient customer service that is adjusted to the demands of the buyers. The purpose of this study was to investigate how logistic customer service improves the relationship between company and its customers. The evaluation of research findings will result in proposing solutions that will aim to improve the processes connected with the customer service in the DPD Company

    Multi-photon time-of-flight MLEM application for the positronium imaging in J-PET

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    We develop a positronium imaging method for the Jagiellonian PET (J-PET) scanners based on the time-of-flight maximum likelihood expectation maximisation (TOF MLEM). The system matrix elements are calculated on-the-fly for the coincidences comprising two annihilation and one de-excitation photons that originate from the ortho-positronium (o-Ps) decay. Using the Geant4 library, a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted for four cylindrical 22Na sources of beta plus decay with diverse o-Ps mean lifetimes, placed symmetrically inside the two JPET prototypes. The estimated time differences between the annihilation and the positron emission were aggregated into histograms (one per voxel), updated by the weights of the activities reconstructed by TOF MLEM. The simulations were restricted to include only the o-Ps decays into back-to-back photons, allowing a linear fitting model to be employed for the estimation of the mean lifetime from each histogram built in the log scale. To suppress the noise, the exclusion of voxels with activity below 2-10 percent of the peak was studied. The estimated o-Ps mean lifetimes were consistent with the simulation and distributed quasi-uniformly at high MLEM iterations. The proposed positronium imaging technique can be further upgraded to include various correction factors, as well as be modified according to realistic o-Ps decay models

    Determination of the modal parameters on the thin flat structures

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    This paper presents the investigation of modal parameters using the different approaches. The object of the examination is the simple structure such as flat rectangle plate is. Before starting the measurement, there have been calculated natural frequencies of the plate by analytical approach. Subsequently, the experiment part is performed. The appropriate measuring apparatus has to be applicated for the experimental analysis. First, there are evaluated modal parameters of the specimen, the so-called “frequency sweep” is used as the input signal for excitation. After that, the experimental harmonic analysis is performed according the obtained eigen frequencies from the modal analysis. In the final stage, the data from simulations and experimental measurement are compared


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    Public transport is currently one of the most important public services provided by cities. Its smooth operation enables agglomerations to grow in a sustainable way. The aim of this article is to present the results of a survey conducted among the inhabitants of the Tricity Metropolitan Area, concerning current assessment of the functioning of the public transport there. The presented analysis aims to identify the current quality of public transport services and the possibility of improving it in the future.Transport zbiorowy to obecnie jedna z najważniejszych usług publicznych świadczonych przez miasta. Jego sprawne funkcjonowanie umożliwia aglomeracjom zrównoważony rozwój. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród mieszkańców Obszaru Metropolitarnego Trójmiasta, które dotyczyły bieżącej oceny funkcjonowania komunikacji miejskiej. Przedstawiona analiza ma na celu określenie aktualnej jakości usług komunikacji zbiorowej oraz możliwości jej usprawnienia w przyszłości