7 research outputs found


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    Exponential function is pivotal mathematical concepts that play centralroles in advanced mathematics. Unfortunately, these are also concepts that give students serious difficulties. In this project, we described and examined the application of exponential function on the following topics: -population of one-horned rhino, loudness of sound, radioactive decay, carbon dating and population of Muslims in the whole world as well as in some countries. This work is motivated by the work of [1-39]

    A comparative study on strategic analysis and forecasting on profit maximization and operational efficiency in manufacturing business through differential equations

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    Differential equations are fundamental mathematical tools with wide-ranging applications in science and economics. This study delves into their role in business, focusing on strategic analysis and forecasting for profit maximization and operational efficiency in manufacturing. It explores various equation types, from ordinary to partial differentials, highlighting their critical role in modeling economic phenomena. Through a comprehensive case study, this research demonstrates the practical application of differential equations in optimizing production, sales, revenue, and profit. The study emphasizes their impact on strategic decision-making and navigating complex market dynamics for sustained growth and profitability

    MATRIX OPERATIONS: THE REAL-WORLD IMPLICATIONS OF MATRIXAnnotation:This undertaking explores the idea of matrices, their homes, and their diverse applications. It delves into essential matrix operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and inversion, imparting a strong basis for know-how matrix algebra. The challenge similarly investigates the role of matrices in fixing systems of linear equations, representinglinear changes, and reading facts structures. by way of examining actual-world examples, this takes a look at highlights the importance of matrices in numerous fields consisting of engineering, pc technological know-how, and economics. in the end, this task aims to demystify the concept of matrices and showcase their sensible application. Matrices are fundamental mathematical structures with diverse applications. This project explores their core concepts, properties, and operations. We delve into their historical development and evolution from simple calculations to powerful computational tools. By examining real-world examples, we demonstrate the versatility and significance of matrices in problem-solving. Additionally, we discuss emerging trends and potential future developments in matrix-related research. This work is motivated by the work of [1-6].Keywords:InformationabouttheauthorsSagar JhaDepartment of Mathematics, MIT Campus, T.U., Janakpur Dham, Nepal;Suresh Kumar SahaniDepartment of Science and Technology, Rajarshi Janak University, Janakpur Dham, Nepal;Kameshwar SahaniDepartment of Civil Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal;Historical After the invention of determinants—which resulted from the study of coefficientsof systems of linear equations—the concept of a matrix and the field of linear algebra were introduced and developed. Cramer introduced his determinant-based solution for solving systems of linear equations (now known as Cramer's rule) in 1750, and Leibnitz, one of the calculus pioneers, employed determinant in 1963.

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    This undertaking explores the idea of matrices, their homes, and their diverse applications. It delves into essential matrix operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and inversion, imparting a strong basis for know-how matrix algebra. The challenge similarly investigates the role of matrices in fixing systems of linear equations, representinglinear changes, and reading facts structures. by way of examining actual-world examples, this takes a look at highlights the importance of matrices in numerous fields consisting of engineering, pc technological know-how, and economics. in the end, this task aims to demystify the concept of matrices and showcase their sensible application. Matrices are fundamental mathematical structures with diverse applications. This project explores their core concepts, properties, and operations. We delve into their historical development and evolution from simple calculations to powerful computational tools. By examining real-world examples, we demonstrate the versatility and significance of matrices in problem-solving. Additionally, we discuss emerging trends and potential future developments in matrix-related research. This work is motivated by the work of [1-6


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    In this report, we have examined the real life applications of matrix on the following topics: customer satisfaction analysis, economic impact on other business due to commencement of new business, profit maximization, determine cost of production and find out warehouse capacity.This work is motivated by the work of [1-6

    Rocket science unveiled: A differential equation exploration of motion

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    Through the perspective of differential equations, the report "Rocket Science Unveiled" explores the amazing invention of rocket propulsion. In order to study, comprehend, and forecast the behavior of rocket engines, differential equations are essential. In order to better understand and analyze this intricate anomaly, the report aims to investigate the underlying mathematics of rocket propulsion and how differential equations work. We apply the differential equation to clarify the fuel consumption and thrust generation rates. In addition, we utilize Newton's rule of motion to explain the relationship among thrust, mass, and acceleration. Working on this study allowed us to discover the anticipated outcome for both position location and spacecraft position determination. For iterative operations, we used Euler's approach because the analytical calculation of differential equations is complicated, we used Euler's method for iterative operations. Knowing the rocket's initial or previous value allows us to locate or establish its placements with ease

    A possible underground roadway for transportation facilities in Kathmandu Valley: A racking deformation of underground rectangular structures

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    Abstract The increasing number of private cars, public transportation vehicles, and pedestrians, as well as the absence of adequate space for these ground amenities, are one of the primary causes of traffic congestion and accidents in the Kathmandu Valley. Investigations have indicated that the Kathmandu Valley has the greatest traffic accidents despite the heavy presence of the government and its agencies there. Most teens and young adults suffer injuries while using motor vehicles. The study's primary objective is to foresee and prevent such complications by planning for sufficient subsurface infrastructure (a cut‐and‐cover rectangular tunnel) for the Kathmandu Valley's transportation network. The overlying pressure, lateral earth pressure, live load, uplift pressure, and live surcharge are some of the forces acting on the tunnel, creating unique stress and moment zones. The tunnel meets the following geometric requirements: (a) Each of the tunnel's two cells has a clear span of 10 m and a clear height of 5.5 m. The side walls, inner walls, top slab, and bottom slab are all 700 mm thick. Soil has built up to a height of 4 m over the tunnel's roof. The analytical method is used in the tunnel segment's analysis. Furthermore, the designed tunnel has been evaluated for stability, considering the deflection and shear resistance. The analysis indicates that the tunnel meets the stability requirements. This implies that the structure is capable of withstanding the applied forces without excessive deflection. Non‐linear dynamic time history analyses of the El Centro earthquake and the Gorkha earthquake were computed. From the El Centro earthquake, the maximum displacement was 23.63 mm at 10.59 s, and from the Gorkha earthquake, the maximum displacement was 16 mm at 0.19 s for the modeled structures

    Mechanical Properties of Plastic Sand Brick Containing Plastic Waste

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    The use of plastic has grown extensively in recent years all over the world. It is inexpensive and easily available and can be moulded into any shape. However, plastic is nonbiodegradable; it causes pollution and create difficulties in managing even for a wealthy nation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the environment-friendly potential use of plastic and demonstrate usefulness of plastic sand bricks as alternative structural elements, replacing standard clay brick. The physical and mechanical properties of plastic sand bricks were studied in different plastic sand ratios of 1 : 3, 1 : 4, and 1 : 5 by their weight, using plastic as a binder. Moreover, the thermal resistance test, split tensile strength test, penetration test, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were performed. The study concluded that the strength of plastic sand brick depends upon the uniformity of the mixture and increases when the ratio of sand and plastic in the mixture is increased to 1 : 4 from 1 : 3. Any increase or decrease in the ratio 1 : 4 is found to reduce the strength. All the bricks in any of the ratios showed zero water absorption and nil efflorescence