1,599 research outputs found

    New CFAR algorithm and circuit development for radar receiver

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    Automatic target detection radar requires adaptive thresholding achieved by the Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) circuit to control the false alarm caused by variations in the background clutter. This thesis deal with the problem that happened when an abrupt variation in background clutter merged with a multi-interfering target, and when the clutter cloud itself centered with multi-interfering targets. To detect targets in such environments, it needs a robust CFAR algorithm that excises the target spikes and clutter edges from the CFAR window to give the best possible estimation of the noise background. The Maximum Spike Subtraction MSS-CFAR family that uses two lock circuits to find two maximum spikes in the CFAR window that subtracted from sample summing to make better background noise estimation that used to construct an adaptive threshold. The MSS-CFAR family is MSS-CA�CFAR, MSS-GO-CFAR, and MSS-SO-CFAR, MSS-CFAR family in addition to two core algorithms were studied which are cell averaged CA-CFAR family that includes the greatest of GO-CFAR and smallest of SO-CFAR and ordered statistics OS-CFAR family that include greatest of ordered statistics OSGO-CFAR and the smallest of ordered statistics OSSO-CFAR. All these algorithms are simulated using MATLAB and applied them to three different clutter models that represent different environment cases. The CA-CFAR family failed to handle models two and three also OS-CFAR family except for OS-CFAR that handle all models successfully. For the MSS-CFAR family, MSS-CA-CFAR could handle all models successfully, and comparing with OS-CFAR, the MSS-CA-CFAR need less hardware and processing time because it did not need a sorting process that is essential for OS-CFAR. Therefore, the MSS-CA-CFAR is chosen to implement by practical digital circuit and there is another important feature in the MSS-CFAR algorithm that is parallel processing since the spike selection process is done at the same time with summing of samples process that makes this algorithm much less in processing time from any other algorithm using the same environment. The last MATLAB test for MSS-CA- vi CFAR with a spiky exponential model shown in Table 4.3 in chapter four shows clearly that MSS-CA-CFAR detects nine targets from ten that means the efficiency of detection of the proposed method is 90%. The field-programmable gate array FPGA chip that is used to implement the MSS-CA-CFAR algorithm needs only three signals from the radar receiver to match with the receiver circuit correctly which are time base clock signal period reset trigger signal and the pulse duration time


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    MUSTAFA KAMAL Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Pakan Fermentasi Asal Ampas Tahu, Jagung, Dedak dan Bungkil Kedelai Dengan Multi Enzim Pencernaan dan Vitamin E Dalam Ransum Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa dan Kadar Hormon Testosteron Ayam Arab. DASRUL dan M. AMAN YAMANPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kombinasi pakan fermentasi asal ampas tahu, jagung, dedak, bungkil kedelai dengan multi enzim pencernaan dan vitamin E dalam ransum terhadap tampilan produksi, kualitas semen, dan kadar hormon testosteron ayam arab.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari empat perlakuan dengan lima kali ulangan,yaitu 1) P0: ransum komersil (524), 2) P1: 83% ransum komersial + 10% pakan fermentasi + 0,15% multi enzim+ 0,02% vit E, 3) P2: 79,83% ransum komersial + 20% pakan fermentasi + 0,15% multi enzim+ 0,02% vit E, 4) P3: 69,83% ransum komersial + 30% pakan fermentasi + 0,15% multi enzim+ 0,02% vit E. Semua perlakuan diberikan selama 35 hari. Pengukuran kualitas spermatozoa dilakukan dengan metode yang dilakukan diBIB lembang dan kadar hormon testosteron dilakukan dengan menggunakan enzyme_linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis of variance (ANOVA) yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kombinasi pakan fermentasi asal ampas tahu, jagung, dedak dan bungkil kedelai dengan multi enzim pencernaan dan vitamin E dalam ransum tidak berpengaruh secara nyata (P>0,05) terhadap pH, bau dan konsistensi semen, namun berpengaruh secara nyata (

    UI Construction for a Web-Based IDE on an Industrial IoT System

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    ABB as one of the leading power and automation company is connecting millions of electrical devices and systems to industrial internet of things called ABB Ability(TM). ABB Ability(TM) is refining the measured real-time data with calculations to additional soft sensors signals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the various levels from the system edges to central cloud. The engineering of the calculations requires web based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides good developer experience for the subject matter experts to be productive in their work. This thesis aims to construct a user interface for ABB calculation engine that will help subject matter expert to work on the calculation engine more efficiently. As the output of this thesis work, a web-based IDE is developed on top of ABB's internal front end dashboard framework. The developed user interface lets user to operate the calculation engine more efficiently and follows their natural work flow


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    Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kapasitas ketersediaan ruang parkir di RSIA Milano yang berada di Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Kelurahan Simpang Tiga Teluk Kuantan serta memberikan penanganan atau solusi nantinya apabila kendaraan melebihi kapasitas ruang parkir yang tersedia. Adapun metode analisis parkir yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode yang umum digunakan untuk menentukan kebutuhan lahan parkir yaitu metode berdasarkan selisih terbesar antara kedatangan dan keberangkatan kendaraan parkir dalam interval waktu tertentu. Hasil analisis kebutuhan parkir selama 3 hari pengamatan di dapat kebutuhan SRP untuk sepeda motor yaitu 58,13 SRP, sedangkan ruang parkir yang tersedia sebanyak 52 SRP, jadi kekurangan SRP berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan ruang parkir sebanyak 6,13 SRP atau 7 SRP. Sedangkan kebutuhan SRP untuk mobil yaitu 31,13 SRP, ruang parkir yang tersedia sebanyak 40 SRP, jadi kelebihan SRP mobil yang tersedia berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan ruang parkir sebanyak 4,74 SRP atau 5 SRP. luas lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk rencana penambahan ruang parkir sepeda motor  yang kurang sebanyak 7 SRP adalah 3 m2 x 7 = 21 m2

    Market justice on islamic business ethics perspective (Analysis Case of Business Competition Supervisory Commission Republik Indonesia, (KPPU-RI)

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    Social dimension in Indonesian market law

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    Empowering traditional market through waqf legal entity in Indonesia

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    Investigating enterprise application integration (EAI) adoption in the local government authorities (LGAs)

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.This thesis focuses on investigating Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) adoption in the Local Government Authorities (LGAs). EAI has emerged to support organisations to integrate their Information Technology (IT) infrastructures and deliver high quality of services. Despite the fact that several private and public organisations have adopted EAI, its application in LGAs is limited. This may illustrate that LGAs develop EAI solutions at a slower pace and they can be characterised as a laggard comparing to other sectors. The small number of EAI applications in LGAs has resulted in limited research in this area with many issues, like its adoption requiring further investigation. Literature indicates various models that analyse various factors influencing EAI adoption in the private and public domain. However, the applicability and validity of these models is arguable and under research in LGAs, as these were proposed to support the decision-making process in other sectors and not in LGAs. To the best of the researcher's knowledge, none of the existing EAI adoption models explored the importance of factors during different phases of the adoption lifecycle. Notwithstanding, the implications of EAI have yet to be assessed, leaving scope for timeliness and novel research. Thus, the researcher demonstrates that it is of high importance to investigate this area within LGAs and result in research that contributes towards successful EAI adoption. This thesis makes a step forward and contributes to the body of knowledge as it: investigates factors influencing the decision making process for EAI adoption in LGAs (Figure 3.2), analyses and proposes the adoption lifecycle phases (Figure 3.3), maps and prioritises the importance of EAI adoption factors on different phases of the adoption lifecycle (Chapter 5 for empirical results) and in doing so, to propose a model for EAI adoption in LGAs (Figure 3.7). The researcher claims that such an EAI adoption process in LGAs is significant and novel as: it extends established norms for EAI adoption, by including Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique for prioritising the importance of factors, thus, enabling LGAs to produce more robust proposals for EAI adoption. The researcher discusses on EAI adoption by using a qualitative, interpretive, multiple case study research strategy. Findings from three case organisations exhibit that such an approach contributes towards more robust decisions for EAI adoption and indicates that it is acceptable by the case organisations. Despite these results cannot be generalised, yet they can allow others to relate their views with the ones reported in this thesis. This thesis proposes, tests and presents a novel model for EAI adoption in LGAs and contributes to the body of knowledge by extending the literature

    Consanguinity Marriage Increases Risk of Newborn’s Congenital Anomalies in Sulaimani City

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    Consanguineous marriage may cause the transfer of two recessive defective mechanisms, one from the mother and the other from the father, to offspring, which may cause the appearance of congenital anomalies. This study is aimed at determining the role of consanguineous marriage with congenital anomalies and their types in Sulaimani City. This is a retrospective case-control study based on hospital records. The study was conducted in Maternity Teaching Hospital of Sulaimani City from January 1 to December 31 of 2018. A record of 522 neonates (260 newborns with CA and 262 newborns with the absence of CA) were delivered from the Maternity Teaching Hospital and all private hospitals which were collected from the statistic section of the maternal and child care unit of the Preventive Health Department. The sample of neonates without congenital anomalies was collected randomly from hospital records, and stillbirth was excluded. Categorical variables were summarized as frequencies and percentages, while for numeric variables mean and the standard deviation were used. Chi-square test was applied to compare categorical variables and odds ratios using STATA 12. A p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant if p smaller than 0.001 was reported as < 0.001. The mean age of the newborn children with CA was (1.79, SD 2.04) and for the mother’s cases was (29.59, SD 4.97). The commonest type of CA was congenital heart disease (25%); low birth weight and gender were statistically associated with types of CA (χ2 = 30.53 and p = 0.006 vs. χ2 = 45.3, p = <0.000, respectively). There was a significant correlation between parental marriage with anomalies (OR, 1.83, p = 0.001) and increase mothers age 30 years and over (OR, 2.56, p = 0.03). For eliminating this problem, there is an urgent need for educating unmarried people on the deleterious effects of consanguineous marriage, especially in Sulaimani City with high overall consanguinity rates
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