427 research outputs found
Multivalued Entropy of Supersymmetric Black Holes
The supersymmetric flow equations describing the flow of moduli from infinity
to the black hole horizon, and vice versa, are derived in the five-dimensional
theories where the moduli space of the very special geometry has disjoint
branches. The multiple solutions are derived from the `off the horizon'
attractor equation. Within each branch, the black hole entropy, as usual,
depends only on the near horizon attractor values of moduli, i.e. the entropy
depends on the charges and on coefficients of the cubic polynomial. It does not
depend on the values of the moduli fields at infinity. However, the entropy, as
well as the near horizon values of the moduli fields, are shown to depend on
the choice of the branch specified by the choice of the set of moduli at
infinity. We present examples of BPS black hole solutions with the same Q_I and
C_{IJK}, whose entropies differ significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Latex, JHEP styl
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