163 research outputs found
Early impact analysis of remote vital sign monitoring after esophagectomy: a multi-method study design
Background: Esophagectomy is associated with serious postoperative complications in 20-40% of the patients. Early recognition and treatment of these complications is critical to prevent secondary damage. To support medical professionals in the timely detection of clinical deterioration in patients admitted to the ward, it is of interest to use wireless sensor technologies allowing unobtrusive continuous vital sign tracking. However, it is yet unclear under which circumstances and to what extent telemonitoring provides beneficial effects in this patient population. Methods: We designed a multi-methods and multicenter study to evaluate the expected effects of continuous vital sign monitoring in the postoperative ward trajectory of patients undergoing esophagectomy. Semi-structured interviews with nurses and surgeons are conducted to elicit the probability of earlier detection and treatment of postoperative complications and the effects on related clinical outcome measures (mortality, ICU readmissions, and hospital stay length). To support valid estimations, interviews include scenario’s incorporating the characteristics and outcomes from center-specific patient population. Decision tree analysis is performed to assess the relation between clinical outcome for current situation and the conceived situation with continuous ward monitoring. Findings: We expect that the proposed study will provide insight in the clinical effects of continuous remote vital sign monitoring in the postoperative ward in patients undergoing esophagectomy. Discussion: Decision tree analysis combined with expert elicitation enables assessment of the afferent (i.e. monitoring) and efferent (i.e. response chain) arm of telemonitoring, and facilitates impact analysis in an early stage. The results of this study can be used to optimize the strategy of vital sign monitoring in wards, and to target situations where improvement in patient outcome and safety is expected
Nurses' prediction of volume status after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: a prospective cohort study
Pulmonary edema and blood volume after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a prospective observational study
Additive technology of obtaining products from ceramics
Created an original design of the device, which lets you create samples of thermoplastic ceramic slurry, which after sintering, are obtained ceramics with high strength and hardness parameters
The value of improving patient safety: Health-economic considerations for Rapid Response Systems – a Rapid Review of the Literature and Expert Round Table
Objectives Failure to rescue deteriorating patients in hospital is a well-researched topic. We aimed to explore the impact of safer care on health economic considerations for clinicians, providers and policymakers.Design We undertook a rapid review of the available literature and convened a round table of international specialists in the field including experts on health economics and value-based healthcare to better understand health economics of clinical deterioration and impact of systems to reduce failure to rescue.Results Only a limited number of publications have examined the health economic impact of failure to rescue. Literature examining this topic lacked detail and we identified no publications on long-term cost outside the hospital following a deterioration event. The recent pandemic has added limited literature on prevention of deterioration in the patients’ home.Cost-effectiveness and cost-efficiency are dependent on broader system effects of adverse events. We suggest including the care needs beyond the hospital and loss of income of patients and/or their informal carers as well as sickness of healthcare staff exposed to serious adverse events in the analysis of adverse events. They are likely to have a larger health economic impact than the direct attributable cost of the hospital admission of the patient suffering the adverse event. Premorbid status of a patient is a major confounder for health economic considerations.Conclusion In order to optimise health at the population level, we must limit long-term effects of adverse events through improvement of our ability to rapidly recognise and respond to acute illness and worsening chronic illness both in the home and the hospital
Introduction of a Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit in a Teaching Hospital Is Associated with a Reduced Length of Hospital Stay in Noncardiac Surgery:A Single-Centre Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Background: A post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) may improve postoperative care compared with intermediate care units (IMCU) due to its dedication to operative care and an individualized duration of postoperative stay. The effects of transition from IMCU to PACU for postoperative care following intermediate to high-risk noncardiac surgery on length of hospital stay, intensive care unit (ICU) utilization, and postoperative complications were investigated. Methods: This single-centre interrupted time series analysis included patients undergoing eleven different noncardiac surgical procedures associated with frequent postoperative admissions to an IMCU or PACU between January 2018 and March 2019 (IMCU episode) and between October 2019 and December 2020 (PACU episode). Primary outcome was hospital length of stay, secondary outcomes included postoperative complications and ICU admissions. Results: In total, 3300 patients were included. The hospital length of stay was lower following PACU admission compared to IMCU admission (IMCU 7.2 days [4.2–12.0] vs. PACU 6.0 days [3.6–9.1]; p < 0.001). Segmented regression analysis demonstrated that the introduction of the PACU was associated with a decrease in hospital length of stay (GMR 0.77 [95% CI 0.66–0.91]; p = 0.002). No differences between episodes were detected in the number of postoperative complications or postoperative ICU admissions. Conclusions: The introduction of a PACU for postoperative care of patients undergoing intermediate to high-risk noncardiac surgery was associated with a reduction in the length of stay at the hospital, without increasing postoperative complications.</p
Impact of wearable wireless continuous vital sign monitoring in abdominal surgical patients: before-after study
Background: Technological advances have enabled continuous monitoring of vital signs (CMVS) by wearable, wireless devices on general hospital wards to facilitate early detection of clinical deterioration, which could potentially improve clinical outcomes. However, evidence on the impact of these CMVS systems on patient outcomes is limited. This research aimed to explore the effect of CMVS on the clinical outcomes in major abdominal surgery patients in a general surgery ward. Methods: A single-centre before-after study was conducted from October 2019 to June 2022. Patients in the intervention group received CMVS in addition to conventional intermittent vital sign monitoring (standard care for control group). With CMVS, heart rate and respiratory rate were measured every 5min by a patch sensor. Proactive vital signs trends assessments and, when necessary, subsequent nursing activities were performed every nursing shift. The primary outcome of interest was the length of hospital stay (LOS); also, 12 patient-related outcomes were analysed. In the CMVS group, follow-up nursing activities of deviating vital signs trends were described and patient acceptability was measured. Post-hoc subgroup analysis was performed for colorectal and hepatopancreatobiliary surgery. Results: A total of 908 patients were included (colorectal: n = 650; hepatopancreatobiliary: n = 257). Overall, median LOS was lower in the CMVS group (5.0 versus 5.5 days; P = 0.012), respectively. Post-hoc subgroup analysis showed this reduction in LOS was mostly observed in the colorectal group and not in the hepatopancreatobiliary group. Apart from a decrease in nurse-to-house-officer calls (from 15.3% to 7.7%; P = 0.007), all secondary clinical outcomes were similar in CMVS and control groups. However, a non-significant trend towards less-severe complications and reduced ICU LOS was observed in the CMVS group. In CMVS patients, 109 additional nursing activities were performed and 83% of patients indicated CMVS was acceptable. Conclusion: CMVS was associated with a significant reduction in LOS, while other clinical outcomes were unchanged. CMVS triggered additional nursing activities such as extra patient assessments and therapeutic interventions
Process Evaluation of a Wireless Wearable Continuous Vital Signs Monitoring Intervention in 2 General Hospital Wards: Mixed Methods Study
Background: Continuous monitoring of vital signs (CMVS) using wearable wireless sensors is increasingly available to patients in general wards and can improve outcomes and reduce nurse workload. To assess the potential impact of such systems, successful implementation is important. We developed a CMVS intervention and implementation strategy and evaluated its success in 2 general wards. Objective: We aimed to assess and compare intervention fidelity in 2 wards (internal medicine and general surgery) of a large teaching hospital. Methods: A mixed methods sequential explanatory design was used. After thorough training and preparation, CMVS was implemented—in parallel with the standard intermittent manual measurements—and executed for 6 months in each ward. Heart rate and respiratory rate were measured using a chest-worn wearable sensor, and vital sign trends were visualized on a digital platform. Trends were routinely assessed and reported each nursing shift without automated alarms. The primary outcome was intervention fidelity, defined as the proportion of written reports and related nurse activities in case of deviating trends comparing early (months 1-2), mid- (months 3-4), and late (months 5-6) implementation periods. Explanatory interviews with nurses were conducted. Results: The implementation strategy was executed as planned. A total of 358 patients were included, resulting in 45,113 monitored hours during 6142 nurse shifts. In total, 10.3% (37/358) of the sensors were replaced prematurely because of technical failure. Mean intervention fidelity was 70.7% (SD 20.4%) and higher in the surgical ward (73.6%, SD 18.1% vs 64.1%, SD 23.7%; P<.001). Fidelity decreased over the implementation period in the internal medicine ward (76%, 57%, and 48% at early, mid-, and late implementation, respectively; P<.001) but not significantly in the surgical ward (76% at early implementation vs 74% at midimplementation [P=.56] vs 70.7% at late implementation [P=.07]). No nursing activities were needed based on vital sign trends for 68.7% (246/358) of the patients. In 174 reports of 31.3% (112/358) of the patients, observed deviating trends led to 101 additional bedside assessments of patients and 73 consultations by physicians. The main themes that emerged during interviews (n=21) included the relative priority of CMVS in nurse work, the importance of nursing assessment, the relatively limited perceived benefits for patient care, and experienced mediocre usability of the technology. Conclusions: We successfully implemented a system for CMVS at scale in 2 hospital wards, but our results show that intervention fidelity decreased over time, more in the internal medicine ward than in the surgical ward. This decrease appeared to depend on multiple ward-specific factors. Nurses’ perceptions regarding the value and benefits of the intervention varied. Implications for optimal implementation of CMVS include engaging nurses early, seamless integration into electronic health records, and sophisticated decision support tools for vital sign trend interpretation
Wireless Remote Home Monitoring of Vital Signs in Patients Discharged Early After Esophagectomy:Observational Feasibility Study
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