22 research outputs found

    Acylated and Desacylated Ghrelin, Preptin, Leptin, and Nesfatin-1 Peptide Changes Related to the Body Mass Index

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    This study examines the levels of acylated and desacylated ghrelin, preptin, leptin, and nesfatin-1 peptide changes related to the body mass index (BMI). The subjects were allocated to 5 groups depending on their BMIs as follows: Group I (BMI 40 kg/m2). Serum acylated and desacylated ghrelin, preptin, and leptin levels were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and nesfatin-1 was measured by the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Desacylated ghrelin levels showed a gradual and statistically significant drop from Group I to Group V, while preptin and leptin levels exhibited a gradual and significant increase from Group I to Group IV. Serum nesfatin-1 levels gradually, but not significantly, increased from Group I to Group III and showed a significant decrease in Groups IV and V. In conclusion, leptin, preptin, and acylated ghrelin (AG) levels increased with higher BMI, whereas desacylated ghrelin (DAG) decreased and nesfatin-1 showed no clear relationship to BMI

    DNA Repair Gene Polymorphism and the Risk of Mitral Chordae Tendineae Rupture

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    Polymorphisms in Lys939Gln XPC gene may diminish DNA repair capacity, eventually increasing the risk of carcinogenesis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the significance of polymorphism Lys939Gln in XPC gene in patients with mitral chordae tendinea rupture (MCTR). Twenty-one patients with MCTR and thirty-seven age and sex matched controls were enrolled in the study. Genotyping of XPC gene Lys939Gln polymorphism was carried out using polymerase chain reaction-(PCR-) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The frequencies of the heterozygote genotype (Lys/Gln-AC) and homozygote genotype (Gln/Gln-CC) were significantly different in MCTR as compared to control group, respectively (52.4% versus 43.2%, = 0.049; 38.15% versus 16.2%, = 0.018). Homozygote variant (Gln/Gln) genotype was significantly associated with increased risk of MCTR (OR = 2.059; 95% CI: 1.097-3.863; = 0.018). Heterozygote variant (Lys/Gln) genotype was also highly significantly associated with increased risk of MCTR (OR = 1.489; 95% CI: 1.041-2.129; = 0.049). The variant allele C was found to be significantly associated with MCTR (OR = 1.481; 95% CI: 1.101-1.992; = 0.011). This study has demonstrated the association of XPC gene Lys939Gln polymorphism with MCTR, which is significantly associated with increased risk of MCTR

    Evaluation of oxidative stress biomarkers together with myeloperoxidase/paraoxonase-1 and myeloperoxidase/high density lipoprotein cholesterol in ST-elevation myocardial infarction

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    Oxidative stress is closely associated with atherosclerosis and acute coronary syndromes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate well-known and proportional oxidative stress biomarkers in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients

    Noncompaction and scleroderma reply

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    WOS: 000375094600024PubMed: 2711132

    The effect of birth season on diurnal variation of blood pressure in hypertensive patients

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    WOS: 000446690900003Background. Birth season has been found to be related to cardiovascular disorders, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between birth season and diurnal variation in blood pressure (BP) parameters in hypertensive patients. Material and methods. We enrolled 194 patients. The date of birth was recorded with the season of birth determined as winter (December-February), spring (March-May), summer (June-August) or autumn (September-November). All patients underwent 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) for evaluation of dipper or non-dipper status. We searched for the relationship between birth season and non-dipper status and other ABPM parameters. Results. 93 patients were classified into the dipper hypertensive group and 101 patients were in the non-dipper hypertensive group. We did not find any association between non-dipper status and birth season in hypertensive patients (p = 0.517). However, we found a significant relationship between diurnal variation in BP and birth season. This difference was observed between winter and spring season. We found a significant relationship between birth season and 24-hour diastolic BP, awake diastolic BP, sleep diastolic BP and sleep mean BP (p = 0.035, p = 0.037, p = 0.036, p = 0.032, respectively). These ABPM parameters were lower in patients born in winter than in those born in spring. Conclusion. Birth season was found to be related to diurnal variation in blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Hypertensive individuals born in winter had lower blood pressure than those born in spring

    Population structure and genetic analysis of narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) populations in Turkey

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    AKHAN, SULEYMAN/0000-0002-9122-1495; Kalayci, Gokhan/0000-0003-1255-496X; Bektas, Yusuf/0000-0002-8367-9746WOS: 000342437700001PubMed: 25139434The genetic differentiation among Turkish populations of the narrow-clawed crayfish was investigated using a partial sequence of cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (585 bp) of 183 specimens from 17 different crayfish populations. Median joining network and all phylogenetic analyses disclosed a strong haplotype structure with three prominent clades diverged by a range between 20 and 50 mutations and substantial inter-group pairwise sequence divergence (5.19-6.95 %), suggesting the presence of three distinct clades within the Anatolian populations of Astacus leptodactylus. the divergence times among the three clades of Turkish A. leptodactylus are estimated to be 4.96-3.70 Mya using a molecular clock of 1.4 % sequence divergence per million years, pointing to a lower Pliocene separation. the high level of genetic variability (H (d) = 95.8 %, pi = 4.17 %) and numerous private haplotypes suggest the presence of refugial populations in Anatolia unaffected by Pleistocene habitat restrictions. the pattern of genetic variation among Turkish A. leptodactylus populations, therefore, suggests that the unrevealed intraspecific genetic structure is independent of geographic tendency and congruent with the previously reported geographic distribution and number of subspecies (A. l. leptodactylus and A. l. salinus) of A. leptodactylus.Scientific Project Unit of Recep Tayyip Erdogan UniversityRecep Tayyip Erdogan University [2009.103.02.1]We would like to thank the editor and the reviewer for their time and valuable remarks. Funding for this research was provided by Scientific Project Unit of Recep Tayyip Erdogan University (Project 2009.103.02.1)

    The Early Repolarization Pattern and Gated SPECT Abnormality Association At the Concordant Localization with Coronary Stenosis: Just a Co-incidence or Not?

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    <div> <div> <div> <p>With this image focus, we have reported a co-incidence between the early repolarization pattern, gated SPECT wall motion abnormality and silent ischemic heart disease at concordant localization, as an interesting subject to be explored.<br></p> </div> </div> </div